Canadians shocked to learn they aren't free like Americans: "People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
Smoking pot has its draw backs, like not being able to think.
Smoking pot has its draw backs, like not being able to think.
It is far worse than that. You combine a poor education system with a police state kakistocracy that is designed to keep one stupid and uncurious while rewarding the unimpressive. Then you add a high percentage of smokers, alcohol abusers, obedient Good Little German who once voted for a.sports announcer as the 7th.Greatest Canadian,.and.this is the end result. I have to fight for what I.Q points I posses because those around me lack honesty and basic insight. You wonder why I've hung around here for more than a decade?
Nobody denied covid...just the efficacy of the vax...and they have been proven right
I made a personal decision to not take it. To each their own. I never shamed those who did but the cult members.wanted some of us dead for daring to make our own health decisions. The Creepy Ones interferring in my career ensured I didnt have a career to lose if I didnt take it so maybe I was fortunate to be unfortunate as my immune system appears to be solid. This is well.outside the point of this article and survey though, Canada is in dire straits. I was one of the good ones who they destroyed at the cost of our economy and other consequences.
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It is far worse than that. You combine a poor education system with a police state kakistocracy that is designed to keep one stupid and uncurious while rewarding the unimpressive. Then you add a high percentage of smokers, alcohol abusers, obedient Good Little German who once voted for a.sports announcer as the 7th.Greatest Canadian,.and.this is the end result. I have to fight for what I.Q points I posses because those around me lack honesty and basic insight. You wonder why I've hung around here for more than a decade?
Last time I was in Canada I was at a restaurant looking at the bill and all the Canadian taxes. I then began to question the waiter about all the extra state taxes, to which he was clueless. I don't think he ever noticed them before and seemed puzzled they were even there.

Seemed like a pot head anyway as he really did not seem to care.
Last time I was in Canada I was at a restaurant looking at the bill and all the Canadian taxes. I then began to question the waiter about all the extra state taxes, to which he was clueless. I don't think he ever noticed them before and seemed puzzled they were even there.

Seemed like a pot head anyway as he really did not seem to care.
American at Burger King a couple of years ago, from Florida as I recall.from his.plates, received his bill and was surprised it was much more than advertised in the picture. The person behind the cas explains + taxes which bumps it up considerably. His response was a calm, "huh, that's different". I held in my juvenile giggle. I amost said "yep, imagine living here..."
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights

I've long believed that the ones who scream the loudest about their Charter rights and how they are being violated are those who know nothing about the document, its contents, and how it works.
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
Since I really like most Canadians I have met over the years, I have always wanted to believe Canada had it more together than the USA sometimes does. And in some ways you really do. You have reasonable immigration laws for instance and enforce them. And you have some other advantages.

But it's hard to make a solid comparison as your population is roughly 40 million to our 330 million and you have more land area than we do.

Pros and cons can be compared of course. I don't feel less free when I am in Canada than when in the USA but then I don't live there.

As an aside, I think it rather pathetic how little most Americans actually know about Canada. I bet one out of a hundred Americans couldn't name all the provinces and territories of Canada from memory, I confess I have to have help figuring out Canadian money, but the language is no problem. :)
Since I really like most Canadians I have met over the years, I have always wanted to believe Canada had it more together than the USA sometimes does. And in some ways you really do. You have reasonable immigration laws for instance and enforce them. And you have some other advantages.

But it's hard to make a solid comparison as your population is roughly 40 million to our 330 million and you have more land area than we do.

Pros and cons can be compared of course. I don't feel less free when I am in Canada than when in the USA but then I don't live there.

As an aside, I think it rather pathetic how little most Americans actually know about Canada. I bet one out of a hundred Americans couldn't name all the provinces and territories of Canada from memory, I confess I have to have help figuring out Canadian money, but the language is no problem. :)
The problem is that your entire country, even some within the U.S are quite naive about Canada. Most of Europe understand us a little better, only the U.K and Australia.truly view us they are similar to us (and all in decline) most of Europe don't have the same naive view of us (don't believe.polls, it is foreign governments that matter,.not citizens who never.visit us). It is why after we signed a trade agreement with them our inports to them increased significantly while our exports did not. They simply don't have an interest in us. I've tried hard to educate Americans but you believe the conmen when your agencies should have asked me directly for the facts and I would have provided them. You seemed to have pivoted away from us to.some degree over the years, except your security apparatuses have not. Unless you demanded change from us rather than simply following us (so odd how you let the tail wag the dog) It wlll have long term consequences for Americans civil liberties and Americas reputation globally.
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Maybe King Charles will grant his Canadian subjects some rights during his reign
Caadians, lead by the SIC, joke that Americans don't know anything about the world. Meanwhile thick Canandians don't know anything about their OWN country. Even their own rights.or what the Creepy.Ones are doing in their schools and workplaces. It is going to be a quick and sharp decline just as it was.for East Germany and the Soviets in the 1980s. The ball will begin roling quickly with the housing collapse which is just a few years away. Hey, maybe the kakistocracy will save us!
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
On the freedom index chart, Canadians are 6th, the Brits 14th, and the Yanks 15th.

On the freedom index chart, Canadians are 6th, the Brits 14th, and the Yanks 15th.

Yep. I have a bridge for sale too. Globally obedient countries always get a nice ranking. 40% Of new immigrants are leaving Canada within two years, a similar percentage of new University grads in Ontario are leaving. Does America have an immigrant brain drain problem? No. All citizens head to America for freedom and opportunity.
Yep. I have a bridge for sale too. Globally obedient countries always get a nice ranking. 40% Of new immigrants are leaving Canada within two years, a similar percentage of new University grads in Ontario are leaving. Does America have an immigrant brain drain problem? No. All citizens head to America for freedom and opportunity.
You call it obedient, the planet calls it civilised
Yep. I have a bridge for sale too. Globally obedient countries always get a nice ranking. 40% Of new immigrants are leaving Canada within two years, a similar percentage of new University grads in Ontario are leaving. Does America have an immigrant brain drain problem? No. All citizens head to America for freedom and opportunity.
I wonder if ah. .. Truckers had protested in D.C., if they would have had their bank accounts shut down?

That was pretty authoritarian.


I don't care what these think tanks say, Canada's handling of the pandemic was. . . awful.
Give it 10 years and you wll be exactly like us. Canadians can't believe we don't have civil liberties, due process or rule of law. VERY slow learners. Direct from the article: "many fail to distinguish between its text and that of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, a new survey suggests". Our overlords kept us stupid for 150 years and it worked. Now with global competition iabound, we try and prop up the police kakistocracy and ther kids while other nations embrace ther best talent and innovate. 'People are confused': Survey suggests Canadians need education on Charter rights
Even immigrants are fleeing ...if they're not trapped

We don't attract the best anymore plus
Our assimilation machine has been off for a couple decades now and we're just as screwed
"The unilateral seizure of 380,000 square miles of seabed by the U.S. is a worrying sign for the world," says Bloomberg.
It is strange that the Canadian Foreign Ministry is silent, in 2007 when it said: "This is not the 15th century to simply plant flags. But that was in reference to Russia. The U.S. is different

Canada's Foreign Ministry is still drunk since Bandera's birthday. They will come out and tell Washington that it's not the 15th century to seize a piece of Canada. They will, won't they?

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