Canklegate: The End Of The Clinton Crime Cabal?

another possible email that may be revealed next summer. Hildabeast33: Look, between u and me, and dont mention this to anyone, I can't stand that " any particular slang word for black" and his fat wife too! god i cant wait for the day when me and bill no longer have to pretend to like them as if we were best buddies.
The cleverst crooks are generally tripped up by one little innocently seeming detail. Much like Al Capone could never be conected to crime until the IRS tripped him up. In '63-'64 I was in Korea and we had a clerk at the APO that had been in Korea for about 6 years and everybody wondered why because he never went anywhere, had no hobbies or any other interests. Then one day the CID hauled him to Seoul and he had a GCM with a stretch in Leavenworth. Back in those days a money order was filled out by pen and the purchaser paid for the money order which had a stub. The Post Office had a second stub and was kept on a big metal ring.He would fill out the MO and stub with a purchase price of, i.e. $100.00. But the stub for the PO ring would say 5 or 10 dollars. So he had done this for 5 or 6 years and never got caught. What tripped him up was one Friday before closing he needed some personal stamps and he took a book of them and stuck them in his pocket and never put any cash in the box as he intended to do on Monday.He was filling out a money order for a customer at the time when the Postal Inspector arrested him. That's when they noticed what he was doing to the money orders. It might take some innocent seeming event to trip up the Clintons and get them some well deserved jail time. I surely hope so.

I caught a supply clerk cheating some gnarly WO's in poker at Radcliff. I'd seen his move before.....I told him he had a choice...either give me half the winnings and any gear goodies I may ask for or I tell the dick sticks what he was up to. Man, I had him the first new 8-shot Ithaca and boocoo candy bars, cartons of Pall Malls, cans of peaches and the like...:wink_2:
First debate against Republican sometime in 2016
Hillary screeching and flaying her arms up and down, "What difference, at this point in time, if I had two e-mail accounts or three? What difference does it make?"
Admit it Liberals: You don't LIKE Hillary, you're just AFRAID of her aren't you?

She belongs in either Prison or a Straight Jacket. Maybe both.

I think you may be projecting. I also think you won't find any shortage of nodding heads in the RW echo chamber for such sentiment. Just don't expect much results with it outside that comfy bubble.
So its your opinion that the link says that Hillary lied about emails from Sydney Blumenthal not existing......but you can't actually find the links saying that?

Then that's not so much an a hallucination.

Listen pissant, the NYTimes printed the them...notice anything? Of course you can't admit you been conned by a couple of rubes from Arkansas...where I come from that asshole couldn't sell used cars yet your kind put his sorry ass in the WH and want to put her in there about a sucker fish.
So its your opinion that the link says that Hillary lied about emails from Sydney Blumenthal not existing......but you can't actually find the links saying that?

Then that's not so much an a hallucination.

Listen pissant, the NYTimes printed the them...notice anything? Of course you can't admit you been conned by a couple of rubes from Arkansas...where I come from that asshole couldn't sell used cars and your kind put his sorry ass in the WH and want to put her in there about a sucker fish.

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show us where the link says that Sydney Blumenthal has emails from a Hillary email account she claimed didn't exist.

You'll find the article says no such thing. Which might explain why you're continuing to give us excuses why you can't offer us the quote backing your claims. Rather than just offering us the quote.

Again, here's the article:

Show us. Your excuses why you can't are getting rather....obvious.
And what major lie does the 'link say'? Specifically. Remember, I've read the article and have it right here in front of me. So if you make shit up again, I'm going to know.

Well, the links say that Sydney Blumenthal has emails from a Hillary email account she claimed didn't exist.

Quote your article saying this. I'll even save you time. Here's the article you claim to be quoting:

Show me. Don't tell me.

Further, the whole context of her deleting thousands of emails is that she'd mixed her personal business with Dept. of State business to use only one account.....any of this getting through yet?

The article never mentions any of this. This is you again.

:lol: Once again, I found solid proof she is a lying sack of shit and gave my opinion of the outcome of it. You're grasping at cankles kid....but hers are too fat to get your hands around. You're free to write your own outcome of her treachery....I've given your feeble complaints all the airing they'll get in this thread.


You live in a fantasy world, you dottering old fool.
You wimpy Liberals couldn't look Hillary in the eye. You'd be all appologetic and fawning over "Her Majesty" Hillary The First.
I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.

Doubtful...I grew up around real criminals....the Clintons are two-bit grifters with fading political power....both extremes eventually end up in prison or clemency.

For "two bit grifters" they have been a hell of a lot more successful than your so called real criminals. The Mafia has nothing on the Clinton crime family.
And what major lie does the 'link say'? Specifically. Remember, I've read the article and have it right here in front of me. So if you make shit up again, I'm going to know.

Well, the links say that Sydney Blumenthal has emails from a Hillary email account she claimed didn't exist. Further, the whole context of her deleting thousands of emails is that she'd mixed her personal business with Dept. of State business to use only one account.....any of this getting through yet?

That is an out and out lie.

She had that private account for her state dept emails the entire time and it was CLEARED with the state dept. at the time she did it.

You are an unbelievable liar. A total liar. A disgusting, pathetic fake. That is all that you are, you dottering old fake marine fool.
And what major lie does the 'link say'? Specifically. Remember, I've read the article and have it right here in front of me. So if you make shit up again, I'm going to know.

Well, the links say that Sydney Blumenthal has emails from a Hillary email account she claimed didn't exist. Further, the whole context of her deleting thousands of emails is that she'd mixed her personal business with Dept. of State business to use only one account.....any of this getting through yet?

That is an out and out lie.

She had that private account for her state dept emails the entire time and it was CLEARED with the state dept. at the time she did it.

You are an unbelievable liar. A total liar. A disgusting, pathetic fake. That is all that you are, you dottering old fake marine fool.
Been on the news all day today on all the networks and cable news shows.

Hillary had second secret email address New York Post
Gee, I guess accusations and innuendo is enough to convict someone now.

For "two bit grifters" they have been a hell of a lot more successful than your so called real criminals. The Mafia has nothing on the Clinton crime family.

I gave you an "agree" because I felt guilty for showing you up in front of my readers yesterday. Once again, to quantify "success" in crime you have to know the last chapter of the story. I knew a couple captains with Tocco and Giacalone in Detroit....those guys were criminals...dangerous and unpredictable but as long as it wasn't about their money or women, they'd leave it alone. Their word was all they had....The Clintons have no honor...their word means nothing. In Detroit back in the day, Willy Jeff couldn't have sold money at half price.
That is an out and out lie.

She had that private account for her state dept emails the entire time and it was CLEARED with the state dept. at the time she did it.

You are an unbelievable liar. A total liar. A disgusting, pathetic fake. That is all that you are, you dottering old fake marine fool.

Reported. Sooner or later you're gonna run outta luck here, pervert.
And what major lie does the 'link say'? Specifically. Remember, I've read the article and have it right here in front of me. So if you make shit up again, I'm going to know.

Well, the links say that Sydney Blumenthal has emails from a Hillary email account she claimed didn't exist. Further, the whole context of her deleting thousands of emails is that she'd mixed her personal business with Dept. of State business to use only one account.....any of this getting through yet?

That is an out and out lie.

She had that private account for her state dept emails the entire time and it was CLEARED with the state dept. at the time she did it.

You are an unbelievable liar. A total liar. A disgusting, pathetic fake. That is all that you are, you dottering old fake marine fool.

One account was cleared. Not the second.
For "two bit grifters" they have been a hell of a lot more successful than your so called real criminals. The Mafia has nothing on the Clinton crime family.

I gave you an "agree" because I felt guilty for showing you up in front of my readers yesterday. Once again, to quantify "success" in crime you have to know the last chapter of the story. I knew a couple captains with Tocco and Giacalone in Detroit....those guys were criminals...dangerous and unpredictable but as long as it wasn't about their money or women, they'd leave it alone. Their word was all they had....The Clintons have no honor...their word means nothing. In Detroit back in the day, Willy Jeff couldn't have sold money at half price.

Sure you did junior. BTW were you RECONDO or USMC? The Mafia got involved in all sorts of stupid gang wars back in the day.

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