Canadian middle class passes American- Thanks Reaganism...

Of course, being a mindless dupe, you can only parrot bs about our Raygun fed income tax. If you count ALL taxes and fees, everyone is paying 20-30%.

Reagan did it by tripling the debt and screwing the nonrich duh. And a corrrupt S+L boom/bust/scandal as usual, dupe. Just like the scumbag Pub regulator W World Depression. Yes, Obama spent 6 trillion to avoid the worst effects here. How'd Arab countries with no oil do?
Reagan had a Democrat congress. They didn't spend any money? Seriously? I wasn't in a coma during Reagan's administration, I started a business and did quite well, along with my customers, 95% businesses.
There should be a flat tax or a consumption tax...that is fair. You do not get a wealthy people by taxing success into poverty.
We basically ALREADY have a flat tax- ALL paying between 20-30% in all taxes and fees, so now all the new wealth goes to the richest and the country goes to hell with bad demand for product. Another 20 years of this and we're Columbia... Brilliant, brainwashed functional moron.

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview =

Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

Where does this magical growth in productivity come from? Thin air? LOL!
Silly liberal.
Could you miss the point any more? lol

Franco said, while running away from my question like a teenaged girl.
You tell me, genius. The point is the middle class has gone to hell under voodoo duh.

Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation and decimated iy to making sustenance wages. Thanks Repub useful idiots.
The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation and decimated iy to making sustenance wages. Thanks Repub useful idiots.

The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation

Yeah, by cutting middle class taxes. LOL!
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.
The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation and decimated iy to making sustenance wages. Thanks Repub useful idiots.

The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation

Yeah, by cutting middle class taxes. LOL!
Also hit them with much higher payroll taxes- and of course states and local taxes and fees went up to make up for fed aid shortfalls- higher for nonrich.
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.

If the Democratic party you seem to love hated it so much, they've had 2 instances where they had complete control of both houses and the presidency to do something else, and chose not to.

So you're barking at the wrong strawman.
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
So what?
Fair share?
What's that?
There is no such thing as redistribution of income. Never has. Never will be.
Fuck your signature.
Only a complete moron would believe confiscatory taxation would result in the enrichment of others.
Its unadulterated lunacy. The subject is not worth discussing
When the rich get 99% of new wealth, they're not paying their fair share duh. And the nonrich are paying to much and not getting paid enough when...SEE links duh. and sig pp 1. Pub dupes!!
Fair share of WHAT?.....1% of WHAT?
You troll the liberal blogs for the galactically stupid and post the nonsense on here..
Ok, a serious question. Let's suppose for a moment the tax rates for upper incomes were increased to say 75%. Now, what do you think government would do with their new found( temporary) bounty?
Do you insist this money would be simply distributed to others in the form of checks?
You insist upon harping on the "1%", the "fair share"....The wealthy, A dead president that served over 30 years ago together with a whole bunch of green with envy spew.
Guess what? Nobody cares....
And just how do the rich "get" 99%( a figure you will no doubt be woefully unable to prove save for some opinion of an anarchist anti capitalist jagoff who bangs out a bunch of alarmist bullshit on an obscure blog that maybe 1,000 people per month even bother to read) of "new wealth"?.....Define "get"..
Stop demanding other to immerse themselves in your signature opinion. Nobody give a shit about the ratings of a far left wing loon such as yourself.
Now just answer the questions without the usual francocrape.
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.

If the Democratic party you seem to love hated it so much, they've had 2 instances where they had complete control of both houses and the presidency to do something else, and chose not to.

So you're barking at the wrong strawman.
This poster is hysterical. I think the possibility exists he talks to himself in his room and like a person with Tourette's Syndrome barks out these angry reposes on a regular basis.
I believe Thorazine may be in order.
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.

If the Democratic party you seem to love hated it so much, they've had 2 instances where they had complete control of both houses and the presidency to do something else, and chose not to.

So you're barking at the wrong strawman.
Yup, raising taxes in the middle of a corrupt Pub meltdown is a great idea...
It seems that the U.S. supports more illegal aliens than the entire population of Canada so here's an idea. Create a bus service to transport illegals from the Mexican border to the Canadian border and coincide Boxing Day with Cinco De Mayo.
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.

If the Democratic party you seem to love hated it so much, they've had 2 instances where they had complete control of both houses and the presidency to do something else, and chose not to.

So you're barking at the wrong strawman.
Yup, raising taxes in the middle of a corrupt Pub meltdown is a great idea...

Well you're the one complaining that lowering taxes is bad. Make up your mind.

Higher taxes good?

Lower taxes good?
Did I miss something? I thought Reagan left office almost 30 years ago. Who knew he's been in office all this time.

Doing this after he's been dead has been a neat trick.
The Bush bashing got so old it wasn't selling any more. Lots of new brains to wash that weren't around then so Reagan is the target, until a Republican becomes president. It's all they have to run on.
It's all the same Reaganism, brainwashed functional morons. Just like your GOP BS propaganda.

If the Democratic party you seem to love hated it so much, they've had 2 instances where they had complete control of both houses and the presidency to do something else, and chose not to.

So you're barking at the wrong strawman.
This poster is hysterical. I think the possibility exists he talks to himself in his room and like a person with Tourette's Syndrome barks out these angry reposes on a regular basis.
I believe Thorazine may be in order.
Any actual argument, Pubtroll? Dems always get in in the middle of a Pub corrupt economic meltdown, makes raising taxes hard.
According to a New York Times report, the rich in the US are getting richer, but the poor and middle classes are falling behind some of their Western peers.

"Middle-class incomes in Canada - substantially behind in 2000 - now appear to be higher than in the United States," David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy write. "The poor in much of Europe earn more than poor Americans."

The UK median income is still behind that of the US, but it's catching up fast - a 19.7% increase since 2000. This is the same increase as Canada's, whereas the US number was up by only 0.3%. (It's worth noting that Germany's middle class is also stagnating - at 1.4%.)

The Times reporters based their conclusions on a survey of household incomes in about 20 countries over the course of 35 years, taking into account inflation, differences in taxes, government benefits and cost of living in different locations.

"With a big share of recent income gains in this country flowing to a relatively small slice of high-earning households, most Americans are not keeping pace with their counterparts around the world," they write.

The reporters point to three reasons why all but the wealthiest American may be falling behind:

First, educational attainment in the United States has risen far more slowly than in much of the industrialized world over the last three decades, making it harder for the American economy to maintain its share of highly skilled, well-paying jobs…

A second factor is that companies in the United States distribute a smaller share of the bounty to the middle class and poor than similar countries elsewhere…

Finally, governments in Canada and Western Europe take more aggressive steps to raise the take-home pay of low- and middle-income households by redistributing income.

The struggle for middle- and lower-class Americans is reflected in public opinion polls, the reporters write, which generally show greater dissatisfaction with their government than in other Western nations.

BBC News - Canada passes US in middle-class wealth

Could we PLEASE have the rich pay their fair share so we can invest in America and Americans? This is getting ridiculous, hater dupes. See sig pp 1...
So what?
Fair share?
What's that?
There is no such thing as redistribution of income. Never has. Never will be.
Fuck your signature.
Only a complete moron would believe confiscatory taxation would result in the enrichment of others.
Its unadulterated lunacy. The subject is not worth discussing
When the rich get 99% of new wealth, they're not paying their fair share duh. And the nonrich are paying to much and not getting paid enough when...SEE links duh. and sig pp 1. Pub dupes!!
Fair share of WHAT?.....1% of WHAT?
You troll the liberal blogs for the galactically stupid and post the nonsense on here..
Ok, a serious question. Let's suppose for a moment the tax rates for upper incomes were increased to say 75%. Now, what do you think government would do with their new found( temporary) bounty?
Do you insist this money would be simply distributed to others in the form of checks?
You insist upon harping on the "1%", the "fair share"....The wealthy, A dead president that served over 30 years ago together with a whole bunch of green with envy spew.
Guess what? Nobody cares....
And just how do the rich "get" 99%( a figure you will no doubt be woefully unable to prove save for some opinion of an anarchist anti capitalist jagoff who bangs out a bunch of alarmist bullshit on an obscure blog that maybe 1,000 people per month even bother to read) of "new wealth"?.....Define "get"..
Stop demanding other to immerse themselves in your signature opinion. Nobody give a shit about the ratings of a far left wing loon such as yourself.
Now just answer the questions without the usual francocrape.
LOL. Read something, ignorant chump. Start with the sig, all FACT, more than you get all year on Fox Rush etc etc WHATEVER, dupe. We need investment, WAY overdue, in AMERICA and Americans. duh.

Obscure blogs like IRS stats? Whatever, Rush. lol
Canada is a great country. They know how to manage natural resources. That's why millions upon millions of us Americans tho there every year to catch fish. Nothing bad about Canada.
Now, to the thread at hand. What makes America better than the Middle East is socialism. What makes Canada and Europe's middle class stronger than America's middle class is socialism.

Taxes aren't even that much higher in Canada, it's just that their government hasn't rewritten their tax code in order to help the rich whittle down what they owe, some by more than half, like the way it is here.

Even many establishment Republicans think tax loopholes that only the rich enjoy should be closed, like the one that encourages business to leave America and go overseas.

I wasn't brought up to think about what's left and right; I was brought up to think about right and wrong and that's just plain wrong and needs to be reversed. Unfortunately, Republicans don't even seem to care that their own politicians don't give a hoot about reversing that.
Which tax loop holes? Name them?...
And if you roll out Capital Gains, I will call instant bullshit on that...
Number one, there are millions of people who are NOT wealthy which realize capital gains. This could be through sound investing, the sale of real property or collectible item of high value, etc.....Yes I have heard the cries for your side that capital gains should be taxed as regular income at the highest marginal rate. Newsflash, taxation is not designed as a means of punishment.
The income used to make these investments has already been taxed as income once. The government and you greedy liberal pricks DO NOT get a second full bite at the apple.
Next, do not go on about "fairness"...Nobody is interested in hearing you people whine.
BTW, it is YOUR sides politicians that helped write the US Tax Code. Stop creating your own reality.
And another thing...Democrats need wealthy donors too. Therefore, your wish that the so called wealthy should be subject to confiscation of wealth just to make you feel better ain't gonna happen. Two things will most definitely happen....
One, the wealthy would shut off the investment spigot and scuttle the economy.
Two, the donation to political campaigns and PAC's would dry up even faster.
Now you will respond with some nonsense about "taking the money out of politics".....Until electronic media has been offered an alternate means of revenue, no tv or radio station owner is going to simply donate their air time to politicians...It's just that simple.
Last edited:
The Gipper declared war on the middle-class of this great nation and decimated iy to making sustenance wages. Thanks Repub useful idiots.


Even a total partisan has to see that Reagan turned around the falling wages created by the Carter administration. The middle class wages may have stagnated during Bush II but they certainly have taken a dive under Obama.
Canada is a great country. They know how to manage natural resources. That's why millions upon millions of us Americans tho there every year to catch fish. Nothing bad about Canada.
What's your point?.....Canada has 30 million people living on less than 2% of the land mass. 70% of Canada is virtually uninhabitable...That's not a criticism. Only a fact. A fact that relates to the availability of pristine waterways and wildlife habitats.
What does this have to do with anything?

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