Canadian PM Trudeau to Burn Jet Fuel to New York to Rant to Us About Climate Gloom and Doom


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
No way he could take the train with us peons.
Every climate meeting is like an air show at the local airport, with every flavor of private jet sitting on the tarmac for us to look at.

I’m pretty sure they’ve heard of Zoom meetings by now. Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

If someone wanted to save us from the "climate crisis," just drop a few 2k bombs on that gathering...


Yet Trudeau is directly responsible for one of the worst carbon emission release in North American history. - His cutting the budget of the Canadian Forestry, and after repeated warnings from both Canadian AND American forestry about fire hazards, only provided a token gesture of hiring a few more rangers.
The result of that has been a catastrophic natural disaster that took months to get under control.

Every single time this man child brings up climate change they should ask him why did he not listen to the warnings about impending fire hazards.
We should stow away some wet backs on his return flight.
Trudeau is another Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist who knows Co2 does nothing.

Trudeau is allowing Canada to suck its own fresh water supply down to the point where the vegetation dries and burns, and he doesn't care one bit. In fact, he LOVES IT because he uses it to hype the Co2 FRAUD and enrich and empower himself in the process.

Who is responsible for the fires?

Those misdiagnosing them = the Co2 FRAUD
Those preventing solutions like desalination = the Co2 FRAUD
Those using them to steal more of our money = the Co2 FRAUD
Those using them to expand government power, taxation, and regulation = the Co2 FRAUD

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