Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

Dems suceeded in getting rid of the tax cuts for the richest Americans.
the rich found a way to get richer FASTER THAN THEY WERE GETTING RICHER; under Republican

and the Middle Class and poor are getting POORER FASTER in this; the EIGHTH-STRAIGHT YEAR of Progressive Majority Rule

How's that Trickle-UP working out letardz?

Actually, 7 1/2 years of "No compromise, un-American Tea Party Gop" obstruction and disfunction. Reaganist tax rates mean the rich keep getting rich while the nonrich and the country go to hell- and thanks for NO infrastructure jobs bills since the stimulus ran out in 2010, so the only help for the economy that mega rich Pubs have allowed is Wall St stimulus for the rich- which they just LOVE, like cheap illegal labor our new oligarchy, Pub dupes.:eusa_whistle:
Dems suceeded in getting rid of the tax cuts for the richest Americans.
the rich found a way to get richer FASTER THAN THEY WERE GETTING RICHER; under Republican

and the Middle Class and poor are getting POORER FASTER in this; the EIGHTH-STRAIGHT YEAR of Progressive Majority Rule

How's that Trickle-UP working out letardz?

Actually, 7 1/2 years of "No compromise, un-American Tea Party Gop" obstruction and disfunction. Reaganist tax rates mean the rich keep getting rich while the nonrich and the country go to hell- and thanks for NO infrastructure jobs bills since the stimulus ran out in 2010, so the only help for the economy that mega rich Pubs have allowed is Wall St stimulus for the rich- which they just LOVE, like cheap illegal labor our new oligarchy, Pub dupes.:eusa_whistle:

Can you ever crawl off of your upside down barstool long enough to think for yourself ?
Canadians pay less than half as much for health care as we do, with better outcomes...ACA will fix that over time...
And that's ALL Obama has been able to change...chicken little dupes. Get a grip lol...

Yes, everyone one here pays 21% OF THEIR INCOME in taxes here DUH. Except the poorest, who pay 17%. IOW, Pubs are FOS. SHOCKING lol...

Most Canadian companies offer private plans as part of their compensation plans.


[ame=]Paul Krugman Canadian healthcare - YouTube[/ame]
Dems suceeded in getting rid of the tax cuts for the richest Americans.
the rich found a way to get richer FASTER THAN THEY WERE GETTING RICHER; under Republican

and the Middle Class and poor are getting POORER FASTER in this; the EIGHTH-STRAIGHT YEAR of Progressive Majority Rule

How's that Trickle-UP working out letardz?

Actually, 7 1/2 years of "No compromise, un-American Tea Party Gop" obstruction and disfunction. Reaganist tax rates mean the rich keep getting rich while the nonrich and the country go to hell- and thanks for NO infrastructure jobs bills since the stimulus ran out in 2010, so the only help for the economy that mega rich Pubs have allowed is Wall St stimulus for the rich- which they just LOVE, like cheap illegal labor our new oligarchy, Pub dupes.:eusa_whistle:

Actually, 7 1/2 years of "No compromise, un-American Tea Party Gop"

Tea Party has only been around for 5 years.

Reaganist tax rates

The top rate is over 40% higher than under Reagan.

and thanks for NO infrastructure jobs bills since the stimulus ran out

You're welcome. We've had enough wasteful spending under this dipshit, weak ass President. Shovel ready? LOL!
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?
Canadians pay less than half as much for health care as we do, with better outcomes...ACA will fix that over time...
And that's ALL Obama has been able to change...chicken little dupes. Get a grip lol...

Yes, everyone one here pays 21% OF THEIR INCOME in taxes here DUH. Except the poorest, who pay 17%. IOW, Pubs are FOS. SHOCKING lol...

Most Canadian companies offer private plans as part of their compensation plans.


[ame=]Paul Krugman Canadian healthcare - YouTube[/ame]

So all universal healtrh care isn't communist? Shocking! And doesn't have anything to do with what I said...
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

I know. Keeping their own money?

The nerve!

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

As much as they earn.

How much is government entitled to?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

I know. Keeping their own money?

The nerve!

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Who said it's their money, Rich Bitch?
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

As much as they earn.

How much is government entitled to?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Why don't you ask your smartphone to contrast "earn" and "extract."
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

I know. Keeping their own money?

The nerve!

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Who said it's their money, Rich Bitch?

Who said it isn't, Commie twit?
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

Class envy troll thread...

Yup. They are going back pretty far to blame someone other than the liar in chief. Clinton had 8 years to change things. Obama has had plenty of time, yet they still blame others for the conditions. Obama is the worst enemy that the middle class ever had. The liberal policies have strangled small businesses and they are disappearing, but they want to blame a past president. Whatever helps you sleep at night, libs.
"The laws of economics are universal: the fact that in some countries there is so much less inequality and so much more equality of opportunity, the fact that in some countries inequality is not increasing—it is actually decreasing—is not because they have different laws of economics.

"Every aspect of our economic, legal, and social frameworks helps shape our inequality: from our education system and how we finance it, to our health system, to our tax laws, to our laws governing bankruptcy, corporate governance, the functioning of our financial system, to our anti-trust laws.

"In virtually every domain, we have made decisions that help enrich the top at the expense of the rest."

Joseph Stiglitz | Why Inequality Matters and What Can Be Done About It

How much more do the rich think they're entitled to?

As much as they earn.

How much is government entitled to?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Why don't you ask your smartphone to contrast "earn" and "extract."

Businesses earn, government extracts, Komrade

Did the computer company EXTRACT from you so you can post your Marxist ramblings

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Canadians pay less than half as much for health care as we do, with better outcomes...ACA will fix that over time...
And that's ALL Obama has been able to change...chicken little dupes. Get a grip lol...

Yes, everyone one here pays 21% OF THEIR INCOME in taxes here DUH. Except the poorest, who pay 17%. IOW, Pubs are FOS. SHOCKING lol...

Most Canadian companies offer private plans as part of their compensation plans.


[ame=]Paul Krugman Canadian healthcare - YouTube[/ame]

So all universal healtrh care isn't communist? Shocking! And doesn't have anything to do with what I said...

Hey dumbass....

You said better results.

First that is s a stupid comment.....

Second..Paul got told the results were not so great.

Suck on it.
Umm, Reagan died in 2004 and his last day in office was 1/20/89. Nobody ever accused George H. Bush of being a Reaganite but the economy stayed stable for twenty freaking years until democrats got the bright idea that they would force banks to make bad loans. Democrat Barney Frank had the responsibility for Fannie Mae which was top heavy with left wing political appointees like Jamie Garelick but the economy was still stable until Frank lied to America and Fannie collapsed. Barry Hussein has been in office for about six years. When is the radical left going to give him credit for the mess?

What a pile of crappe lol. F+F went from 75 to 25% of the real estate market in 2003 and Boooshie regulators allowed junk mortgages to be rated A+, bundled, insured and sold around the world, Rush/Fox/Beckbot. Everything you know is Pubcrappe...:cuckoo:

As long as the wealth of the richest at least triples while the rest and the country goes to hell under voodoo, nothing will change...

What do you say of the wealthy 1% who vote Liberal and of the small business owner who is demonized for being an entrepreneur? You are an anti-Capitalist.
As much as they earn.

How much is government entitled to?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Why don't you ask your smartphone to contrast "earn" and "extract."

Businesses earn, government extracts, Komrade

Did the computer company EXTRACT from you so you can post your Marxist ramblings

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Rent seekers EXTRACT wealth thereby shrinking the economic pie from what it would be without market manipulation, abusive credit card practices, and predatory lending; you know, your kind of "earners" and "job creators."

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