Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

I'm guessing that no one on this board is in the 1%. Why are some, on the Right, supporting their own demise?

I'm guessing that everyone on this board is hired by a rich guy. Why are some, on the Left, supporting their own demise?
Unions stand up to that 1% for fair treatment, while others just go along. "Sir, could have some more?"

Yeah...... Like the US Steel Unions which have decimated the US Steel industry? Like GM and Chrysler? You think the Toyota and Honda employees are wishing they had "stood up to that 1%" right now? Like the Hostess Union?

Unions served a purpose back when it was possible to setup a system of defacto enslavement.

Those days are long gone. Now Unions only serve to destroy their own jobs, and ruin their members.

And you most certainly are not standing up to the 1%. Not by a long shot. I have yet to see a 1% person selling off his Yacht because of the Unions. If anything, they play with the unions like a mouse caught by a cat.

Know what happens when the cat plays with the mouse? Eventually the mouse bites the cat, and the cat kills it, and lives the dead body on the back porch as a reminder to all the other mice.

Hostess, US Steel, GM plants, Boeing moved production to non-union states, Kia for example...

Laid-off UAW workers galled that they can't get jobs at non-union Kia plant |

When Korean automaker Kia decided to build its first assembly plant in the U.S., it chose wide-open spaces on the Georgia-Alabama line, far from big cities and unions, even in those two right-to-work states.

In November, 1,300 newly minted autoworkers began turning out Kia Sorentos for the North American market. Not one of those new employees in the nonunionized plant was pulled from the pool of thousands of unemployed Atlanta-area General Motors and Ford autoworkers.

Their plants had closed down in the shadow of Kia’s arrival. Ford’s Taurus/Sable plant in Hapeville shut down in 2006, while the Doraville GM plant shut down in 2008.

What galls the Atlanta-area UAW members? The jobs in West Point apparently are off limits to them.

The Unions have such a bad reputation, that now companies won't even hire former Union members. You were part of UAW? Sorry, need not apply here.

Ford and GM union members, out of work, and no possibility to get hired by anyone else, just like Hostess when they re-opened the plant, they hired all new workers, and former Union workers need not apply. Will not be considered.

And you think you are 'sticking it' to the 1%? No, you are just screwing yourselves. That's all you are doing.

The 1% at GM, Ford, Chrysler, Hostess, US Steel, and so on, they are not harmed one bit by closing down those jobs, and send you people home for good. The only one harmed is *YOU*. Not them.
Liberals act so shocked now that they find out their policies aren't helping the middle class. Wealth redistribution is a failure.

Since 2000, the US median income has increased just 0.3, where as in the UK the growth is 19.7, 19.7 in Canada, Ireland 16.2, Netherlands 13.9, Spain 4.1 and Germany 1.4. *
I don't think liberal policies were exclusively used from 2000-2014. Correct?
What wealth redistribution? As the middle class is clearly weakened and have lost wealth, the top percentiles have increased their wealth.
So you're right, wealth going upwards while the middle class flounders is a disaster.
The real problem has been flat wage growth during an era of record productivity. Who determines wage increases? Who shipped jobs offshore to sweatshops? Who replaced workers with automation? Who bebfits from keeping wages low and flat?
You folks are barking up the wrong tree. Maybe some folks should do some research from a vast resources?

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Liberals act so shocked now that they find out their policies aren't helping the middle class. Wealth redistribution is a failure.

Since 2000, the US median income has increased just 0.3, where as in the UK the growth is 19.7, 18.7 in Canada, Ireland 16.2, Netherlands 13.9, Spain 4.1 and Germany 1.4. *
I don't think liberal policies were exclusively used from 2000-2014. Correct?
What wealth redistribution? As the middle class is clearly weakened and have lost wealth, the top percentiles have increased their wealth.
So you're right, wealth going upwards while the middle class flounders is a disaster.
The real problem has been flat wage growth during an era of record productivity. Who determines wage increases? Who shipped jobs offshore to sweatshops? Who replaced workers with automation?
You folks are barking up the wrong tree. Maybe some folks should do some research from a vast resources?


Since 2000, the US median income has increased just 0.3,

I'll bet if we send 12 million illegals back home, that'll improve our median.
Liberals act so shocked now that they find out their policies aren't helping the middle class. Wealth redistribution is a failure.

Since 2000, the US median income has increased just 0.3, where as in the UK the growth is 19.7, 19.7 in Canada, Ireland 16.2, Netherlands 13.9, Spain 4.1 and Germany 1.4. *
I don't think liberal policies were exclusively used from 2000-2014. Correct?
What wealth redistribution? As the middle class is clearly weakened and have lost wealth, the top percentiles have increased their wealth.
So you're right, wealth going upwards while the middle class flounders is a disaster.
The real problem has been flat wage growth during an era of record productivity. Who determines wage increases? Who shipped jobs offshore to sweatshops? Who replaced workers with automation? Who bebfits from keeping wages low and flat?
You folks are barking up the wrong tree. Maybe some folks should do some research from a vast resources?


That is a classic deflection. Liberals have been in control of one or either house for latter half of the 2000's and now have a president whose been in office for 6 years. From 2006 to 2010 they held the house and the senate. From 2006 to present, they have been in control of the Senate. From 2008 to present, they have controlled the White House. They have been in control for long enough to pass policies and enact presidential decrees which would affect the median income in the US. Is this another "it's Bush's fault" I see coming on?

Moreover, who passes the business regulations? Government. Overregulation has forced many businesses to outsource their jobs overseas. As for your so-called "research," it is no match for common sense.
When Democrats took both houses and began their legislative session in 2007, the median income was an inflation adjusted $55,627, not soon after, the median income began to drop like a stone. So, as research has it, Democrats get the blame for this.

2012 $51,017
2011 $51,100
2010 $51,892
2009 $53,285
2008 $53,644
2007 $55,627
2006 $54,892

Median Household Income History in the United States
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Obviously, neither the greedy idiot megarich Pubs of the new bs GOP or their dupes will do anything for the nonrich. A disgrace.

You know why the Canadian middle class is doing better than ours? Did you bother to even look into it or just post some dumbass shit you thought would make your fantasies come true?

They are drilling for oil. The middle class has jobs drilling and transporting it. The same eason certain parts of this country have a booming middle class, mostly concentrated in South Dakota and parts of Texas, it's oil production. But we sure as hell don't want any of that here now do we? Nah, we're going to TAX our way to the golden age baby! You idiots seem to think if we don't need a growing economy for wealth we just need to tax the shit out of the people doing well in a depression and everything will come up roses.
I wonder if Canadian born actors and entertainers like David Letterman plan to retire to their polite and cold homeland.
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
One could look at facts.

Seems that US citizens held much of their wealth in their homes. Suddenly, we (generic US citizens) had a housing bubble crash resulting in a great loss of general wealth.
That bubble burst wasn't caused by the rich, nor was the resulting loss of overall wealth. Dumbshits blame the rich for it though.
Hehe, look at the Canadian wealth growth in the middle class. It closely mirrors the wealth growth of the US middle class right before the real estate crash.
It's not smart government policy that put Canada in the lead, it was dumb US policy and dumb US citizens that caused us to go backwards.
Economics is simple as soon as one removes their political partisan blinders
Dems had control of congress for less than 13 days in session, since with Pubs you need 60 votes in the Senate AND the get ANYTHING done. But thanks for the 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, ruining the nonrich and the country, a DEPRESSION, AND 4 1/2 years of mindless obstruction...ay caramba. Great job.
Dems had control of congress for less than 13 days in session, since with Pubs you need 60 votes in the Senate AND the get ANYTHING done. But thanks for the 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, ruining the nonrich and the country, a DEPRESSION, AND 4 1/2 years of mindless obstruction...ay caramba. Great job.

You used that to get obiecare passed and promptly lost control. See how that works?
Bushies and their banking pals caused the meltdown.

How can you say this?

Don't you know that everything that happened under Bush is Carter and/or Clinton's fault?

Bush had nothing to do with the housing meltdown. Just because he is on record (below) sketching out a comprehensive plan to remove all lending restrictions on home purchases, it doesn't mean he's guilty of anything. The housing

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Dems had control of congress for less than 13 days in session, since with Pubs you need 60 votes in the Senate AND the get ANYTHING done. But thanks for the 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, ruining the nonrich and the country, a DEPRESSION, AND 4 1/2 years of mindless obstruction...ay caramba. Great job.

Boo hoo.

Too bad we have the weakest President in history.

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