Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Why is it that you are so fucking stupid? Has black pride EVER included denying rights and opportunities to whites by any means they could?

Drop the dumb shit boy. You aren't about taking pride in whiteness or sticking up for white interests. To those like you, white interests is about whites only. We all know that's what those like you stand for. So do you. So dump the fake innocent sounding rhetoric and your f-d up whining about white victimhood.

Why does white pride have to entail oppression of everyone else but black pride is OK? I don't want to oppress you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and go do your own thing.

Look at your record as white people and that answers your question. Nobody black is bothering your white ass.

You are kinda bothering me though. I just want to be allowed to have white things...TV shows and videogames and gatherings and neighborhoods...stuff like that... without it all being required to have "diversity" shoehorned in there. Without it being demeaned and undermined and called RACIST by social justice warriors.

White people are not unique. Most individuals prefer to be in places that are culturally familiar to them.

The only time that is an issue is when people begin to declare their culture superior to others.

Just because I have a preference does mean I want the alternatives destroyed. The social justice left, the multiculturalists, the economic globalists are all on a crusade to destroy white people.

"Destroy white people" in what way? On one hand, like thinkers who share your view insist that white people are the ones who created every aspect of civilization, and no other group has contributed to society, and then on the other hand, you insist that the entire world is out to destroy white people, but every measurable category of quality of life are for the most part more favorable for the white population(generally speaking).
Why is it that you are so fucking stupid? Has black pride EVER included denying rights and opportunities to whites by any means they could?

Drop the dumb shit boy. You aren't about taking pride in whiteness or sticking up for white interests. To those like you, white interests is about whites only. We all know that's what those like you stand for. So do you. So dump the fake innocent sounding rhetoric and your f-d up whining about white victimhood.

Why does white pride have to entail oppression of everyone else but black pride is OK? I don't want to oppress you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and go do your own thing.

Look at your record as white people and that answers your question. Nobody black is bothering your white ass.

You are kinda bothering me though. I just want to be allowed to have white things...TV shows and videogames and gatherings and neighborhoods...stuff like that... without it all being required to have "diversity" shoehorned in there. Without it being demeaned and undermined and called RACIST by social justice warriors.

White people are not unique. Most individuals prefer to be in places that are culturally familiar to them.

The only time that is an issue is when people begin to declare their culture superior to others.

Just because I have a preference does mean I want the alternatives destroyed. The social justice left, the multiculturalists, the economic globalists are all on a crusade to destroy white people.

Sure sign a brilliant Conservative like Candace Owens is winning: When the Hater Dem Racists start threads like this. No research, no basis, a pure Hit Piece, but you know your Fellow Dims will sheep along with you.

Americans are with you, Candace. Great job!
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

So when Marc Lamont Hill was fired by CNN for making anti Semitic comments what was that?

You making a false equivalence.

How’s it different? They both were forced to step down for making anti Semitic comments, no?

Marc LaMont Hill is a college professor. He has not put himself out there as some leader of a new black movement that is supposed to free blacks from mental slavery. Marc Hill did not use his part time platform at CNN to denigrate his people while adopting the same beliefs as white supremacists, then gets fired by the supremacists he wanted to be a part of.

I mean they’re both self described activists, they just don’t share the same views. They got fired for the same reason. If you’re going to say the right betrayed Owens, I don’t know how you can’t say the same with respect to Hill’s situation

Easy. Just like I said it. Owens is no activist. And that's the problem with your analysis. You believe a false narrative and Owens validates your belief so you think she is an activist. Owen is a anti black progress token sellout who was used by Turning Point to make it look like they were open to the concerns of black people. She was a national spokesperson for this organization. Hill was a part time guest appearing on CNN on rare occasions, and was not used by CNN in a leadership position hoping to gain black support.

You presented a false equivalence using that same old tactic used by conservatives.....whataboutism.
Sure sign a brilliant Conservative like Candace Owens is winning: When the Dem Haters start threads like this. No research, no basis, a pure Hit Piece, but you know your Fellow Dims will sheep along with you.

Americans are with you, Candace. Great job!

Americans are not with her. White racists are. I know more about this sellout than you ever will.
Why is it that you are so fucking stupid? Has black pride EVER included denying rights and opportunities to whites by any means they could?

Drop the dumb shit boy. You aren't about taking pride in whiteness or sticking up for white interests. To those like you, white interests is about whites only. We all know that's what those like you stand for. So do you. So dump the fake innocent sounding rhetoric and your f-d up whining about white victimhood.

Why does white pride have to entail oppression of everyone else but black pride is OK? I don't want to oppress you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and go do your own thing.

Look at your record as white people and that answers your question. Nobody black is bothering your white ass.

You are kinda bothering me though. I just want to be allowed to have white things...TV shows and videogames and gatherings and neighborhoods...stuff like that... without it all being required to have "diversity" shoehorned in there. Without it being demeaned and undermined and called RACIST by social justice warriors.

Then move to a nation with a 100 percent white population. Because we as blacks have to live with the same requirements. We've never been able to have black things because whites either destroyed what we had or made rules denying us from having it. You assholes think this entire country is yours because you believe that your race entitles you to it. And that's what you want to do now and it's racist. So you are not going to get to be a racist and everybody else just has to take it. You say that you live in the hood. That's the black neighborhood. You are invading our black things. Get out.

Having to see a lot of white faces on the TV and products targeting a white consumer is what happens when you're a minority living in a white-majority country. I understand that it must feel alienating, I empathize.

But you guys still get entertainment and consumer goods specifically aimed at a black audience and SJWs don't form online outrage mobs, mass-complain to BET to feature more white people. Nasty blue-haired dyke cat ladies working for don't write articles talking about how horrible it is that black people in America prefer to stick with their own kind and how the world would just be better off if they'd just stop existing.

You are truly dumb. Most of entertainment and consumer goods are aimed at the white market. Again before you start crying, check the record of what your race has done in totality. There are laws greater than the white mans constitution son. One of the laws stated in the constitution of mankind says;" What ye sows, ye shall also reap." Whites are not exempt from this law. Learn that.

Whites are not missing any space or ability to be proud of your heritage. Whites in America do it all the time. What you don't get to do is be racist. Stop crying.
Sure sign a brilliant Conservative like Candace Owens is winning: When the Dem Haters start threads like this. No research, no basis, a pure Hit Piece, but you know your Fellow Dims will sheep along with you.

Americans are with you, Candace. Great job!

Americans are not with her. White racists are. I know more about this sellout than you ever will.
Claiming to know more than I on this topic merely confirms your arrogance and diminishes your credibility, and calling Candace a white racist clearly identifies your unimpeachable stupidity.

I don't know if you are black, but if so you have chosen to be a slave.

And FYI, your out-of-context use of an MLK Jr quote as your signature belies your true alignment: Racist. His reference is only to urban riots, and not the general state of black Americans. You'll find the full text here: The Role of the Behavioral Scientist in the Civil Rights Movement.

To avoid future embarrassment, I suggest you become better informed.
Sure sign a brilliant Conservative like Candace Owens is winning: When the Dem Haters start threads like this. No research, no basis, a pure Hit Piece, but you know your Fellow Dims will sheep along with you.

Americans are with you, Candace. Great job!

Americans are not with her. White racists are. I know more about this sellout than you ever will.
Claiming to know more than I on this topic merely confirms your arrogance and diminishes your credibility, and calling Candace a white racist clearly identifies your unimpeachable stupidity.

I don't know if you are black, but if so you have chosen to be a slave.

And FYI, your out-of-context use of an MLK Jr quote as your signature belies your true alignment: Racist. His reference is only to urban riots, and not the general state of black Americans. You'll find the full text here: The Role of the Behavioral Scientist in the Civil Rights Movement.

To avoid future embarrassment, I suggest you become better informed.

I am better informed than you, rest assured. My qoute is not out of context. I am black and slavery is illegal.

Kings comments were not meant only for urban riots.

"The policymakers of the white society have caused the darkness; they create discrimination; they structured slums; and they perpetuate unemployment, ignorance and poverty. It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society."

The underlined words were not just reserved for urban riots junior.

Learn how to read. I didn't call Owens a white racist. She does suffer from internalized racism though. I do think I know what it's like to be black better than you since I have lived black for 58 years. To avoid future embarrassment understand that Candice Owens is a token. There are black conservatives out there who are far more intelligent than the dumb ass blacks people like you promote. Candice Owen talks that white punk bullshit after being handed $37,500 in a racial discrimination lawsuit. So don't start preaching how there is no racism to me or that victim mentality bullshit people like you spew from your pie holes after you get money because you were discriminated against.

So save your link and do more research before you come to me with your weak conservative garbage. For it is you who is "enslaved." You're trapped in a lie and that's your problem.
Should blacks feel humiliated for taking pride in their blackness and for sticking up for black interests?

Why is it that you are so fucking stupid? Has black pride EVER included denying rights and opportunities to whites by any means they could?

Drop the dumb shit boy. You aren't about taking pride in whiteness or sticking up for white interests. To those like you, white interests is about whites only. We all know that's what those like you stand for. So do you. So dump the fake innocent sounding rhetoric and your f-d up whining about white victimhood.

Why does white pride have to entail oppression of everyone else but black pride is OK? I don't want to oppress you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and go do your own thing.

Look at your record as white people and that answers your question. Nobody black is bothering your white ass.

You are kinda bothering me though. I just want to be allowed to have white things...TV shows and videogames and gatherings and neighborhoods...stuff like that... without it all being required to have "diversity" shoehorned in there. Without it being demeaned and undermined and called RACIST by social justice warriors.

White people are not unique. Most individuals prefer to be in places that are culturally familiar to them.

The only time that is an issue is when people begin to declare their culture superior to others.

Why is it an issue then?
Why is it that you are so fucking stupid? Has black pride EVER included denying rights and opportunities to whites by any means they could?

Drop the dumb shit boy. You aren't about taking pride in whiteness or sticking up for white interests. To those like you, white interests is about whites only. We all know that's what those like you stand for. So do you. So dump the fake innocent sounding rhetoric and your f-d up whining about white victimhood.

Why does white pride have to entail oppression of everyone else but black pride is OK? I don't want to oppress you. I want you to leave me the fuck alone and go do your own thing.

Look at your record as white people and that answers your question. Nobody black is bothering your white ass.

You are kinda bothering me though. I just want to be allowed to have white things...TV shows and videogames and gatherings and neighborhoods...stuff like that... without it all being required to have "diversity" shoehorned in there. Without it being demeaned and undermined and called RACIST by social justice warriors.

White people are not unique. Most individuals prefer to be in places that are culturally familiar to them.

The only time that is an issue is when people begin to declare their culture superior to others.

Why is it an issue then?

Is this question a thinly veiled way of defending devaluing another culture in order to embrace ones own culture?

Why would that even be necessary?
Sure sign a brilliant Conservative like Candace Owens is winning: When the Dem Haters start threads like this. No research, no basis, a pure Hit Piece, but you know your Fellow Dims will sheep along with you.

Americans are with you, Candace. Great job!

Americans are not with her. White racists are. I know more about this sellout than you ever will.

The lack.of substance in what she claims to be her views, especially considering her history, are obvious.

When she earns some credibilty through longetivity and consistency, she might be more believable.

The Problem with Candace Owens - Quillette
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I am better informed than you, rest assured. My qoute is not out of context. I am black and slavery is illegal.

Kings comments were not meant only for urban riots.

"The policymakers of the white society have caused the darkness; they create discrimination; they structured slums; and they perpetuate unemployment, ignorance and poverty. It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society."

The underlined words were not just reserved for urban riots junior.

Learn how to read. I didn't call Owens a white racist. She does suffer from internalized racism though. I do think I know what it's like to be black better than you since I have lived black for 58 years. To avoid future embarrassment understand that Candice Owens is a token. There are black conservatives out there who are far more intelligent than the dumb ass blacks people like you promote. Candice Owen talks that white punk bullshit after being handed $37,500 in a racial discrimination lawsuit. So don't start preaching how there is no racism to me or that victim mentality bullshit people like you spew from your pie holes after you get money because you were discriminated against.

So save your link and do more research before you come to me with your weak conservative garbage. For it is you who is "enslaved." You're trapped in a lie and that's your problem.
Once again you attempt to deceive by omitting context in a vain effort to justify your "victim" status. The sentence before your quote defines the meaning:

"A profound judgment of today's riots was expressed by Victor Hugo a century ago. He said, 'If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.'"

The message sent by Ms. Owens is meant specifically for people like you who are blinded by their Dem masters. Open your eyes or remain in darkness on the DNC Plantation. The choice is yours.
I am better informed than you, rest assured. My qoute is not out of context. I am black and slavery is illegal.

Kings comments were not meant only for urban riots.

"The policymakers of the white society have caused the darkness; they create discrimination; they structured slums; and they perpetuate unemployment, ignorance and poverty. It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society."

The underlined words were not just reserved for urban riots junior.

Learn how to read. I didn't call Owens a white racist. She does suffer from internalized racism though. I do think I know what it's like to be black better than you since I have lived black for 58 years. To avoid future embarrassment understand that Candice Owens is a token. There are black conservatives out there who are far more intelligent than the dumb ass blacks people like you promote. Candice Owen talks that white punk bullshit after being handed $37,500 in a racial discrimination lawsuit. So don't start preaching how there is no racism to me or that victim mentality bullshit people like you spew from your pie holes after you get money because you were discriminated against.

So save your link and do more research before you come to me with your weak conservative garbage. For it is you who is "enslaved." You're trapped in a lie and that's your problem.
Once again you attempt to deceive by omitting context in a vain effort to justify your "victim" status. The sentence before your quote defines the meaning:

"A profound judgment of today's riots was expressed by Victor Hugo a century ago. He said, 'If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.'"

The message sent by Ms. Owens is meant specifically for people like you who are blinded by their Dem masters. Open your eyes or remain in darkness on the DNC Plantation. The choice is yours.

Lol! STFU chump. I am not joining the voter suppression anti civil rights party.

I've got kids older than Owens. That child doesn't have a message I need to hear.

Keep Kings words out your mouth. I know what he stood for.
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK

She is not the new anything. Only white racists like you endorse/listen to her. Got to an all black forum and you don't see no MLK in what they say about her.
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK

She is not the new anything. Only white racists like you endorse/listen to her. Got to an all black forum and you don't see no MLK in what they say about her.
You are a black democrat.. you might also be retarted
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK

She is not the new anything. Only white racists like you endorse/listen to her. Got to an all black forum and you don't see no MLK in what they say about her.
Like this comment?
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK

She is not the new anything. Only white racists like you endorse/listen to her. Got to an all black forum and you don't see no MLK in what they say about her.
You are a black democrat.. you might also be retarted

If I was retarded, I would claim white supremacy is not a problem after getting a $37,500 settlement for racism.
LOL! This is what always happens to sellouts.

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired

Candace Owens has officially resigned from her position as the communications director of Turning Point USA, which is a conservative advocacy group that cloaks its racism with so-called patriotism. Her resignation came after calls from in and outside of Turning Point USA for her to step down after being accused of making anti-Semitic comments.

“I am both excited and sad to announce that I will be officially moving on from my role as Communications Director for Turning Point USA,” Owens wrote on Instagram Wednesday night. She then babbled about all her other projects, like Blexit, which is actually a Black banking movement that she stole.

There have been calls for Owens to leave Turning Point USA for months. Back in February, Turning Point USA campus chapters at the University of Nebraska Omaha, Bowling Green State University and the University of Colorado were demanding that Owens be fired or resign.

“Turning Point USA is above this thoughtless and divisive rhetoric, and as Chapters, Presidents, and Leaders of Turning Point USA, we will no longer stand idly by as they continue. We do not believe Candace Owens to be the most effective representation for Turning Point USA, as Communications Director or otherwise. We have seen many hard working activists and chapters across the United States dissociate with Turning Point USA simply because they can’t align themselves with the rhetoric and statements that have come out,” the statement read in part.

The statement also said that “As the Communications Director, she must know how to communicate professionally and effectively.”

Candace Owens ‘Resigns’ From Turning Point USA After Calls For Her To Be Fired
Lol she has the number one pod cast ha.. she has no time for that role she is huge now. The new MLK

She is not the new anything. Only white racists like you endorse/listen to her. Got to an all black forum and you don't see no MLK in what they say about her.
You are a black democrat.. you might also be retarted

If I was retarded, I would claim white supremacy is not a problem after getting a $37,500 settlement for racism.
300 blacks shot since Thursday not one white Person pulled the trigger.. sorry who’s the problem??

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