Cannabis poisoning in young children increased nine times after legalization.

Why would drug dealers and addicts give a shit about kids?
No warnings on the packaging about the serious risk to under-28-year-old developing brains.
I hope class action lawsuits sue these selfish, ignorant, immature pot advocates into prison.
yes there is warnings.....

We need to REMOVE warning labels, safety standards and promote abortion as a means to let the lowest denominator left wing pieces of shit to eliminate their genetic waste from the genepool with as little effort on our part as possible.

We have reached critical mass here, and anything we do to deliberately exterminate these animated diseases is actually wrong from a moral standpoint.

Biblically speaking Proverbs gives us great guidelines but they're largely ignored in modern times, and some of the most important aspects have become outlawed in regressive communities.

Let them smoke grass... and drink DRANO.
another who thinks only lefties smoke the stuff.....
The Lefts ‘It’s for the children’ took on a new meaning.

Not just the left, libertarians and the right as well.
I've heard it's dangerous for dogs.

Not sure how dangerous it is for kids.

I don't use the stuff. Way too expensive.
People are using it as a panacea. CBD oil or additives for everything. It has gotten big in the pet market, but little actual research to it’s safe use.
If it was as simple as live and let live, so be it. I’m for that.
But people aren’t being promoted the impression that alcohol is safe and therapeutic the way pot is. Alcohol comes with plenty of warning. Alcohol is not poured down the throats of others randomly in public the way pot smokers subject others to their pot smoke, including babies in strollers or car seats.
Ignorance prevails. People need to be informed but big pot is just hypocritically picking up where big tobacco left off.
This. I have no issue with it being legal but it needs to be treated the same as alcohol and tobacco.
Its called parental responsibility.

There are MANY things in EVERY household that will poison kids if ingested…including things like alcohol and raw meat.
Why would drug dealers and addicts give a shit about kids?
No warnings on the packaging about the serious risk to under-28-year-old developing brains.
I hope class action lawsuits sue these selfish, ignorant, immature pot advocates into prison.
Thread win.
Why would drug dealers and addicts give a shit about kids?
No warnings on the packaging about the serious risk to under-28-year-old developing brains.
I hope class action lawsuits sue these selfish, ignorant, immature pot advocates into prison.
Overreact much ?
They make THC gummy bears. Who's fault is it kids are getting them ?

Btw, Canada is completely legalized now aren't they ? Of course there will be issues to iron out, but you're still out-leagued by more serious problems like alcohol, fentanyl and opioids.

High you fly. On booze you lose. And btw.....STOP making everything left/right .
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The Lefts ‘It’s for the children’ took on a new meaning.

I see that Golfing Gator thinks its funny that children are being poisoned by pot

This suggests that nine times more children will grow up to be lifelong losers than otherwise
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We need to REMOVE warning labels, safety standards and promote abortion as a means to let the lowest denominator left wing pieces of shit to eliminate their genetic waste from the genepool with as little effort on our part as possible.

We have reached critical mass here, and anything we do to deliberately exterminate these animated diseases is actually wrong from a moral standpoint.

Biblically speaking Proverbs gives us great guidelines but they're largely ignored in modern times, and some of the most important aspects have become outlawed in regressive communities.

Let them smoke grass... and drink DRANO.

Tell us how you really feel, Pete! :dance:
I see that Golfing Gator thinks its fully that children are being poisoned by pot

This suggests that nine times more children will grow up to be lifelong losers than otherwise

Any child poisoned by pot is breaking the law and whomever gave it to them is also breaking the law.

I do not think we should outlaw something just because someone else abuses it. I notice none of you ever call for booze being made illegal and a lot more underage people get alcohol poisoning than pot poisoning.

You just do not like the substance and want everyone to live their lives by your likes and dislikes
Amazing how you find Nanny Statists on both side of the aisle.
Not to mention the pure ridiculous hyperbole that every person who partakes is some drooling drug addicted moron with dreads.
I have a few puffs in the evening after building million dollar homes, so I can pay my normal mortgage, own my expensive toys and drive my luxury SUV.
If you met me in person you wouldn't have a fucking clue. We are all around you. Hiding much like our grandparents during Prohibition.

I pay taxes, live a good life and prefer a few puffs over alcohol which is by far a more destructive drug regarding it's effects on society and the body.
Anyone who has a problem with my personal choice can simply stick it where the sun don't shine.
I notice none of you ever call for booze being made illegal and a lot more underage people get alcohol poisoning than pot poisoning.
You are using old data from when pot was not legal

now you are increasing the number of children who are brain damaged from pot by 900%
You are using old data from when pot was not legal

now you are increasing the number of children who are brain damaged from pot by 900%

Cool number, did you wipe the crap off of it after you pulled it out of your butt.

Still far more underaged drinking going on than underage smoking pot.

Why do you not care about the underaged drinking?
Any child poisoned by pot is breaking the law and whomever gave it to them is also breaking the law.

I do not think we should outlaw something just because someone else abuses it. I notice none of you ever call for booze being made illegal and a lot more underage people get alcohol poisoning than pot poisoning.

You just do not like the substance and want everyone to live their lives by your likes and dislikes
21st Amendment. Are folks really this ignorant?

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