Canklegate: The End Of The Clinton Crime Cabal?

Sure you did junior. BTW were you RECONDO or USMC?

RECONDO teams were from all services....I had 2 USMC on my team along with another 1st Cav, 82nd AB, and a Kit Carson turned ARVN. Guys came and went until AB took over the LRRP teams and I headed back to Benning.
Sure you did junior. BTW were you RECONDO or USMC?

RECONDO teams were from all services....I had 2 USMC on my team along with another 1st Cav, 82nd AB, and a Kit Carson turned ARVN. Guys came and went until AB took over the LRRP teams and I headed back to Benning.

The RECONDO SCHOOL was all service. I've never heard of a mixed unit engaging in LRRP operations. Do tell.
That is an out and out lie.

She had that private account for her state dept emails the entire time and it was CLEARED with the state dept. at the time she did it.

You are an unbelievable liar. A total liar. A disgusting, pathetic fake. That is all that you are, you dottering old fake marine fool.

Reported. Sooner or later you're gonna run outta luck here, pervert.

For what? Disagreeing with you?


And yes, you are a disgusting, pathetic fake.
The RECONDO SCHOOL was all service. I've never heard of a mixed unit engaging in LRRP operations. Do tell.

Do tell what? From the looks of things what you don't know could fill a library. :eusa_snooty:[/QUOTE]

What was your unit called?
I figure she's angling for deal with Obama.

He promises not to investigate her and she promises to pardon him if he's indicted for criminal conspiracy.


Yep, except they can't stand each other. Willy Jeff sold pardons on his way out so if Hilly wants blanket amnesty it's going to cost her.
What was your unit called?

:lol: You tell me....BTW you asked me to look up your "long time friend" know the guy you claimed you could out shoot? All I could find a sexual harassment suit against a woman in his department.

Sexual Harassment By Sheriff s Captain Leads to Settlement Supervisors pay former worker 300 000 - SFGate

Yep, that's him. The woman was incompetent at best and he removed her from her position. She retaliated by filing the lawsuit. You can tell that her claims were BS in that she only got 300,000 k which was less than the court case would have cost. And by a lot. They paid her to go away. He kept his job and in fact was promoted to head the Bay Area Fusion Center.

When he retired he headed off to Iraq where he trained the good guys for about three years till he finally had to retire again at the age of 71 because his knees were shot. Now, back to you.

What was this so called "special RECONDO" unit called?
Looks like he got uncomfortable about my line of questioning. I do believe I know more about the military than our so called RECONDO Marine.
Looks like he got uncomfortable about my line of questioning. I do believe I know more about the military than our so called RECONDO Marine.

I'm watching a don't have the bonafides to question me, flower child. You ain't served or you'd have said so by now.....and I'm 1st Cav not a Marine....the "BullKurtz USMC" was a running joke I've been doing for years....if you ever read the board instead of pretending to be a man, you'd know that. And the woman won $300, any other pretend friends you can boast about? :badgrin:
Looks like he got uncomfortable about my line of questioning. I do believe I know more about the military than our so called RECONDO Marine.

I'm watching a don't have the bonafides to question me, flower child. You ain't served or you'd have said so by now.....and I'm 1st Cav not a Marine....the "BullKurtz USMC" was a running joke I've been doing for years....if you ever read the board instead of pretending to be a man, you'd know that. And the woman won $300, any other pretend friends you can boast about? :badgrin:

Oooh, "flower child". That the best you got. 1st Cav hmm. What was your MOS? Which specific unit were you in? My lawyer was in the Cav. Now, do you have anything useful to add to the discussion about the Clinton rime family?
I'm afraid what dear Mr. Kurtz fails to realize is that Ms. Clinton could appear on live national television tomorrow, confess to strangling ten toddlers to death, and then play 'The Star Spangled Banner' with armpit farts while repeatedly kicking a puppy, and she'd still win the 2016 election.

Americans don't want change. You want a big name politician who will tuck you in, kiss you goodnight, and tell you everything you want to hear. That's what Ms. Clinton is offering you.

She's not going to drop out. She's not going to give up. She's not going to go away.

She's going to win the election. Accept it. Come to terms with it.
Hillary Haldeman will be the candidate because she knows she can count on the masses of left wing democrat Gruberites. Not just sheeple but really dumb sheeple.
The Republican nominee is going to be Jeb Bush, whose policies are 95% indistinguishable from Ms. Clinton's. I wouldn't throw too many rocks if I were you. o_O
Oooh, "flower child". That the best you got. 1st Cav hmm. What was your MOS? Which specific unit were you in? My lawyer was in the Cav. Now, do you have anything useful to add to the discussion about the Clinton rime family?

This is my thread,'re the one who side tracked it with your childish questions/accusations. Ask "your lawyer" what an 11F40 MOS was....maybe he even knows how LRRP teams were numbered or team names were chosen. Of course he was probably nowhere near any of that or have to pay him to have a conversation. Trying to mock my service is offensive and unpatriotic...but then that's what you on the left are in a nutshell.
I'm afraid what dear Mr. Kurtz fails to realize is that Ms. Clinton could appear on live national television tomorrow, confess to strangling ten toddlers to death, and then play 'The Star Spangled Banner' with armpit farts while repeatedly kicking a puppy, and she'd still win the 2016 election.

Americans don't want change. You want a big name politician who will tuck you in, kiss you goodnight, and tell you everything you want to hear. That's what Ms. Clinton is offering you.

She's not going to drop out. She's not going to give up. She's not going to go away.

She's going to win the election. Accept it. Come to terms with it.

Where did this mongrel stumble in from? :uhh:

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