Cancelling Student Debt?

Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.
Progressives wash their hands of any responsibility for the unaffordability of higher education.

Here you have had a system over the years where tuition ONLY goes up. While others may suffer economically during economic declines, everyone suffers EXCEPT those at the university level.

How do they do it? Well government simply took over student loans and lowered interest rates, that way students could afford higher tuition by the government decreasing interest rates. However, to make sure students could not get out of their debt, to appease universities around the country, government made sure that getting out of student debt was the most draconian of all debt. In other words, you can never be free of it and will follow you till the day you die!

However, now we have arrived at a place where interest rates can't really be lowered any further, which means fewer and fewer kids will actually go to college. Now we are looking square into the bubble of ballooning costs for our Leftists universities around the country. The answer? Free college, but we all know it's not free, don't we.

No, now they will simply print money, which will further erode the wealth Americans may already have, as America continues its decline Marx style. But at least we all now know why tuition rates are so outrageous. Government drove them up, just like they did with health care.

So why do universities enjoy such a symbiotic relationship that no other industry seems to with government? It's because the agreement with the Left wing colleges with government is, indoctrinate for us and you will be handsomely reimbursed. And any kid who will try and forgo college, we will make sure that the economy is such that they will have no future.

Secondary education needs an overhaul for the 21st century to be sure, but not by the right. Seems you have forgotten what every other country in the world knows, subsidizing education is a national investment in the future.

The American taxpayer DOES in-fact subsidize education K-12.
Do you believe taxpayers should be forced to pay for masters and doctorate degrees?
Where does the free shit end?
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.
Progressives wash their hands of any responsibility for the unaffordability of higher education.

Here you have had a system over the years where tuition ONLY goes up. While others may suffer economically during economic declines, everyone suffers EXCEPT those at the university level.

How do they do it? Well government simply took over student loans and lowered interest rates, that way students could afford higher tuition by the government decreasing interest rates. However, to make sure students could not get out of their debt, to appease universities around the country, government made sure that getting out of student debt was the most draconian of all debt. In other words, you can never be free of it and will follow you till the day you die!

However, now we have arrived at a place where interest rates can't really be lowered any further, which means fewer and fewer kids will actually go to college. Now we are looking square into the bubble of ballooning costs for our Leftists universities around the country. The answer? Free college, but we all know it's not free, don't we.

No, now they will simply print money, which will further erode the wealth Americans may already have, as America continues its decline Marx style. But at least we all now know why tuition rates are so outrageous. Government drove them up, just like they did with health care.

So why do universities enjoy such a symbiotic relationship that no other industry seems to with government? It's because the agreement with the Left wing colleges with government is, indoctrinate for us and you will be handsomely reimbursed. And any kid who will try and forgo college, we will make sure that the economy is such that they will have no future.

Secondary education needs an overhaul for the 21st century to be sure, but not by the right. Seems you have forgotten what every other country in the world knows, subsidizing education is a national investment in the future.

The American taxpayer DOES in-fact subsidize education K-12.
Do you believe taxpayers should be forced to pay for masters and doctorate degrees?
Where does the free shit end?
Depends on the degree. Right now we need a lot of doctors. I guess it's just easier to let India and Pakistan make up for our lack of interest in producing our own doctors.
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.

Florida. I compete by building better. My workday would kill the old crews I started out with in eighties. Showing up late on Monday morning all hung over and broke, Smoking dope at lunch and to the bar after work. Never was part of that dead-end shit. I'm 56 years old and I'll outwork and out quality anyone around. I have three custom beach houses going right now and two more in the pipeline. Anyone that cries about the Mexicans done took my job could not have been that good to begin with.
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.
Progressives wash their hands of any responsibility for the unaffordability of higher education.

Here you have had a system over the years where tuition ONLY goes up. While others may suffer economically during economic declines, everyone suffers EXCEPT those at the university level.

How do they do it? Well government simply took over student loans and lowered interest rates, that way students could afford higher tuition by the government decreasing interest rates. However, to make sure students could not get out of their debt, to appease universities around the country, government made sure that getting out of student debt was the most draconian of all debt. In other words, you can never be free of it and will follow you till the day you die!

However, now we have arrived at a place where interest rates can't really be lowered any further, which means fewer and fewer kids will actually go to college. Now we are looking square into the bubble of ballooning costs for our Leftists universities around the country. The answer? Free college, but we all know it's not free, don't we.

No, now they will simply print money, which will further erode the wealth Americans may already have, as America continues its decline Marx style. But at least we all now know why tuition rates are so outrageous. Government drove them up, just like they did with health care.

So why do universities enjoy such a symbiotic relationship that no other industry seems to with government? It's because the agreement with the Left wing colleges with government is, indoctrinate for us and you will be handsomely reimbursed. And any kid who will try and forgo college, we will make sure that the economy is such that they will have no future.

Secondary education needs an overhaul for the 21st century to be sure, but not by the right. Seems you have forgotten what every other country in the world knows, subsidizing education is a national investment in the future.

The American taxpayer DOES in-fact subsidize education K-12.
Do you believe taxpayers should be forced to pay for masters and doctorate degrees?
Where does the free shit end?
Depends on the degree. Right now we need a lot of doctors. I guess it's just easier to let India and Pakistan make up for our lack of interest in producing our own doctors.

But you tell anyone who plans to go to college that they are an idiot?

The linked article addresses the racial component of student debt. Nothing surprising. Black student debt is higher than white student debt; Blacks have worse job prospects; it's a bigger burden...blah, blah, blah.

Erase $10k? 25k? 50k? Hell, why limit it all? Just cancel out the whole fucking thing for everybody!

But as with the general problem of student immaturity, un-realism, and poor judgment when deciding (1) whether to go to college full time at all, (2) what college to attend, and (3) what to major in, these questions become even more acute for people with fewer family resources - such as many Black students.

Are they encouraged to maximize their exploitation of free or low-cost "state" schools? Forego full-time college and combine employment with part-time studies? Major in subjects that are likely to be in demand four or five years hence? Utilize military service as an avenue to higher education? Or do they go to an expensive private college and major in "Ethnic Studies"? I wonder.

These are not "racial" questions. They are questions that everyone of limited means MUST confront. I - a white guy - employed all of the strategies mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and ended up with a law degree. And zero debt (of course that was a different time, tuition-wise).

Does not this "discussion" typify the total financial unreality of the political Left in this country? They talk like canceling debt is just a decision to be implemented with a snap of someone's fingers, with no ramifications other than the release of the burden to the affected ex-students. Where is this money - hundreds of billions of dollars - to come from? Taxing The Rich? There are not that many "rich" people, and they don't like to be taken advantage of.

This is one of many issues where the foolishness of Democracy is manifest. How many 18-35 year olds voted for Biden in this past election with the hope that some or all of their student debt would be cancelled? Is that a valid reason for a vote? Free stuff?

I'm glad my days of paying a lot of FIT are over. Fuck it. I just don't care anymore.

So in essence you are saying black people don't pay their debts including their student debt? And that since black people don't pay their debts, that taxpayers should pay it for them instead of treating them like everyone else?
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.

Florida. I compete by building better. My workday would kill the old crews I started out with in eighties. Showing up late on Monday morning all hung over and broke, Smoking dope at lunch and to the bar after work. Never was part of that dead-end shit. I'm 56 years old and I'll outwork and out quality anyone around. I have three custom beach houses going right now and two more in the pipeline. Anyone that cries about the Mexicans done took my job could not have been that good to begin with.

Haha...that’s a hell of a spin that I’d concoct if I owned a Cuban wife and some anchor baby children or some crazy shit like that...the thing is, I to am a builder / developer, you can’t sell your retarded bullshit to me or anybody even half sane.

LefTard Logic:
“It’s so cool that desperate thirdworlders willing to work below board and off the books have infiltrated the building trades...they have no expectations or standards, no requests for conditions, no healthcare or retirements to worry about, they work for whatever I’m willing to pay and they never ask questions....American workers need illegal wetbacks to make them better...think about how much better one has to be when the brown guy / 21st century slave will do better for half the cost.”
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.

Florida. I compete by building better. My workday would kill the old crews I started out with in eighties. Showing up late on Monday morning all hung over and broke, Smoking dope at lunch and to the bar after work. Never was part of that dead-end shit. I'm 56 years old and I'll outwork and out quality anyone around. I have three custom beach houses going right now and two more in the pipeline. Anyone that cries about the Mexicans done took my job could not have been that good to begin with.

Haha...that’s a hell of a spin that I’d concoct if I owned a Cuban wife and some anchor baby children or some crazy shit like that...the thing is, I to am a builder / developer, you can’t sell your retarded bullshit to me or anybody even half sane.

LefTard Logic:
“It’s so cool that desperate thirdworlders willing to work below board and off the books have infiltrated the building trades...they have no expectations or standards, no requests for conditions, no healthcare or retirements to worry about, they work for whatever I’m willing to pay and they never ask questions....American workers need illegal wetbacks to make them better...think about how much better one has to be when the brown guy / 21st century slave will do better for half the cost.”

So how's the meth epidemic going for your people? We recently had to drop a framing crew of fine upstanding white guys for mething out in the port-a-john all day, messing shit up and still somehow take way longer than they should. You'd think being all methed up would at least help productivity. The Mexican crews are booked solid. Never used one but anything is better than a bunch of meth heads. It's a prime example of what I was talking about. It's not about the cheapness, it's about fewer headaches.
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.

Florida. I compete by building better. My workday would kill the old crews I started out with in eighties. Showing up late on Monday morning all hung over and broke, Smoking dope at lunch and to the bar after work. Never was part of that dead-end shit. I'm 56 years old and I'll outwork and out quality anyone around. I have three custom beach houses going right now and two more in the pipeline. Anyone that cries about the Mexicans done took my job could not have been that good to begin with.

Haha...that’s a hell of a spin that I’d concoct if I owned a Cuban wife and some anchor baby children or some crazy shit like that...the thing is, I to am a builder / developer, you can’t sell your retarded bullshit to me or anybody even half sane.

LefTard Logic:
“It’s so cool that desperate thirdworlders willing to work below board and off the books have infiltrated the building trades...they have no expectations or standards, no requests for conditions, no healthcare or retirements to worry about, they work for whatever I’m willing to pay and they never ask questions....American workers need illegal wetbacks to make them better...think about how much better one has to be when the brown guy / 21st century slave will do better for half the cost.”

So how's the meth epidemic going for your people? We recently had to drop a framing crew of fine upstanding white guys for mething out in the port-a-john all day, messing shit up and still somehow take way longer than they should. You'd think being all methed up would at least help productivity. The Mexican crews are booked solid. Never used one but anything is better than a bunch of meth heads. It's a prime example of what I was talking about. It's not about the cheapness, it's about fewer headaches.

You clearly don’t know how to interview and vet potential employees and or subs. You simply have a hiring issue, you are a poor judge of ones character.
For your lack of business savvy you’ve deviated to the path of least resistance. You’re not alone, thats what all poor businesses owners do.
Now imagine if the wetback option didn’t’d have become and do better as a business owner...that’s what you really need but you’d rather be lazy and hire desperate, mute Gustavo.
You must be an awesome American.
" Familial Responsibility Absent "

* Generation Idiocracy *

What of those who have spent decades paying off their student loans and paid up front for their children as they could and may even be supporting payment of those loans , what do they get , is it a double indemnity to bastards not of their own family ?

So clowns want the public to pay for their " college experience " without being held accountable for going to college to fuck and party ; well how about explaining why one spent money on a degree that did pay off ?

There is also the stream of fools deriding that it is not possible to include student debt in bankruptcy ; however , if individuals without credit were able to acquire college loans and claim bankruptcy upon completion of a degree or no degree , then none would be willing to issue such loans and fewer would be able to attend college on good faith .

A well educated work force is part of infrastructure that ensures the us is self sufficient and competitive in industry , but such sponsorship should be promoted by private philanthropic means based upon demands for labor or innovation ; as it is , foreign governments track intelligent students and sponsor their college to improve their own economies .

One solution that may make some compromising sense is the establishment of a trust fund whereby student loans could be refinanced at lower interest from the 6% to 8% usury interest issued by private banks to something closer to 2% to 3% to facilitate a well educated work force , but debt forgiveness relieves individuals of accountability by placing responsibility for that accountability on those who are not obligated to provide it .
Last edited:

The linked article addresses the racial component of student debt. Nothing surprising. Black student debt is higher than white student debt; Blacks have worse job prospects; it's a bigger burden...blah, blah, blah.

Erase $10k? 25k? 50k? Hell, why limit it all? Just cancel out the whole fucking thing for everybody!

But as with the general problem of student immaturity, un-realism, and poor judgment when deciding (1) whether to go to college full time at all, (2) what college to attend, and (3) what to major in, these questions become even more acute for people with fewer family resources - such as many Black students.

Are they encouraged to maximize their exploitation of free or low-cost "state" schools? Forego full-time college and combine employment with part-time studies? Major in subjects that are likely to be in demand four or five years hence? Utilize military service as an avenue to higher education? Or do they go to an expensive private college and major in "Ethnic Studies"? I wonder.

These are not "racial" questions. They are questions that everyone of limited means MUST confront. I - a white guy - employed all of the strategies mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and ended up with a law degree. And zero debt (of course that was a different time, tuition-wise).

Does not this "discussion" typify the total financial unreality of the political Left in this country? They talk like canceling debt is just a decision to be implemented with a snap of someone's fingers, with no ramifications other than the release of the burden to the affected ex-students. Where is this money - hundreds of billions of dollars - to come from? Taxing The Rich? There are not that many "rich" people, and they don't like to be taken advantage of.

This is one of many issues where the foolishness of Democracy is manifest. How many 18-35 year olds voted for Biden in this past election with the hope that some or all of their student debt would be cancelled? Is that a valid reason for a vote? Free stuff?

I'm glad my days of paying a lot of FIT are over. Fuck it. I just don't care anymore.
It would be such a boon to the economy.

The linked article addresses the racial component of student debt. Nothing surprising. Black student debt is higher than white student debt; Blacks have worse job prospects; it's a bigger burden...blah, blah, blah.

Erase $10k? 25k? 50k? Hell, why limit it all? Just cancel out the whole fucking thing for everybody!

But as with the general problem of student immaturity, un-realism, and poor judgment when deciding (1) whether to go to college full time at all, (2) what college to attend, and (3) what to major in, these questions become even more acute for people with fewer family resources - such as many Black students.

Are they encouraged to maximize their exploitation of free or low-cost "state" schools? Forego full-time college and combine employment with part-time studies? Major in subjects that are likely to be in demand four or five years hence? Utilize military service as an avenue to higher education? Or do they go to an expensive private college and major in "Ethnic Studies"? I wonder.

These are not "racial" questions. They are questions that everyone of limited means MUST confront. I - a white guy - employed all of the strategies mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and ended up with a law degree. And zero debt (of course that was a different time, tuition-wise).

Does not this "discussion" typify the total financial unreality of the political Left in this country? They talk like canceling debt is just a decision to be implemented with a snap of someone's fingers, with no ramifications other than the release of the burden to the affected ex-students. Where is this money - hundreds of billions of dollars - to come from? Taxing The Rich? There are not that many "rich" people, and they don't like to be taken advantage of.

This is one of many issues where the foolishness of Democracy is manifest. How many 18-35 year olds voted for Biden in this past election with the hope that some or all of their student debt would be cancelled? Is that a valid reason for a vote? Free stuff?

I'm glad my days of paying a lot of FIT are over. Fuck it. I just don't care anymore.
Don't you worry your elders thought the same of you when you was college age.
" No Clue What You Meant "

* Efforts To Improve And Worry Less *

Don't you worry your elders thought the same of you when you was college age.
I am still wanting that :wtf: quick icon response to posts .

My elders encouraged college to support their children into more adaptable roles beyond those less probable for a higher standard of living , and affording those plans likely accounts for much population declined in first world countries .

So paying for the gluttony of breeding without comparable restraint by others who thrust expectations for brood parasitism upon others , and even ambitions for social replacement , is not amicable .

So paying for the gluttony of breeding without comparable restraint by others who thrust expectations for brood parasitism upon others , and even ambitions for social replacement , is not amicable .

Mz. Sanger with her pro-abortion manifesto again... :rolleyes:
" No Clue What You Meant "

* Efforts To Improve And Worry Less *

Don't you worry your elders thought the same of you when you was college age.
I am still wanting that :wtf: quick icon response to posts .

My elders encouraged college to support their children into more adaptable roles beyond those less probable for a higher standard of living , and affording those plans likely accounts for much population declined in first world countries .

So paying for the gluttony of breeding without comparable restraint by others who thrust expectations for brood parasitism upon others , and even ambitions for social replacement , is not amicable .
That is not what the Bible and King Lear states.
If the U.S. can cancel the debts of nations we defeated in WWII then we can forgive student loans.
" Guilt Tripping Tripe "

* Sanctimonious Idiocy *

That is not what the Bible and King Lear states.
The bible , as in the torah or the gospel ?

The meaning of an after life is passing on ones genetic identity through ones offspring , and the strong anthropic principle is a tautology that does not compromise , so you can go sell your cart of crap elsewhere to some other gullible fool .
Instead of wage growth we opted for debt growth as the path to the middle class. The boomers sit around bragging that they started with nothing when today's graduates would be thrilled to start with nothing instead of a debt they will be paying for years and years.

“Boomers” didn’t go to college and rack up debt, they worked blue collar trades....You know, those trades your cherished wetbacks have destroyed.

I build houses. "Wetbacks" did not ruin my trade at all or hamper anyone who wanted to do for a living. I make pretty good money and I'm never out of work. If nothing else the "wetback" work ethic made us all better carpenters to compete and rid us of the crappy ones.

You must be in North certainly aren’t in Mexifornia, Arizona, NV, NM, TX or Florida....THAT or you have your head in your ass or you’re lying your ass off.

Florida. I compete by building better. My workday would kill the old crews I started out with in eighties. Showing up late on Monday morning all hung over and broke, Smoking dope at lunch and to the bar after work. Never was part of that dead-end shit. I'm 56 years old and I'll outwork and out quality anyone around. I have three custom beach houses going right now and two more in the pipeline. Anyone that cries about the Mexicans done took my job could not have been that good to begin with.

Haha...that’s a hell of a spin that I’d concoct if I owned a Cuban wife and some anchor baby children or some crazy shit like that...the thing is, I to am a builder / developer, you can’t sell your retarded bullshit to me or anybody even half sane.

LefTard Logic:
“It’s so cool that desperate thirdworlders willing to work below board and off the books have infiltrated the building trades...they have no expectations or standards, no requests for conditions, no healthcare or retirements to worry about, they work for whatever I’m willing to pay and they never ask questions....American workers need illegal wetbacks to make them better...think about how much better one has to be when the brown guy / 21st century slave will do better for half the cost.”

So how's the meth epidemic going for your people? We recently had to drop a framing crew of fine upstanding white guys for mething out in the port-a-john all day, messing shit up and still somehow take way longer than they should. You'd think being all methed up would at least help productivity. The Mexican crews are booked solid. Never used one but anything is better than a bunch of meth heads. It's a prime example of what I was talking about. It's not about the cheapness, it's about fewer headaches.

You clearly don’t know how to interview and vet potential employees and or subs. You simply have a hiring issue, you are a poor judge of ones character.
For your lack of business savvy you’ve deviated to the path of least resistance. You’re not alone, thats what all poor businesses owners do.
Now imagine if the wetback option didn’t’d have become and do better as a business owner...that’s what you really need but you’d rather be lazy and hire desperate, mute Gustavo.
You must be an awesome American.

I am an awesome American. The people who work with me are the best but we sub out the framing. The guy that runs that particular crew is OK but his crew was crap. Shit happens. Seems like you are unaware of the meth epidemic in the trades. You'll find out the hard way.

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