Candy Holt to Trump: Why are you like Hitler? Holt to Clinton: If you were a tree what would you be?

They were SO unfair to your messiah! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

We don't see Trump as a messiah...another projection on the part of a disappointed and discouraged leftist who got "okie-doked" by the Kenyan conman and tries to turn her shame into a word game.

Pssst quick aside. I see he's up by 6 at RCP.Rubio looks like he's rocking. Looking good. He has to keep that seat. Gee we all really have to talk about individual races. We can't let the House or the Senate slide.

Now I know Florida very well. Not sure if I ever told you that. But I pretty well grew up just north of Ormond by the Sea and have a lot of family there as well as in Tennessee and Kentucky.

If you or any of team Rubio need help let me know. What I do is run comment sections countering any crap the left throw out there in local media. I am epic if I do say so myself :)

*SIGH* I am far more refined than I am on this board where we are all members of ECW and off the top ropes of politics and giving each other chair shots. I just want to make sure Rubio wins.

He and Cruz are pivotal in this election. We need them to win. We need them to pile on. Bring the furniture baby in these last days. Oh I hope we can pull this off.
Pssst quick aside. I see he's up by 6 at RCP.Rubio looks like he's rocking. Looking good. He has to keep that seat. Gee we all really have to talk about individual races. We can't let the House or the Senate slide.

Now I know Florida very well. Not sure if I ever told you that. But I pretty well grew up just north of Ormond by the Sea and have a lot of family there as well as in Tennessee and Kentucky.

If you or any of team Rubio need help let me know. What I do is run comment sections countering any crap the left throw out there in local media. I am epic if I do say so myself :)

*SIGH* I am far more refined than I am on this board where we are all members of ECW and off the top ropes of politics and giving each other chair shots. I just want to make sure Rubio wins.

He and Cruz are pivotal in this election. We need them to win. We need them to pile on. Bring the furniture baby in these last days. Oh I hope we can pull this off.

Thanks! I was connected to the Rubio effort in Arizona and I'll pass the word along if you like. PM me if you're interested.
Pssst quick aside. I see he's up by 6 at RCP.Rubio looks like he's rocking. Looking good. He has to keep that seat. Gee we all really have to talk about individual races. We can't let the House or the Senate slide.

Now I know Florida very well. Not sure if I ever told you that. But I pretty well grew up just north of Ormond by the Sea and have a lot of family there as well as in Tennessee and Kentucky.

If you or any of team Rubio need help let me know. What I do is run comment sections countering any crap the left throw out there in local media. I am epic if I do say so myself :)

*SIGH* I am far more refined than I am on this board where we are all members of ECW and off the top ropes of politics and giving each other chair shots. I just want to make sure Rubio wins.

He and Cruz are pivotal in this election. We need them to win. We need them to pile on. Bring the furniture baby in these last days. Oh I hope we can pull this off.

Thanks! I was connected to the Rubio effort in Arizona and I'll pass the word along if you like. PM me if you're interested.

Very much so. Will get hold of you.

But on the open board I wish so many would understand this. The battle on our side is over. I happen to love so many good posters here and because politics sometimes leaves an open wound I would rather we heal.

I for example started off for Cruz or Rubio. Then we hit internals. I never thought in my wildest nightmares I would ever back Trump.

These days are over now. You gentlemen ever seen the Patriot? It's when he circles back. Despite losing his son, despite thinking he lost the bloody war, The Patriot rides again.

He rides with the flag his son stitched together. He leads his men against them.Against the enemy. Against the Brits. For freedom. For America.

That's where we are now. Let's rock.
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Since the OP isn’t quoting the can only assume that she is desperate to create an issue where there is none. If there were bias, it would be easy to quote…right?

I was brought up this way. If you omit the truth you tell the lie.

Not one question on Benghazi, nor the server scandal, not on the Clinton Foundation taking in quizzillions of dollars from countries that kill gays or imprison gays for being gays.

Instead Clinton got puff balls from Candy errrrrrrrrrrrr Lester Holt.

Benghazi happened before the last election. Nobody cares. Hillary discussed the server…somehow it was brought up. I doubt she just came out and said something about it so you’re full of shit on that one. The Clinton Foundation isn’t an issue anyone is talking about…

But since you brought it up, how many questions were there about…

Giving out opponent’s phone numbers?
Mocking reporters who are physically disabled?
Insinuating women are on their period?
Saying he could shoot someone and not lose support?
Saying he would take care of legal bills for his enablers who assaulted people at his rallies?
That he has a letter from the NFL telling him to get the debates moved?
That, when he skipped the debate in the primary, he had a rally to raise money for wounded vets but didn’t send the check until he was challenged..
That he wanted to date his daughter?
That he said he knew more than the Generals about ISIS.

Sum up his answers to those when they were asked last night….will you please?

Face it, you’re unhappy because you messiah wasn’t able to intimidate his way to victory or at least a non-defeat.
Mod Mob

Are you auditioning for the Establishment's media to hire you to moderate the next debate?

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