Canklegate: The End Of The Clinton Crime Cabal?

The Republican nominee is going to be Jeb Bush, whose policies are 95% indistinguishable from Ms. Clinton's. I wouldn't throw too many rocks if I were you. o_O

Jeb Bush has nothing in common with Cankles and won't be the nominee.....other than that good post. :uhoh3:
"Canklegate"?? :rofl:

But there's "no war on women".
My brain hurts.

Some of our young readers, shut-ins, members of al-Qaida and those who've
ingested numerous hallucinogenics may not know what "cankles" are. When the calf meets the foot without any delineation that looks like a common human ankle, you have a cankle...aka baby legs. They come in pairs:


Cankles are created by a complete lack of exercise resulting in adipose tissue buildup. Hillary hasn't needed to walk more than a hundred feet in the last twenty years; hasn't driven a car in twenty years or longer either...and yet progs think she "cares" about them. Note to dopes....people with $100M don't care about you other than for what you can do for your expense.
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Oooh, "flower child". That the best you got. 1st Cav hmm. What was your MOS? Which specific unit were you in? My lawyer was in the Cav. Now, do you have anything useful to add to the discussion about the Clinton rime family?

This is my thread,'re the one who side tracked it with your childish questions/accusations. Ask "your lawyer" what an 11F40 MOS was....maybe he even knows how LRRP teams were numbered or team names were chosen. Of course he was probably nowhere near any of that or have to pay him to have a conversation. Trying to mock my service is offensive and unpatriotic...but then that's what you on the left are in a nutshell.

He was a door gunner in a LOACH so I doubt it. He was 1st of the 9th, so yeah, he did way more crap than you did. If you were even there. I never mock real service personnel. You though, strike me as a Walter Mitty type. Too many inconsistencies. The fact that you deride me for "mocking" your service, and then engage in that very same behavior with people you have no clue about, tells me a whole bunch about your character...and it ain't good.

And wrapping your BS in patriotism is laughable. It is unpatriotic to burn the flag. It is unpatriotic to support enemies of this country, questioning your service is far from unpatriotic. Especially when there are so many asshats claiming service who never did.
Hillary Haldeman will be the candidate because she knows she can count on the masses of left wing democrat Gruberites. Not just sheeple but really dumb sheeple.
The Republican nominee is going to be Jeb Bush, whose policies are 95% indistinguishable from Ms. Clinton's. I wouldn't throw too many rocks if I were you. o_O
Jeb Bush, though not my choice, isn't a combo of Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, H.R. Haldeman and doesn't belong in prison as Hillary does.
I'm no Hillary fan but obviously she and Bill have figured out something a long time ago that hasn't even occurred to you yet.

Doubtful...I grew up around real criminals....the Clintons are two-bit grifters with fading political power....both extremes eventually end up in prison or clemency.

I've been listening to you wingnuts say for 25 years now, "We've got the Clinton's this time!!!"

And you never do.
Hillary Haldeman will be the candidate because she knows she can count on the masses of left wing democrat Gruberites. Not just sheeple but really dumb sheeple.
The Republican nominee is going to be Jeb Bush, whose policies are 95% indistinguishable from Ms. Clinton's. I wouldn't throw too many rocks if I were you. o_O
Jeb Bush, though not my choice, isn't a combo of Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, H.R. Haldeman and doesn't belong in prison as Hillary does.
I'm just saying: Ms. Clinton doesn't have the "sheeple" demographic cornered.

Jeb Bush is going to be the GOP nominee; it's a statistical inevitability. In your fevered (ultimately futile) attempts to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House, Republicans are going to become as pro-Jeb as any human beings can possibly be.

I'm not condemning you for it, but we should acknowledge that Mr. Bush is ostensibly owned by the same interests as Ms. Clinton, and that it really doesn't matter who Americans vote into the White House. That's the stark reality of a plutocratic two-party system.
i can see this particular email now. Hildabeast33: Look, we need to come up with a lie regarding what happened with Benghazi. I have an idea. lets go look for an anti-mohammad video on you-tube, then blame it on the attacks, at least 65% of Americans are so goddamn stupid that they will believe it. so what do you think?

And by 'see this email', you mean you can imagine it?

In the RW echo chamber, that may be irrefutable proof. But outside ranks along side Ouija boards and unicorns farting glitter.
You make Gruber so proud.
i can see this particular email now. Hildabeast33: Look, we need to come up with a lie regarding what happened with Benghazi. I have an idea. lets go look for an anti-mohammad video on you-tube, then blame it on the attacks, at least 65% of Americans are so goddamn stupid that they will believe it. so what do you think?

And by 'see this email', you mean you can imagine it?

In the RW echo chamber, that may be irrefutable proof. But outside ranks along side Ouija boards and unicorns farting glitter.
You make Gruber so proud.
Gruber? the dude in a costume from Sesame Street?
The Clinton's have been stealing horses together for decades.
That's a fact.
The biggest fear they have is like so many many others who have ended up either in prison or publically disgraced to the point where they must go hide under a rock for the rest of their lives is just one tiny tiny tiny little slip-up. It comes out of nowhere born by a long forgotten victim. One little scrap of paper. One email. One little old lady who kept all the papers from the time when the Clinton's stole her life savings.
Snowden, should he not meet with a fatal 'accident' has that little old lady's paperwork. A month before the election if Hillary hasn't already withdrawn do to 'health reasons' Mr. Snowden will deliver a package to someone at the NYT who already knows what's in the package. Then we will all get to watch the Clintons self immolate live on CNN.
Anyone wonder why the NYT is all of a sudden not carrying the water for the Clinton's like they used to? Answer: B?c the editors don't just smell Clinton blood in the water. Snowden has shown them the blood. The NYT's is dying a slow death. They are more than happy to throw the Clintons under the bus if they can get out ahead of the Clinton train wreck. Should be good for a six month bump in circulation.
i can see this particular email now. Hildabeast33: Look, we need to come up with a lie regarding what happened with Benghazi. I have an idea. lets go look for an anti-mohammad video on you-tube, then blame it on the attacks, at least 65% of Americans are so goddamn stupid that they will believe it. so what do you think?

And by 'see this email', you mean you can imagine it?

In the RW echo chamber, that may be irrefutable proof. But outside ranks along side Ouija boards and unicorns farting glitter.
You make Gruber so proud.
Gruber? the dude in a costume from Sesame Street?
No, he bragged how stupid liberals were to believe and defend Obama's lies on obamacare.
i can see this particular email now. Hildabeast33: Look, we need to come up with a lie regarding what happened with Benghazi. I have an idea. lets go look for an anti-mohammad video on you-tube, then blame it on the attacks, at least 65% of Americans are so goddamn stupid that they will believe it. so what do you think?

And by 'see this email', you mean you can imagine it?

In the RW echo chamber, that may be irrefutable proof. But outside ranks along side Ouija boards and unicorns farting glitter.
You make Gruber so proud.
Gruber? the dude in a costume from Sesame Street?
No, he bragged how stupid liberals were to believe and defend Obama's lies on obamacare.
I was surprised that the cookie monster wasn't his attorney when Congress grilled him for being a lying POS.
He was a door gunner in a LOACH so I doubt it. He was 1st of the 9th, so yeah, he did way more crap than you did. If you were even there. I never mock real service personnel. You though, strike me as a Walter Mitty type. Too many inconsistencies. The fact that you deride me for "mocking" your service, and then engage in that very same behavior with people you have no clue about, tells me a whole bunch about your character...and it ain't good.

And wrapping your BS in patriotism is laughable. It is unpatriotic to burn the flag. It is unpatriotic to support enemies of this country, questioning your service is far from unpatriotic. Especially when there are so many asshats claiming service who never did.

You don't know diddly about "character" or anything else, loser. Claiming you hang out with Viet Vets is comical....none of us have anything to do with leftist pieces of shit like you. What you believe or don't believe means nothing to me or anybody else're a joke.

FYI to readers.... the LOACH was a small, speedy observation and bait bird with little or no use for a door-gunner. It's major role was as a spotter and flying low over the canopy to draw fire so the trailing Cobra could follow on and eliminate the was replaced by the Kiowa.
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Wow, they must have been convicted of horrible things. So what were they convicted of?
Getting a blow job? That's it? Just a blow job? Well that sucks.

Willy Jeff got IMPEACHED....the rapist turd should have been convicted and shot for treason for selling our missile telemetry secrets to the chi-coms. Hillary is small potatoes compared to Willy but she'll do for now.....once Trey Gowdy gets her in front of him, their world comes apart like a knock-off Armani.
The day Gowdy is tapped as USAG is the day the Clintons board their private jet headed for a one way trip to Brunei.
Gowdy won't be able to touch the Clintons.
As long as 'Slick Willy' keeps his prick in his hand instead of in the twelve year old housekeepers he'll be allowed to stay.
"Canklegate"?? :rofl:

But there's "no war on women".
My brain hurts.

Some of our young readers, shut-ins, members of al-Qaida and those who've
ingested numerous hallucinogenics may not know what "cankles" are. When the calf meets the foot without any delineation that looks like a common human ankle, you have a cankle...aka baby legs. They come in pairs:


Cankles are created by a complete lack of exercise resulting in adipose tissue buildup. Hillary hasn't needed to walk more than a hundred feet in the last twenty years; hasn't driven a car in twenty years or longer either...and yet progs think she "cares" about them. Note to dopes....people with $100M don't care about you other than for what you can do for your expense.

Yeah I figured out what 'cankles' means, once I looked it up. That's not the point but if you can direct me to your threads based on the shape of Mitt Romney's ankles or Rick Perry's ass or Bernie Sanders' bustline, you might inch closer to it.

Great avatar though. That's the only reason I clicked in here. :thup:
He was a door gunner in a LOACH so I doubt it. He was 1st of the 9th, so yeah, he did way more crap than you did. If you were even there. I never mock real service personnel. You though, strike me as a Walter Mitty type. Too many inconsistencies. The fact that you deride me for "mocking" your service, and then engage in that very same behavior with people you have no clue about, tells me a whole bunch about your character...and it ain't good.

And wrapping your BS in patriotism is laughable. It is unpatriotic to burn the flag. It is unpatriotic to support enemies of this country, questioning your service is far from unpatriotic. Especially when there are so many asshats claiming service who never did.

You don't know diddly about "character" or anything else, loser. Claiming you hang out with Viet Vets is comical....none of us have anything to do with leftist pieces of shit like you. What you believe or don't believe means nothing to me or anybody else're a joke.

FYI to readers.... the LOACH was a small, speedy observation and bait bird with little or no use for a door-gunner. It's major role was as a spotter and flying low over the canopy to draw fire so the trailing Cobra could follow on and eliminate the was replaced by the Kiowa.
Agreed. One can literally smell a fucking yellow LIB coward. They shit themselves and puked and fucking deserted when the first mortar round landed a mile away.
I can't stand to be in the same room as them.
And who turns out to be the fucking LIB coward poster-boy for them? Fucking LIB coward poser scumbag Kerry. And who did BOBO the fucking Socialist/Marxist clown put in charge of negotiating with Iran? That's right. Fucking Kerry. The Iranians know all about what a fucking coward Kerry is and they are laughing all the way to where they are busy building the bomb. What a sick sad joke.
We ended up positioning them ten miles from where they could get in the way. And where the regular field combat troops would never see them for fear of 'friendly fire. That's not even how bad it really was.
Imagine a bunch of grown men dressed in women's clothing prancing around in the gay bars in Saigon. !00% of them were fucking cock sucking yellow belly LIBs.
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Wow, they must have been convicted of horrible things. So what were they convicted of?
Getting a blow job? That's it? Just a blow job? Well that sucks.

Willy Jeff got IMPEACHED....the rapist turd should have been convicted and shot for treason for selling our missile telemetry secrets to the chi-coms. Hillary is small potatoes compared to Willy but she'll do for now.....once Trey Gowdy gets her in front of him, their world comes apart like a knock-off Armani.
I would be afraid to rape someone's mouth. Especially if they had teeth.

Wow, he sold secrets to the same country that funds the US Chamber of Commerce who gives money to the GOP?

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

China U.S. Chamber of Commerce

How much money did he get? Was he convicted? Why didn't you post a link? Is your ass windblown?
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How much money did he get? Was he convicted? Why didn't you post a link? Is your ass windblown?

Not getting convicted and being innocent are two different things; ie OJ Simpson. Don't know how much he got....maybe you can get all your OWS losers together, raise half a million dollars and have him come and tell you. algore knows too; he was Willy Jeff's bagman. Ron Brown, his commerce secretary, got Loral's scheme past the Pentagon and Willy Jeff got his campaign funds....Ron was in an airplane that hit a mountain in Croatia......folks who could hook Clinton to treason usually ended up dead.
He was a door gunner in a LOACH so I doubt it. He was 1st of the 9th, so yeah, he did way more crap than you did. If you were even there. I never mock real service personnel. You though, strike me as a Walter Mitty type. Too many inconsistencies. The fact that you deride me for "mocking" your service, and then engage in that very same behavior with people you have no clue about, tells me a whole bunch about your character...and it ain't good.

And wrapping your BS in patriotism is laughable. It is unpatriotic to burn the flag. It is unpatriotic to support enemies of this country, questioning your service is far from unpatriotic. Especially when there are so many asshats claiming service who never did.

You don't know diddly about "character" or anything else, loser. Claiming you hang out with Viet Vets is comical....none of us have anything to do with leftist pieces of shit like you. What you believe or don't believe means nothing to me or anybody else're a joke.

FYI to readers.... the LOACH was a small, speedy observation and bait bird with little or no use for a door-gunner. It's major role was as a spotter and flying low over the canopy to draw fire so the trailing Cobra could follow on and eliminate the was replaced by the Kiowa.
Agreed. One can literally smell a fucking yellow LIB coward. They shit themselves and puked and fucking deserted when the first mortar round landed a mile away.
I can't stand to be in the same room as them.
And who turns out to be the fucking LIB coward poster-boy for them? Fucking LIB coward poser scumbag Kerry. And who did BOBO the fucking Socialist/Marxist clown put in charge of negotiating with Iran? That's right. Fucking Kerry. The Iranians know all about what a fucking coward Kerry is and they are laughing all the way to where they are busy building the bomb. What a sick sad joke.
We ended up positioning them ten miles from where they could get in the way. And where the regular field combat troops would never see them for fear of 'friendly fire. That's not even how bad it really was.
Imagine a bunch of grown men dressed in women's clothing prancing around in the gay bars in Saigon. !00% of them were fucking cock sucking yellow belly LIBs.
Ever heard the term "Chickenhawk"? Generally means Republicans who want to go to war, but don't want to go themselves. Who do they want to send? I'm guessing - liberals.
How much money did he get? Was he convicted? Why didn't you post a link? Is your ass windblown?

Not getting convicted and being innocent are two different things; ie OJ Simpson. Don't know how much he got....maybe you can get all your OWS losers together, raise half a million dollars and have him come and tell you. algore knows too; he was Willy Jeff's bagman. Ron Brown, his commerce secretary, got Loral's scheme past the Pentagon and Willy Jeff got his campaign funds....Ron was in an airplane that hit a mountain......folks that can hook Clinton to treason usually ended up dead.
Bill killed his wife?
But, where are the links? You didn't post any links.

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