Candy Crowley shows sympathy for teenage rape boys

"Shortly after the guilty verdict in the Steubenville rape case was announced, Candy Crowley took to the airwaves to report it and connect with their reporter on the ground for more details. Her lead-in to the remote shot was shameful.

Crowley was filled with sadness for two young men who took advantage of a drunk and possibly drugged young girl because the judge actually held them accountable for what they did. Instead of wondering aloud why they weren't tried as adults, she was instead very concerned that now they would have to register for the rest of their lives as sex offenders."

Candy Crowley Oozes Sympathy for Steubenville Rapists | Crooks and Liars
Never ceases to amaze me how liberals sympathize with criminals.

Its a shame they are only getting a 1 year and a 2 year sentence.
I THINK I'd like to see others tried, especially the young man who filmed it all and posted it on Facebook. The ones who did nothing, though they saw it going on.

Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe they were too young to know what they were supposed to do in such a situation. Well, not the ones who posted bad stuff. But the ones watching may have been confused, I suppose. The impulse to mind one's own business is strong.
Supposedly they are going after the ones who were there and did nothing.

They went to the bathroom on her too. And joked about her being dead.

Then miss liberal feminist candy Crowley feels sorry for the boys? And the Internet is not happy about it.
"CNN is facing backlash from its sympathetic breaking news coverage of the guilty verdict for Trent Mays, 17, and Ma’lik Richmond, 16, in the Steubenville rape trial. Is the flak warranted? Why is it that CNN is getting hit hard (to the point that an online petition has started circulating) with demands for the network’s apology? Why does a quick trip to their Facebook page concerning the coverage is swamped with hate?"

Steubenville Rape Trial: CNN in Hot Water After Show Of Pity For Rapists
I THINK I'd like to see others tried, especially the young man who filmed it all and posted it on Facebook. The ones who did nothing, though they saw it going on.

Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe they were too young to know what they were supposed to do in such a situation. Well, not the ones who posted bad stuff. But the ones watching may have been confused, I suppose. The impulse to mind one's own business is strong.

No way. I remember being 16 and if something like this was happening I'd take my bb gun to those little twits.

They were all joking about it.

There was a video but I think they took it down cuz I can't find it now.
They were being horrible disgusting and sick to a girl who was totally out of it.
You can find the video if you look but I'm not going to post it here.
I THINK I'd like to see others tried, especially the young man who filmed it all and posted it on Facebook. The ones who did nothing, though they saw it going on.

Maybe I'm wrong, though. Maybe they were too young to know what they were supposed to do in such a situation. Well, not the ones who posted bad stuff. But the ones watching may have been confused, I suppose. The impulse to mind one's own business is strong.

Grand jury is investigating, The boy who made this news with his comments was thrown out of Ohio state, and even though they got a light sentence, they are now sex offenders who will have to register as such in most states as long as they are alive. It may not seem like much, but they have been character assassinated. As for the media, to hell with them. They are shameless, and very little is beneath them. Especially Candy Crawly.
..... now on top of all the virulent left wing lunacy , CNN is pro-rape.

anyway...CNN doesn't exist for me,I stop watching it a long time ago and now its dead and buried.
I've noticed a lot of coverage that sympathizes with the boys, including local stuff. I imagine in the next few weeks we'll be seeig a serious discussion on why so many in the media seemed to talk more about how drunk the girl was and the promising football career of the boys, than why they and so many at the party, felt like what they did wasnt wrong.
The Onion Nails it. From 2011:

[ame=""]Athlete Overcomes Rape (Onion SportsDome) - YouTube[/ame]
Ruined the lives of these creeps? How could these people sympathize with those who ruined the life of their victim.
Some of these Ohio kids are just NOT bright ------

COLUMBUS, Ohio – A day after two high school football players were convicted of raping a 16-year-old girl, authorities arrested two Ohio girls suspected of making social media threats against the accuser.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said the girls arrested Monday posted threatening Facebook and Twitter comments on Sunday, the day the players were convicted in Steubenville.

The rape case brought international attention to the small city of 18,000 and led to allegations of a cover-up to protect the Steubenville High School football team.

Steubenville police Capt. Joel Walker said the Jefferson County girls, ages 15 and 16, were being held in juvenile detention.

The older girl was charged with aggravated menacing for a tweet that threatened homicide and said "you ripped my family apart," according to the attorney general's office. A Facebook posting from the younger girl threatened the accuser with bodily harm, leading to a menacing charge, the office said.

"These arrests, I hope, will end the harassment of the victim," DeWine said. "We are simply not going to tolerate this. Enough is enough."

Read more: 2 teens charged with threatening victim in Ohio rape case | Fox News

I'm a little aghast at how low the public standard of morals are in Steubenville; I used to live in Ohio and I don't remember it being this bad! Something has gone badly downhill.
These boys were very popular. Add to that, that many feel the boys never raped her. The boys were very careful to not vaginally penetrate her, masturbating on her, using their fingers and attempting to use her mouth, yes, but they didnt have vaginal sex with her. They felt that was the line, it wasnt "rape" because they never crossed it. Many people (including some in that community )agree with their assessment.
These rapists, like the basketball player, do not believe they did anything wrong. The liberal media doesn't believe they did anything wrong. A large part of the public believes they did nothing wrong and public opinion is slowly shifting to the position they did nothing wrong too.

They were having fun. Conservatives want to make laughing against the law. That's the narrative.
These boys were very popular. Add to that, that many feel the boys never raped her. The boys were very careful to not vaginally penetrate her, masturbating on her, using their fingers and attempting to use her mouth, yes, but they didnt have vaginal sex with her. They felt that was the line, it wasnt "rape" because they never crossed it. Many people (including some in that community )agree with their assessment. that they FINALLY have some honest prosecutors working, looks to me as though they are getting this perception changed. Sticking fingers into an unconscious woman is indeed rape, and threatening her on Facebook is also a no-no. I think the district attorney is simply going to put these bad bullying raping kids in jail till ol' Steubenville gets the message that they can't act like animals if they want to stay out of jail.

I'm getting a little fed up with Steubenville. I bet they thought what Clinton did with Monica was sex ---- but what these boys did wasn't?

Ha. Just keep trying them and putting them in jail. They are stupid, but they'll eventually get the message, I bet.

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