Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

Reagan's goal was to reduce the labor costs and taxes of the wealthy. The result was the death of the middle class.

yeah right and I suppose it's roaring right back under this regime,trickle up poverty...He's raised taxes on anything and everything and the only ones it hurts, is the middle class.. and the poor especially, it sure as hell doesn't hurt the wealthy, like him and his comrades in arms
Obamanomics has been mindlessly blocked since the tax cuts for the non-rich/jobs act stimulus averted a depression but ran out in 2010. Spending for UE and welfare for victims of the corrupt Pub meltdown are not new policy, dingbat dupes. What we need is the recovery Pubs have wrecked with mindless obstruction and phony crises, but at least he hasn't started another typical corrupt Pub bubble, and our slow comeback is on solid ground. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars ever, too. How dumb can the dupes get?

He's raised NO taxes on the non-rich, and ACA is the best thing for the working class and the poor ever already, and will bring down our ridiculously expensive health costs from now on. Your "news'' is horse patoot, Pub dupe.:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...

If only the smartest President in history, say a half-black, partial term Senator from Illinois, could do something to prevent this travesty.
Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-
Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-

wow, lets come into the here and're trying blame Reagan for how things are today under THAT BRILLANT DEAR LEADER of yours

I already post on the two recoveries...Obama has failed at everything he's put on us...but what should we expect from a community agitator
And one other thing......

During the Administration of President of The United States, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the number of people entering the workforce was MUCH higher than it is today.

In fact, today population growth is practically non existent in the United States.

Not to mention the MILLIONS of people LEAVING the workforce.

And the Liar In Chief STILL manages to have a shit economy.

I'd say 'amazing' but we're talking about a dimocrap here. Dumbest fuckers to ever live. And dishonest, corrupt, deceitful, back-stabbing lying scum.

ALL of them

I have been wanting to comment on your moving avatar...That is one spectacular set of tits .
And at the same time you still think Obama is taking from the rich and giving to the poor..

Lord help these people

The ones who need help are the ones who blame everyone but Obama for what happens under his presidency.

Yeah if you were the boss of blame...Since you arent take blame for pretending Obama is funneling money to the poor while believing Obama is exclusively helping the rich.

You can ignore the contradiction all you want but that doesnt make it go away

Attempting to create your own narrative in the hopes of deflecting the issue away form Obama is not going to work.
The greedy rich are those you all vote for in the Democrat party

and see how we all so much RICHER under your dear Leader and their policies of no jobs, spending trillions of taxpayers monies on more government entitlements by making up a NEW GOVERNMENT program to suck more of your monies into, more taxes, gas and food prices THROUGH the roof his whole time in office

Obamanomics is, trickle up poverty while he and the rest of your master's get richer

talk about duped

Obviuosly to all but Pub hater dupes, the greedy idiot rich want to lower their own taxes, continue to screw the non-rich, workers, environmental regulations, etc, and continue to not invest in the country and its citizens- that's Reaganism, a bs failure from the beginning. His "success" was due to debt spending and the corrupt S+L bubble/bust/scandal, and conning the poor schmucks that are its victims. See sig pp1.

Obamanomics hasn't existed since the tax cuts for the non-rich/jobs act stimulus averted a depression but ran out in 2010. Spending for UE and welfare for victims of the corrupt Pub meltdown are not new policy, dingbat dupes. What we need is the recovery Pubs have wrecked with mindless obstruction and phony crises, but at least he hasn't started another typical corrupt Pub bubble, and our slow comeback is on solid ground. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars ever, too. How dumb can the dupes get?:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

the greedy idiot rich want to lower their own taxes, continue to screw the non-rich, workers, environmental regulations, etc, and continue to not invest in the country and its citizens-

I know, Reid, Pelosi and Obama are just awful!
Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-

Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace.

Reaganist tax rates were 28% at the most.

You can't blame Reagan for today's much higher rates.
obama's policies have the exact result they were expected to have. It's the Cloward Piven strategy in action.

I don't know about Piven. However, I am willing to guess that strategy has something to do with creating and expanding dependency on government?

So you'll have no problem telling us the new Obama laws and policies that expand dependency lol.
This stuff is obviously being spread throughout the leftwing blogisphere. Suddenly Reagan is back in their crosshairs. Obviously the broken Bushdidit record isn't playing well these days so they need a new villain and an old one will do. And the younger libs have no clue about the era.

I think they realize the inevitable comparison of Obama will be made to Carter so the top libs decided they need to destroy anyone that would resemble Reagan and use his arguments. Especially since they've been proven true.

I believe the democrats are gravely concerned they will lose the Senate in November that they have been simply throwing mud at a wall to see what sticks.
First it was cuts to social programs. Then climate change. Then it was the economic recovery,. Then it was income inequality. Then it was the middle class.
The democrat party has no 'outs'...
The GOP must sit back and make the Dems run on their record which includes hanging Obamacare around their necks.
The GOP should avoid social issues and tell the bible thumpers to keep quiet.
The GOP must keep the discussion focused on kitchen table issues.
While lower and middle class Republicans and Democrats spend all their time blaming one another for the stagnant middle class the 1 Percent laugh all the way to the bank. You are doing just what wallstreet/banks want you to do. Keep it up and pretty soon all of us will be begging for a roof over our head and food.

Oh please. Begging for food?
Look, your guy there in the White House is ramping up pressure on those in wealth management and other financial areas to pony up campaign money. After all Obama and the Federal Reserve has allowed Wall Street to feed at the government trough to tune of $85 billion per month for the last 4.5 years. They OWE Obama....
In any event, your premise follows the Keynesian Theory of the Zero Sum Game...
You believe that "Wall Street" is getting rich by taking from a finite amount of wealth. Such is not the case.
There is no share of the pie. Wealth is created. it does not exist in a vacuum.
There is no magic pot of money in a secret vault from which cash is doled from one pile( I assume YOUR pile) and taken by another person...
In other words, the theory that if one has more then another MUST have less, has been debunked six days per week and twice on Sunday
Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-

Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace.

Reaganist tax rates were 28% at the most.

You can't blame Reagan for today's much higher rates.

39% for over 400k, 35% over 250k are still Reaganist in comparison to pre-Reagan, and there're so many loopholes the richest fifth actually pay 21% in ALL taxes. The resulting higher payroll, state and local taxes have brought the middle three fifths up to 21%, and the lowest fifth to 16%. All in all, a scam that's killing the country...not mention the 12% EFFECTIVE corporate tax, which in the fifties was 35% of taxes, now 10%.
Interestingly, [MENTION=2926]Toro[/MENTION] hasn't chimed in. :eusa_think: Its because he knows the truth :mad: and it dovetails w/ the OP!!! Canadians saw the US greed-fest going on and knew it wouldn't last. They were smart :)
Reagan's goal was to reduce the labor costs and taxes of the wealthy. The result was the death of the middle class.

yeah right and I suppose it's roaring right back under this regime,trickle up poverty...He's raised taxes on anything and everything and the only ones it hurts, is the middle class.. and the poor especially, it sure as hell doesn't hurt the wealthy, like him and his comrades in arms
Obamanomics has been mindlessly blocked since the tax cuts for the non-rich/jobs act stimulus averted a depression but ran out in 2010. Spending for UE and welfare for victims of the corrupt Pub meltdown are not new policy, dingbat dupes. What we need is the recovery Pubs have wrecked with mindless obstruction and phony crises, but at least he hasn't started another typical corrupt Pub bubble, and our slow comeback is on solid ground. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars ever, too. How dumb can the dupes get?

He's raised NO taxes on the non-rich, and ACA is the best thing for the working class and the poor ever already, and will bring down our ridiculously expensive health costs from now on. Your "news'' is horse patoot, Pub dupe.:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

lol, still using that we the people voted in Republicans to stop this ego maniac after he swore that almost trillion dollar's he stole from taxpayers was going to save us and bring unemployment down...We already had Medicaid, medicare so why the fuck did we this scam called, oscamcare it's so the best thing only 8million people have looked at the pos... and already they are calling to raise fees on people using it
I guess raising taxes on cigarettes was what you call, the non rich?
you're such a programmed useful tool and you don't seem to mind..
Last edited:
While lower and middle class Republicans and Democrats spend all their time blaming one another for the stagnant middle class the 1 Percent laugh all the way to the bank. You are doing just what wallstreet/banks want you to do. Keep it up and pretty soon all of us will be begging for a roof over our head and food.

Oh please. Begging for food?
Look, your guy there in the White House is ramping up pressure on those in wealth management and other financial areas to pony up campaign money. After all Obama and the Federal Reserve has allowed Wall Street to feed at the government trough to tune of $85 billion per month for the last 4.5 years. They OWE Obama....
In any event, your premise follows the Keynesian Theory of the Zero Sum Game...
You believe that "Wall Street" is getting rich by taking from a finite amount of wealth. Such is not the case.
There is no share of the pie. Wealth is created. it does not exist in a vacuum.
There is no magic pot of money in a secret vault from which cash is doled from one pile( I assume YOUR pile) and taken by another person...
In other words, the theory that if one has more then another MUST have less, has been debunked six days per week and twice on Sunday

Of course, that's the only stimulus of any kind Pubs have allowed since the got the filibuster in 2/2010, the lying hypocrites, Pub dupe...

Actually, in the real world, there is a de post facto pie...a GDP pie, a tax pie, and the richest and corporations are getting away with murder...
Progduppe forgot Obama laughed at "shovel ready"

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The greedy rich are those you all vote for in the Democrat party

and see how we all so much RICHER under your dear Leader and their policies of no jobs, spending trillions of taxpayers monies on more government entitlements by making up a NEW GOVERNMENT program to suck more of your monies into, more taxes, gas and food prices THROUGH the roof his whole time in office

Obamanomics is, trickle up poverty while he and the rest of your master's get richer

talk about duped

Obviuosly to all but Pub hater dupes, the greedy idiot rich want to lower their own taxes, continue to screw the non-rich, workers, environmental regulations, etc, and continue to not invest in the country and its citizens- that's Reaganism, a bs failure from the beginning. His "success" was due to debt spending and the corrupt S+L bubble/bust/scandal, and conning the poor schmucks that are its victims. See sig pp1.

Obamanomics hasn't existed since the tax cuts for the non-rich/jobs act stimulus averted a depression but ran out in 2010. Spending for UE and welfare for victims of the corrupt Pub meltdown are not new policy, dingbat dupes. What we need is the recovery Pubs have wrecked with mindless obstruction and phony crises, but at least he hasn't started another typical corrupt Pub bubble, and our slow comeback is on solid ground. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars ever, too. How dumb can the dupes get?:eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
You are in need of a good stiff drink...Or a CAT scan
The story that I read this a.m. attributed much of the candian middle class wealth gain to a real estate bubble that hasn't yet popped.

And it won't...Tell you why....The Canadian government has never interfered in the real estate market. No fannie/freddie stuff. No CRA. No creation of a subprime market. No creation of an artificial market for low income buyers.
Credit is market based in Canada. If one has a low credit score, they don't get the loan.
And Canada has never monitized their federal debt. In fact, Canada has a much smaller debt to GDP ratio than the US.
Lastly, the rising price of homes is due to supply and demand.
The system is not designed for the middle class to get ahead. It never has been. There are those idiots who say "if you are willing to work hard enough you can be rich" and that my friends is the biggest lie ever told. Facts are facts, so complaining about it isn't going to do any good. The wealth is concentrated in the hands of a very few. This was the fact long before Reagan took office.; Things have always been skewed towards those holding the most wealth because money talks. It has taken people this long to figure out the system is skewed NOT in their favor? Holy cow. That is slow. If you are in the middle class, enjoy it while it lasts. Those controlling the wealth have the power and the money to do anything they want to keep it as it is But that's ok. Find your own happiness.
That is a load of defeatist crap.

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