Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-

Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace.

Reaganist tax rates were 28% at the most.

You can't blame Reagan for today's much higher rates.

39% for over 400k, 35% over 250k are still Reaganist in comparison to pre-Reagan, and there're so many loopholes the richest fifth actually pay 21% in ALL taxes. The resulting higher payroll, state and local taxes have brought the middle three fifths up to 21%, and the lowest fifth to 16%. All in all, a scam that's killing the country...not mention the 12% EFFECTIVE corporate tax, which in the fifties was 35% of taxes, now 10%.

39% for over 400k, 35% over 250k are still Reaganist in comparison to pre-Reagan

I blame the "much higher than Reagan rates" for the middle class income, debt, and savings under Obama.

the richest fifth actually pay 21% in ALL taxes. The resulting higher payroll, state and local taxes have brought the middle three fifths up to 21%, and the lowest fifth to 16%.

That's awful! Your liberal math shows that total tax payments add up to 58%. :badgrin:
obama's policies have the exact result they were expected to have. It's the Cloward Piven strategy in action.

I don't know about Piven. However, I am willing to guess that strategy has something to do with creating and expanding dependency on government?

So you'll have no problem telling us the new Obama laws and policies that expand dependency lol.

What the fuck do you think Obamacare does?
With the stroke of Obama's pen, the federal government essentially took over 1/6th of the US economy to the benefit of NO ONE...
Buried in the ACA are tons of taxes and fees.
ACA has created a crippling effect on job creation because business just does not have a clue what's going to happen in the near future. The thing is so bad, Obama has had to delay the small and then all business mandate for compliance.
The result.....more people on public assistance than in any other time period since public assistance was invented.
Now if that is not creating dependency, there's no such thing.
Now you will spout off with the obstruction myth. HA! Even democrats cringe at some the stuff that comes out of the White House.
It comes as no surprise that incumbent democrats running for reelection have their hair on fire from jumping through flaming hoops to distance themselves from Obama's policies.
Look, your side had its chance. You blew it. Your side had the bully pulpit for two years. Instead of concentrating on policy and enactment of their platform, Obama and Co. were concerned only with creating political cover for themselves.
Just more bullshit from liberals who are trying to find a way to get people to vote for them. Blame Reagan for Obama's screw ups. You liberal assholes and enablers are the reason why we're in this economic crisis as it is. It gets tiresome to listen to this whining constantly. Grow up and grow a pair.
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this is the most pathetic I've seen from them yet

blame Reagan for how things are under the Dear Leader and blame Reagan because we are worse off with Obamanomics in that promised UTOPIA led by our very own dictator, Obozo Castro Chavez..

stay away from kool-aid
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yeah right and I suppose it's roaring right back under this regime,trickle up poverty...He's raised taxes on anything and everything and the only ones it hurts, is the middle class.. and the poor especially, it sure as hell doesn't hurt the wealthy, like him and his comrades in arms
Obamanomics has been mindlessly blocked since the tax cuts for the non-rich/jobs act stimulus averted a depression but ran out in 2010. Spending for UE and welfare for victims of the corrupt Pub meltdown are not new policy, dingbat dupes. What we need is the recovery Pubs have wrecked with mindless obstruction and phony crises, but at least he hasn't started another typical corrupt Pub bubble, and our slow comeback is on solid ground. Thanks for the stupidest, longest wars ever, too. How dumb can the dupes get?

He's raised NO taxes on the non-rich, and ACA is the best thing for the working class and the poor ever already, and will bring down our ridiculously expensive health costs from now on. Your "news'' is horse patoot, Pub dupe.:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:

lol, still using that we the people voted in Republicans to stop this ego maniac after he swore that almost trillion dollar's he stole from taxpayers was going to save us and bring unemployment down...We already had Medicaid, medicare so why the fuck did we this scam called, oscamcare it's so the best thing only 8million people have looked at the pos... and already they are calling to raise fees on people using it
I guess raising taxes on cigarettes was what you call, the non rich?
you're such a programmed useful tool and you don't seem to mind..

Actually, 8 million ENROLLED on the fed site, 4 million on state sites, 3 million on their parents, 5 million on Medicaid, despite a tidal wave of Pub bs. 5.7 have been blocked, mindlessly, from Medicaid in Red states...

From Carl Sandburg, American songbag:

"Cigarettes will spoil your life,
Ruin your health,
And kill your babyyyy

Poor innocent child...
But they're all so mild...
ALL cigarettes are milder than all other cigarettessssss...:eusa_whistle:
Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace. TAX THE RICH THEIR FAIR SHARE AND INVEST IN AMERICA-

Productivity may be hard to gauge, but middle class income, debt, and savings under Reaganist tax rates and Pub policy are an obvious disgrace.

Reaganist tax rates were 28% at the most.

You can't blame Reagan for today's much higher rates.

39% for over 400k, 35% over 250k are still Reaganist in comparison to pre-Reagan, and there're so many loopholes the richest fifth actually pay 21% in ALL taxes. The resulting higher payroll, state and local taxes have brought the middle three fifths up to 21%, and the lowest fifth to 16%. All in all, a scam that's killing the country...not mention the 12% EFFECTIVE corporate tax, which in the fifties was 35% of taxes, now 10%.

This is a target rich environment..
Ok genius, explain how it is that higher taxes grow the economy.
Then explain how the taking of money from the private sector increases prosperity.
Then explain how giving an already wasteful and expensive government more to spend is good for the economy.
Gee sunshine, why not just make everybody's tax rate 100%.....That based on your assertion that the higher the tax rates, the prosperity. Why not just go for the gold. Remove the concept of citizenship and make us all subjects of government. Using your logic.
Tax the rich their fair share and invest in jobs, infrastructure and training, cutting all the taxes, costs, and fees that have been rising on the non-rich for 30 years...ACA takes care of the other ridiculous drain on the economy. NOT IMMEDIATELY, of course DUH.
Tax the rich their fair share and invest in jobs, infrastructure and training, cutting all the taxes, costs, and fees that have been rising on the non-rich for 30 years...ACA takes care of the other ridiculous drain on the economy. NOT IMMEDIATELY, of course DUH.

The top ten % already cover 70% of the total tax burden..How much is enough?
Interesting to note that the bottom 45% of wage earners pay next to nothing.
I'm guessing that no one on this board is in the 1%. Why are some, on the Right, supporting their own demise?
Another works progress administration is whats needed...make work projects and more spending....for the ummm common good
It's funny that the same people who seem to be bragging about Canada's economy also support Hussein's apparent rejection of the Keystone pipeline.
we can thank raygun & his deregulation for helping to crater the economy again.

Last I checked, deregulation created a booming economy in the 80s and 90s.

Last I checked, it was one of the most heavily regulated aspects of our economy that crashed in 2008.

And btw.... Canada has one of the least regulated Banking systems, and they didn't have any bank failures. Chew on that.

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