Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

The cons on this forum are either 1%ers, or as dumb as the GOP wants them to be. They vote to make their children peasants unless they're in the 1%.

lol; you're kind of mindless moron that cant admit your Party is in charge; and is the one on who's watch the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

and the icing on the cake is watching you losers cry that even your majority and so-called big brains arent enough to stop the mean ol Republicans and Tea People from supposedly getting their way
lol; blame the dead white guy who spent most of his own life as a democrat; who had a Dem House ALL 8 YEARS; and a Dem Senate for 2 years; for the failurs of the current half-Black man in the White House

idiots and hypocrites
Umm, Reagan died in 2004 and his last day in office was 1/20/89. Nobody ever accused George H. Bush of being a Reaganite but the economy stayed stable for twenty freaking years until democrats got the bright idea that they would force banks to make bad loans. Democrat Barney Frank had the responsibility for Fannie Mae which was top heavy with left wing political appointees like Jamie Garelick but the economy was still stable until Frank lied to America and Fannie collapsed. Barry Hussein has been in office for about six years. When is the radical left going to give him credit for the mess?

What a pile of crappe lol. F+F went from 75 to 25% of the real estate market in 2003 and Boooshie regulators allowed junk mortgages to be rated A+, bundled, insured and sold around the world, Rush/Fox/Beckbot. Everything you know is Pubcrappe...:cuckoo:

As long as the wealth of the richest at least triples while the rest and the country goes to hell under voodoo, nothing will change...

planes leave hourly dolt

The State of America’s Middle Class in Eight Charts | Two American Families | FRONTLINE | PBS

Thanks for the link! I wish they showed Real Dollars verses nominal dollars as Real Dollars is the most accurate way to measure income growth.
a Democrat; Franklin Raines; ap[pointed by a Democrat, Clinton, ran FANNIE MAE when they were bleeding hundreds of billions

exactly what "Booshie" regulators in the Bush years changed exactly what laws THAT DIDNT EXIST EARLIER that allowed junk mortgages to be rated A +

the name of the law; or the decision; give me something leftard
Dems suceeded in getting rid of the tax cuts for the richest Americans.
the rich found a way to get richer FASTER THAN THEY WERE GETTING RICHER; under Republican

and the Middle Class and poor are getting POORER FASTER in this; the EIGHTH-STRAIGHT YEAR of Progressive Majority Rule

How's that Trickle-UP working out letardz?

Thanks for the link! I wish they showed Real Dollars verses nominal dollars as Real Dollars is the most accurate way to measure income growth.
It's from the census bureau and it says it's adjusted to 2011 dollars. You're welcome!

I don't know. As the numbers I quoted earlier today on this thread showed only a $1.56 raise in the hourly wage since 1979 via the Dept of Labor statistics using Real Dollars, which translated to a 6% increase in 35 years. The graph you used shows a more drastic climb.
But again thanks for the link, I saw some pretty interesting stuff there.
a Democrat; Franklin Raines; ap[pointed by a Democrat, Clinton, ran FANNIE MAE when they were bleeding hundreds of billions

exactly what "Booshie" regulators in the Bush years changed exactly what laws THAT DIDNT EXIST EARLIER that allowed junk mortgages to be rated A +

the name of the law; or the decision; give me something leftard

They simply looked the other way while toxic mortgages were sold, bundled, insured, and put up for sale around the world. Fanny etc went from 75-80% of the market to 25% in 2004, that's why they needed a 200 billion bailout while Pub crony financial institutions needed 800 billion...
Reagan died; Reagan tax rates live on, so do the higher payroll, state and local taxes that resulted to make up the difference and kill the nonrich. Counting all taxes, everyone pays 21% except the poorest fifth, who pay 16%. The rich triple their wealth at least, while the non-rich and the country go to hell...
Reagan died; Reagan tax rates live on, so do the higher payroll, state and local taxes that resulted to make up the difference and kill the nonrich. Counting all taxes, everyone pays 21% except the poorest fifth, who pay 16%. The rich triple their wealth at least, while the non-rich and the country go to hell...

Counting all taxes, everyone pays 21% except the poorest fifth, who pay 16%

Show me.
Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Taking payroll taxes into account, in 2009, some 83 percent of filers paid either some federal payroll or some federal income tax. In 2007, the most recent non-recession year, 86 percent of filers paid either some federal payroll or some federal income tax.[19]
In addition, Congressional Budget Office data show that lower-income households pay a significantly larger share of their incomes in federal excise taxes (levied on goods such as gasoline) than middle- and upper-income households do.
When all federal taxes are considered, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of Americans pay such taxes. CBO data show that the poorest fifth of households paid an average of 4 percent of their incomes in federal taxes despite their low incomes in 2007, while the next fifth paid an average of 10 percent of income in federal taxes.
Low-income families also pay substantial state and local taxes. Most state and local
taxes are regressive, meaning that low-income families pay a larger share of their incomes in these taxes than wealthier households do. The bottom fifth of taxpayers paid 12.3 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2011, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).[20] That was well above the 7.9 percent average rate that the top 1 percent of households paid (see Figure 3).
Considering all taxes — federal, state, and local — the bottom 20 percent of households pays an average of 16 to 17 percent of their incomes in taxes. The next 20 percent of households pays about 21 percent of income in taxes, on average. [21]
In fact, when all taxes are considered, the share of taxes that each fifth of households pays is similar to its share of the nation’s total income.[22] ITEP data show that in 2011, the bottom fifth of households received 3.4 percent of the total income in the nation and paid 2.1 percent of the total taxes. The middle fifth of households received 11.4 percent of income and paid 10.3 percent of taxes. The top 1 percent of households received 21.0 percent of income and paid 21.6 percent of taxes. The tax system as a whole is only mildlyprogressive.[23]
Last edited:
Misconceptions and Realities About Who Pays Taxes ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Taking payroll taxes into account, in 2009, some 83 percent of filers paid either some federal payroll or some federal income tax. In 2007, the most recent non-recession year, 86 percent of filers paid either some federal payroll or some federal income tax.[19]
In addition, Congressional Budget Office data show that lower-income households pay a significantly larger share of their incomes in federal excise taxes (levied on goods such as gasoline) than middle- and upper-income households do.
When all federal taxes are considered, it is clear that the overwhelming majority of Americans pay such taxes. CBO data show that the poorest fifth of households paid an average of 4 percent of their incomes in federal taxes despite their low incomes in 2007, while the next fifth paid an average of 10 percent of income in federal taxes.
Low-income families also pay substantial state and local taxes. Most state and local
taxes are regressive, meaning that low-income families pay a larger share of their incomes in these taxes than wealthier households do. The bottom fifth of taxpayers paid 12.3 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2011, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).[20] That was well above the 7.9 percent average rate that the top 1 percent of households paid (see Figure 3).
Considering all taxes — federal, state, and local — the bottom 20 percent of households pays an average of 16 to 17 percent of their incomes in taxes. The next 20 percent of households pays about 21 percent of income in taxes, on average. [21]
In fact, when all taxes are considered, the share of taxes that each fifth of households pays is similar to its share of the nation’s total income.[22] ITEP data show that in 2011, the bottom fifth of households received 3.4 percent of the total income in the nation and paid 2.1 percent of the total taxes. The middle fifth of households received 11.4 percent of income and paid 10.3 percent of taxes. The top 1 percent of households received 21.0 percent of income and paid 21.6 percent of taxes. The tax system as a whole is only mildlyprogressive.[23]

there're so many loopholes the richest fifth actually pay 21% in ALL taxes. The resulting higher payroll, state and local taxes have brought the middle three fifths up to 21%, and the lowest fifth to 16%.

Damn, your thinking is muddled.

You should have said, the richest fifth actually pay 21% OF THEIR INCOME in taxes.
I suppose it helps Canadian middle class net worth to not have to sustain the equivalent of a second mortgage just to have access to basic healthcare... And all their industry doesn't have to pay a dime for health insurance for their employees. They pay less taxes than we do also.

Someone send an accountant up there and figure out what they're doing right. We need some of that down here..
Reagan died; Reagan tax rates live on, so do the higher payroll, state and local taxes that resulted to make up the difference and kill the nonrich. Counting all taxes, everyone pays 21% except the poorest fifth, who pay 16%. The rich triple their wealth at least, while the non-rich and the country go to hell...

Yes, the Canadians have adopted a more Reaganesque style of governance while Obama has gone the opposite direction. The Canadians are LOVING it. Us...not so much...
Canadians pay less than half as much for health care as we do, with better outcomes...ACA will fix that over time...
And that's ALL Obama has been able to change...chicken little dupes. Get a grip lol...

Yes, everyone one here pays 21% OF THEIR INCOME in taxes here DUH. Except the poorest, who pay 17%. IOW, Pubs are FOS. SHOCKING lol...

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