Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like Hitler? Holt to Clinton: If you were a tree what would you be?

Since the OP isn’t quoting the can only assume that she is desperate to create an issue where there is none. If there were bias, it would be easy to quote…right?

I was brought up this way. If you omit the truth you tell the lie.

Not one question on Benghazi, nor the server scandal, not on the Clinton Foundation taking in quizzillions of dollars from countries that kill gays or imprison gays for being gays.

Instead Clinton got puff balls from Candy errrrrrrrrrrrr Lester Holt.
Candy Holt to Trump:" An unnamed source tells us that you and your family prefer kitten fried sweet and sour meatballs with your Chinese food orders. Sir can you defend eating kittens?

Candy Holt to Hillary: Mrs. Clinton how do you feel about this most wonderful autumn we are having this year?
Since the OP isn’t quoting the can only assume that she is desperate to create an issue where there is none. If there were bias, it would be easy to quote…right?

I was brought up this way. If you omit the truth you tell the lie.

Not one question on Benghazi, nor the server scandal, not on the Clinton Foundation taking in quizzillions of dollars from countries that kill gays or imprison gays for being gays.

Instead Clinton got puff balls from Candy errrrrrrrrrrrr Lester Holt.

Benghazi happened before the last election. Nobody cares. Hillary discussed the server…somehow it was brought up. I doubt she just came out and said something about it so you’re full of shit on that one. The Clinton Foundation isn’t an issue anyone is talking about…

But since you brought it up, how many questions were there about…

Giving out opponent’s phone numbers?
Mocking reporters who are physically disabled?
Insinuating women are on their period?
Saying he could shoot someone and not lose support?
Saying he would take care of legal bills for his enablers who assaulted people at his rallies?
That he has a letter from the NFL telling him to get the debates moved?
That, when he skipped the debate in the primary, he had a rally to raise money for wounded vets but didn’t send the check until he was challenged..
That he wanted to date his daughter?
That he said he knew more than the Generals about ISIS.

Sum up his answers to those when they were asked last night….will you please?

Face it, you’re unhappy because you messiah wasn’t able to intimidate his way to victory or at least a non-defeat.
Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—Plunging the future of the 2016 Presidential debates into doubt, Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday morning that he would not participate in the remaining two debates if Hillary Clinton is there.

Trump blasted the format of Monday night’s debate by claiming that the presence of Clinton was “specifically designed” to distract him from delivering his message to the American people.

“Every time I said something, she would say something back,” he said. “It was rigged.”

He also lambasted the “underhanded tactics” his opponent used during the debate. “She kept on bringing up things I said or did,” he added. “She is a very nasty person.”

Turning to CNN, Trump criticized the network’s use of a split screen showing both him and Clinton throughout the telecast. “It should have been just me,” he said. “That way people could have seen how really good my temperament is.”

The billionaire said that debate organizers had not yet responded to his ultimatum, but he warned that if he does not get assurances in writing that future debates will be “un-rigged, Hillary-wise,” he will not participate.

“I have said time and time again that I would only do these debates if I am treated fairly,” he added. “The only way I can be guaranteed of being treated fairly is if Hillary Clinton is not there.”
The Chinese, Isis, Kim Jong Un scary? No, Trump is terrified of Lester Holt.

Maybe Isis should rename their leader Lester Holt.
Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—Plunging the future of the 2016 Presidential debates into doubt, Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday morning that he would not participate in the remaining two debates if Hillary Clinton is there.

Trump blasted the format of Monday night’s debate by claiming that the presence of Clinton was “specifically designed” to distract him from delivering his message to the American people.

“Every time I said something, she would say something back,” he said. “It was rigged.”

He also lambasted the “underhanded tactics” his opponent used during the debate. “She kept on bringing up things I said or did,” he added. “She is a very nasty person.”

Turning to CNN, Trump criticized the network’s use of a split screen showing both him and Clinton throughout the telecast. “It should have been just me,” he said. “That way people could have seen how really good my temperament is.”

The billionaire said that debate organizers had not yet responded to his ultimatum, but he warned that if he does not get assurances in writing that future debates will be “un-rigged, Hillary-wise,” he will not participate.

“I have said time and time again that I would only do these debates if I am treated fairly,” he added. “The only way I can be guaranteed of being treated fairly is if Hillary Clinton is not there.”

If you were to give him truth serum…I think you’d get something like that out of him for real
Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like Hitler?

Candy Holt to Clinton: If you were a tree what tree would you be?

Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like the KKK and if you don't win the election do you aspire to be a Grand Dragon?

Candy Holt to Clinton: What emojii best describes you?


Candy Holt he is and he is being just nailed to the wall. As he should be. Even by Kurtz a dyed in the wool Democrat.
Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—Plunging the future of the 2016 Presidential debates into doubt, Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday morning that he would not participate in the remaining two debates if Hillary Clinton is there.

Trump blasted the format of Monday night’s debate by claiming that the presence of Clinton was “specifically designed” to distract him from delivering his message to the American people.

“Every time I said something, she would say something back,” he said. “It was rigged.”

He also lambasted the “underhanded tactics” his opponent used during the debate. “She kept on bringing up things I said or did,” he added. “She is a very nasty person.”

Turning to CNN, Trump criticized the network’s use of a split screen showing both him and Clinton throughout the telecast. “It should have been just me,” he said. “That way people could have seen how really good my temperament is.”

The billionaire said that debate organizers had not yet responded to his ultimatum, but he warned that if he does not get assurances in writing that future debates will be “un-rigged, Hillary-wise,” he will not participate.

“I have said time and time again that I would only do these debates if I am treated fairly,” he added. “The only way I can be guaranteed of being treated fairly is if Hillary Clinton is not there.”


Andy is one of the funniest ever. I read him all the time. Big lib and slags conservatives but it still doesn't diminish him as a comedian.


It was a bullshit blog. Ed. Try decaff. This was Andy being hysterically funny.
They were SO unfair to your messiah! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

We don't see Trump as a messiah...another projection on the part of a disappointed and discouraged leftist who got "okie-doked" by the Kenyan conman and tries to turn her shame into a word game.
Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like Hitler?

Candy Holt to Clinton: If you were a tree what tree would you be?

Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like the KKK and if you don't win the election do you aspire to be a Grand Dragon?

Candy Holt to Clinton: What emojii best describes you?


Candy Holt he is and he is being just nailed to the wall. As he should be. Even by Kurtz a dyed in the wool Democrat.
Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker

HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (The Borowitz Report)—Plunging the future of the 2016 Presidential debates into doubt, Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday morning that he would not participate in the remaining two debates if Hillary Clinton is there.

Trump blasted the format of Monday night’s debate by claiming that the presence of Clinton was “specifically designed” to distract him from delivering his message to the American people.

“Every time I said something, she would say something back,” he said. “It was rigged.”

He also lambasted the “underhanded tactics” his opponent used during the debate. “She kept on bringing up things I said or did,” he added. “She is a very nasty person.”

Turning to CNN, Trump criticized the network’s use of a split screen showing both him and Clinton throughout the telecast. “It should have been just me,” he said. “That way people could have seen how really good my temperament is.”

The billionaire said that debate organizers had not yet responded to his ultimatum, but he warned that if he does not get assurances in writing that future debates will be “un-rigged, Hillary-wise,” he will not participate.

“I have said time and time again that I would only do these debates if I am treated fairly,” he added. “The only way I can be guaranteed of being treated fairly is if Hillary Clinton is not there.”


Andy is one of the funniest ever. I read him all the time. Big lib and slags conservatives but it still doesn't diminish him as a comedian.


It was a bullshit blog. Ed. Try decaff. This was Andy being hysterically funny.
GEE, no kidding. DUH!
Interesting how Holt didnt ask Hillary about her support for the Iraq war, but he went after Trump about it.
You know the Right thinks Trump got schlonged when they attack the Moderator!

Kurtz even slammed Holt's audition for Clinton's press secretary for crying out loud and Kurtz is a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Democrat.
Howie is a Right-wing FOX hack, as you well know.

Have to run the dog in a minute. Raven's back teeth are singing anchors away if you catch my drift.

I can show you if you want when Kurtz went off the deep end and RE TOLD the NYT lie about Bush and the "fake turkey" story.

I've got Kurtz clearly lying on that story. He's solid D.

Are you certain you want me to do this? His bias was clear. I'm waiting for October ed. I am so loaded for bear on so called journalists and media that it will make your head spin faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

I'll wait and then unleash on them although you sorely tempted me today.
Here you go....

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for

And I don't care about the political lines here. He's one of the funniest out there without getting dirty or smarmy.

Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker
Gee, I already posted the link!
Pay attention.

ed. Andy is a comedian. Trump never said he won't show up if Hillary is there.
Interesting how Holt didnt ask Hillary about her support for the Iraq war, but he went after Trump about it.

She and Kerry and others used to claim they gave Bush "authorization to use force" but never approved of actually doing anything about Saddam or bin-Laden....which of course, they never did when they had the chance.
Here you go....

Andy Borowitz is a New York Times best-selling author and a comedian who has written for The New Yorker since 1998. He writes the Borowitz Report for

And I don't care about the political lines here. He's one of the funniest out there without getting dirty or smarmy.

Trump Threatens to Skip Remaining Debates If Hillary Is There - The New Yorker
Gee, I already posted the link!
Pay attention.

ed. Andy is a comedian. Trump never said he won't show up if Hillary is there.
No shit Sherlock!
Interesting how Holt didnt ask Hillary about her support for the Iraq war, but he went after Trump about it.

Bingo! But Trump should have screamed "you voted for it you bitch".

But hey it's his first debate one on one with a very scripted opponent. He was debating Lester. Not her. Hope he has learned his lesson. She was attempting lamely to give a policy speech. Didn't work according to snap polls.

Pffffffft the stupid bitch has never had these ratings. And she lost.
Interesting how Holt didnt ask Hillary about her support for the Iraq war, but he went after Trump about it.

Well she could point to the speech before the vote where she said:

War can yet be avoided, but our responsibility to global security and to the integrity of United Nations resolutions protecting it cannot. I urge the President to spare no effort to secure a clear, unambiguous demand by the United Nations for unlimited inspections.

And finally, on another personal note, I come to this decision from the perspective of a Senator from New York who has seen all too closely the consequences of last year's terrible attacks on our nation. In balancing the risks of action versus inaction, I think New Yorkers who have gone through the fires of hell may be more attuned to the risk of not acting. I know that I am.

So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him - use these powers wisely and as a last resort.

A golden oldie: Hillary's floor speech to invade Iraq

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