Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism

Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism​

On Wednesday's edition of The Daily Wire's The Candace Owens Show, the namesake right-wing host encouraged her audience to read Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf while complaining about the backlash over Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving's embrace of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

But Owens – who defended rapper Kanye West after he repeatedly disparaged Jews last month – believes that Irving is a victim of overly zealous coordinated retaliation by the Anti-Defamation League and the NBA. To make her case, Owens alluded to a controversial documentary called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America that rocketed to the top spot on Amazon after Irving promoted it – an action that contributed to his suspension. Numerous organizations have demanded that Amazon remove the film, which the Washington Free Beacon explained on Tuesday "not only denies the Holocaust but also claims Jewish people falsified the historical record about it in order to 'conceal their nature and protect their status and power.' It also claims that white people cannot be authentic Jews, a belief that inspired the deadly 2019 shooting at a kosher supermarket in New Jersey."

Owens maintained that the movie's popularity should absolve Irving for tacitly endorsing its hateful subject matter:

We now, what do you guys have to say about this?
Wow. The state of journalism today is pathetic. This clown says Owens "..encouraged her audience to read Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf..". No. From the very quotes in his own article, she says, "A little reminder, if you actually go on Amazon right now, you can order and read 'Mein Kampf.' It is not an endorsement of Adolf Hitler to read a historical textbook. It just is not, right?" You have to be a complete idiot (very likely) and/or just a liar to say that is encouraging the audience to read it.

Similarly, the context of her calling it a textbook, in that very same statement, seems to obviously (for the less addled among us) ridicule the idea that it is a historical textbook. In any case it is a historical textbook if you are learning about Hitler.

She was arguing against censoring ideas and for free speech. "And, what I like about this story is because – you know how I feel about free speech. I think people have a right to be wrong. I think people have a right to take in information. I think people have a right to read whatever they want."

Buttplug has a different interpretation. "That transitioned into Owens mentioning Hitler's Mein Kampf – a collection of his insidious ramblings that he authored while in prison for trying to overthrow the Weimar Republic in 1923 – as an invaluable educational document."

So, first he says she was encouraging people to read it, and now he says she says it is an invaluable educational document. See if you can figure out where she is referring to Mein Kampf as an invaluable educational document.

"A little reminder, if you actually go on Amazon right now, you can order and read 'Mein Kampf.' It is not an endorsement of Adolf Hitler to read a historical textbook. It just is not, right? And the idea that we should be censoring all this information and no one should see it because it hurts some group of people, to me, just does not gel well with our First Amendment rights."

Another stupid and/or deceitful liberal "journalist". Sad that some people offer it as some valuable commentary.
What would lefties do without Media Matters selectively nit picking (only) conservative speech? Of course Mein Kampf is a textbook. It's a text book to achieving political power. No doubt other regimes including democrats have followed parts of it through the years. Too bad ignorant lefties think that banning a book will cause history to disappear.
There seems to be double standards.

Kaepernick demonized police and put his team logo on his bigotry.

Kyrie links a movie.

Seems Kyrie has been taken to the whipping post...

But the most obvious thing about the OP is

an Uncle Tom like you will always sell out his own for Iscariot silver.
Derek Chauvin and that type of cop are indeed demons.
OK, then he didn't insinuate anything.

The movie has many things in it, some things right, some things wrong.

I haven't seen it, wasn't planning to, but due to all this lynching of Kyrie, who I don't really care for too tough, I think I'll rent or buy the damn movie.

This overreaction by racist whites and Zionists Jews in the media has done the opposite of what they wanted. The movie has gotten exponentially more popular since they attacked Kyrie in this manner.
Boldening every other word does not increase the legitimacy of what you’re saying.

Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism​

On Wednesday's edition of The Daily Wire's The Candace Owens Show, the namesake right-wing host encouraged her audience to read Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf while complaining about the backlash over Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving's embrace of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

But Owens – who defended rapper Kanye West after he repeatedly disparaged Jews last month – believes that Irving is a victim of overly zealous coordinated retaliation by the Anti-Defamation League and the NBA. To make her case, Owens alluded to a controversial documentary called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America that rocketed to the top spot on Amazon after Irving promoted it – an action that contributed to his suspension. Numerous organizations have demanded that Amazon remove the film, which the Washington Free Beacon explained on Tuesday "not only denies the Holocaust but also claims Jewish people falsified the historical record about it in order to 'conceal their nature and protect their status and power.' It also claims that white people cannot be authentic Jews, a belief that inspired the deadly 2019 shooting at a kosher supermarket in New Jersey."

Owens maintained that the movie's popularity should absolve Irving for tacitly endorsing its hateful subject matter:

We now, what do you guys have to say about this?
people should read it. learning is a good thing. It’s a textbook that shows us just how the demafasict are acting and where they want to take us
Is anyone really surprised
no i am not surprised at the demafacist behavior after learning about hitler, benito and the rise of fascist…frankly they learned a lot from the demaklan here…and were just a fraction of your party’s views
He insinuated that there might have been a few Jews that participated in the Slave Trade.

This is “anti-Semitic” because that would suggest that all Jews are guilty of being Slave traders. You know, like how all white people are guilty of slavery even though only a fraction of whites ever owned slaves and most fought against it.

Jewish Privilege won’t allow any negative discussions about the actions of Jews.
If Jews had anything to do with the slave trade I would say it’s quite an accomplishment! They only make up 2/10 of 1 percent of the total world population
Sorry theHack, IM2 and myself are the type of black men that racist like you hate. You're damn right I choose to stay because those before me shed the blood, tears and sweat for me to stay. I am reaping the benefits of what those who came before me built, are you willing to take your pasty white ass back to Siberia or whatever European country your folks came from.
yet you repeat the racist words your plantation masters used to attack freemen…because you are on the plantation…

did you know Uncle Tom was the hero of Uncle Tom’s Cabin? likely not…you just heard your demaklan masters call freemen that. Maybe read the book..

Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism​

On Wednesday's edition of The Daily Wire's The Candace Owens Show, the namesake right-wing host encouraged her audience to read Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf while complaining about the backlash over Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving's embrace of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

But Owens – who defended rapper Kanye West after he repeatedly disparaged Jews last month – believes that Irving is a victim of overly zealous coordinated retaliation by the Anti-Defamation League and the NBA. To make her case, Owens alluded to a controversial documentary called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America that rocketed to the top spot on Amazon after Irving promoted it – an action that contributed to his suspension. Numerous organizations have demanded that Amazon remove the film, which the Washington Free Beacon explained on Tuesday "not only denies the Holocaust but also claims Jewish people falsified the historical record about it in order to 'conceal their nature and protect their status and power.' It also claims that white people cannot be authentic Jews, a belief that inspired the deadly 2019 shooting at a kosher supermarket in New Jersey."

Owens maintained that the movie's popularity should absolve Irving for tacitly endorsing its hateful subject matter:

We now, what do you guys have to say about this?
Because she is a cheap whore who will say anything for a paycheck.

Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism​

On Wednesday's edition of The Daily Wire's The Candace Owens Show, the namesake right-wing host encouraged her audience to read Adolf Hitler's 1925 autobiography Mein Kampf while complaining about the backlash over Brooklyn Nets point guard Kyrie Irving's embrace of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

But Owens – who defended rapper Kanye West after he repeatedly disparaged Jews last month – believes that Irving is a victim of overly zealous coordinated retaliation by the Anti-Defamation League and the NBA. To make her case, Owens alluded to a controversial documentary called Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America that rocketed to the top spot on Amazon after Irving promoted it – an action that contributed to his suspension. Numerous organizations have demanded that Amazon remove the film, which the Washington Free Beacon explained on Tuesday "not only denies the Holocaust but also claims Jewish people falsified the historical record about it in order to 'conceal their nature and protect their status and power.' It also claims that white people cannot be authentic Jews, a belief that inspired the deadly 2019 shooting at a kosher supermarket in New Jersey."

Owens maintained that the movie's popularity should absolve Irving for tacitly endorsing its hateful subject matter:

We now, what do you guys have to say about this?
I think everyone should absolutely read Mein Kampf. Then we won't hear any more retards claiming Hitler was left wing.
no i am not surprised at the demafacist behavior after learning about hitler, benito and the rise of fascist…frankly they learned a lot from the demaklan here…and were just a fraction of your party’s views
Oh my God, surely you jest.
If Jews had anything to do with the slave trade I would say it’s quite an accomplishment! They only make up 2/10 of 1 percent of the total world population
It's a historical fact that Dutch jews financed the slave trade.
By lending ship Captains the money to buy boats, hire sailors to man the ships, sail to the African coast and purchase Africans, and then sell them in the America's to slave traders.
After the journey was completed, the Jewish money lenders received their percentage of the profit. Then used that money to finance even more slave ships.
yet you repeat the racist words your plantation masters used to attack freemen…because you are on the plantation…
The only black folks on a plantation are boot licking Aunt Janes like you.
did you know Uncle Tom was the hero of Uncle Tom’s Cabin? likely not…you just heard your demaklan masters call freemen that. Maybe read the book..
Yea most black folks know who Uncle Tom was, but we aren't talking about him. We are speaking of boot lickers like you who bow down to whites, who show your teeth every time someone white comes around, I told you what Malcolm X said about the House Negro and the Field Negro and you are definitely a House Negro. You can't even bring yourself to criticize Trump for eating dinner with a known racist antisemite, instead you shuffle and slide around it.
I think everyone should absolutely read Mein Kampf. Then we won't hear any more retards claiming Hitler was left wing.
Hitler Nazi's and Stalin's communism.
Were just two sides of the same far leftist coin.
It's a historical fact that Dutch jews financed the slave trade.
By lending ship Captains the money to buy boats, hire sailors to man the ships, sail to the African coast and purchase Africans, and then sell them in the America's to slave traders.
After the journey was completed, the Jewish money lenders received their percentage of the profit. Then used that money to finance even more slave ships.
Like I said; 2/10 of 1 percent of the population? Quite an accomplishment !
Like I said; 2/10 of 1 percent of the population? Quite an accomplishment !
Don't be obtuse.
Percentage of the Jewish population had nothing to do with it.
It was all about the money the Jewish investors had to finance the slave trade business and keep it going for decades.
Don't be obtuse.
Percentage of the Jewish population had nothing to do with it.
It was all about the money the Jewish investors had to finance the slave trade business and keep it going for decades.
Sure. The muslim slavers were apparently very bad with money.

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