Canny Swiss Nix Max Min Wage

Holy fucking hell....are all republicans this fucking dumb!?

has the right to just and favourable remuneration

RIGHT and JUST what the fuck is right and just about being paid 8$ an hour? Can you take care of your family on that? Its not right and just plain and simple.

Why should they even have to work at all? They should be allowed to have as big a family as they want and sit home and paint and get subsidized healthcare and housing and food.
Actually it does. You people must have BARELY graduated high school truly...I swear it must say A MINIMUM WAGE OF BLANK AMOUNT IS REQUIRED...nope it says
Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.


Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Don't know what remuneration means? Look it up.Remuneration (rɪˌmjuːnəˈreɪʃən)
1. the act of remunerating
2. pay; recompense

PAY! That simple enough for you dipshits? Oh and how many companies BACKED by republicans such as wal mart violate #4!

Gee, I don't remember seeing any of that in the US Constitution. Is it in some State Constitution that I'm not familiar with? OH, I bet it's from some United Nations document. Unfortunately, the United Nations has no legitimate power inside the United States; even if our Government was stupid enough to sign some treaty in the past. The United Nations has no valid power over ANYTHING in the United States; and since the Minimum Wage is unConstitutional as well, you can keep crying yourself a river.
Holy fucking hell....are all republicans this fucking dumb!?

has the right to just and favourable remuneration

RIGHT and JUST what the fuck is right and just about being paid 8$ an hour? Can you take care of your family on that? Its not right and just plain and simple.

Why should they even have to work at all? They should be allowed to have as big a family as they want and sit home and paint and get subsidized healthcare and housing and food.

No they shouldn't. Stop being idiotic.

Response deleted -- I'm going to start a separate thread with the questions I asked in response to this post.
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There are no such things as Human Rights and there never have been, Diablo. They're a fiction that you people use to try and make yourselves feel better about forcing others to protect, support, and heal those who don't deserve anything. Some of us see throught that bullshit.
Oh but there are such a thing as Basic Human Rights. Republicans just hate them because that would mean they can't use child labor,deny women right to vote,etc etc...we KNOW why republicans hate it.

Then why do I hate it, since I'm not a Republican?

I'm a Conservative, who refuses to vote for the watered down Moderate/Centrist party that the Republicans have become.

Might it be because they don't actually exist? Human Rights, basic or otherwise have NEVER existed. They're a made-up ideal that you Leftists came up with in order to promote the ideal that people shouldn't actually have to deal with the consequences of Fate and their own decisions in life.
Basic Human Rights exist,to deny that just means you have no place in a sane society. The fact you think the republicans are moderates shows me you are an extremist who is beyond sanity or help.

If what America is today is a "sane society" then I will gladly wear that "Insane" label, thank you very much.

A Proper Society exists based on Privileges, a Caste System, and the ideal that only those who are willing and capable of putting something INTO the system are allowed to get anything OUT of it. Pure and simple. No Rights, only Privileges based on PROOF of COMPETENCY.
^ republican tool cheering that poor people will go hungry and homeless.

Nah....just doing it to piss you off. But it was a victory for the hard working. As opposed to the half ass working.

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