Candace Owens calls Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' a 'textbook' while excusing Kyrie Irving's antisemitism

Most black folks do well for themselves inspite of racism and they don't have to boot lick and step and fetch it to do it.
That's true.
In order to do that, they left the plantation. True.

Ask him how white folks treated him growing up in Pinpoint, GA.
Let me guess, they were all Democrats.

That sounds as stupid as you look. There are more whites on welfare than black, AA has benefitted white women more than any black person, there are more whites on food stamps. Republicans today have the mindset of the sheet wearers.

Do you want to talk about percentages, or you're going to claim that percentages are "racist"?
No, we know racism when we see it. And what is your basis for disagreement, you aren't black, so its no lived experience facing things, and reading blacks who tell you what you want to believe is not lived experience. So what's the basis for your disagreement? Because you're white and you say so? Sorry, that's not good enough.
Your sense of entitlement to call everything racist you don’t like has nothing to do with being Black or “lived experience face things”. I’m white technically yet I’m Mediterranean by descent and married to a Mexican. We’ve experienced a lot.
He's not projecting. Those of us who face racism know it when we see it.
No, people like you see it in every white person, because in your heart you hate white people....Which makes you the racist in this conversation...
Kaepernick didn't demonize, he spoke truth.

Whites like you calling me an uncle tom means that I am on the right track.

This is about Candice Owens and she is the sellout.

The only truth about Kap is that he got BENCHED for SUCKING and hence started SUCKING UP to HomO and Michael Robinson, your heroes...

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