Can't believe people believed Trump would build a wall ..

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.

Yup, I’m sure most of the landowners would rather have illegals camping out in the yard and crapping in the field.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Not so completely sure he's being fair and humane to our friends from south of the border.
See This is Law and Order?
I knew as soon as he said it, he couldn't have been serious. The animal nuts alone would keep the courts tied up, and even if construction started, they'd be out there sabotaging equipment and camping in the way.

I do believe he is going to increase security and improve some barriers, but the idea of a wall from San Diego to Brownsville was silly.

I'm still glad he beat hitlery.

It still feels good to just type that....

hitlery lost...

The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.
The guy spends his life fucking over people and lying. Trump is the greatest snake oil salesman in the history of the world.
well , if i could get what i really want there would be a free fire range , snipers and claymore mines on the 'mex' border. That being said , i want the WALL but i figure that upgrades and repairs to the existing wall , fence and more border guards , better technology are as good or almost as good as the WALL . Plus then there is the TRUMP Attitude which is a heckuva lot better than 'illary' , mrobama , and most rinos like 'jebito bush' - roobio , kasich JShaw .
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LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Land within a certain amount of feet from the river is owned by the state. I know this from owning land along a Texas river. Next lie please.
Geeeze, the guy has only been in office almost 8 months.
------------------------- and as RAY says , TRUMP has only been in office 8-9 months . President may need his full 2 terms to do his WALL work before he hands the reins of Presidential power over to Mike Pence JShaw

We'll see, but I sincerely doubt it. The wall is gonna fall farther and farther "into tomorrow" while more important things continue to take priority.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Land within a certain amount of feet from the river is owned by the state. I know this from owning land along a Texas river. Next lie please.

The wall would actually go through some peoples' houses, and certainly through their back yards. Not sure why you think they'd be okay with that.
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
Land within a certain amount of feet from the river is owned by the state. I know this from owning land along a Texas river. Next lie please.

The wall would actually go through some peoples' houses, and certainly through their back yards. Not sure why you think they'd be okay with that.
Not sure why you ignore the fact of a right of way along the river that does not belong to anyone but the state. Keep spinning and smoking, I'm used to it.
The wall was never a core issue for me. Border security, more border agents and better equipment is. Just having Trump as President instead of Open Door Obama has dropped the number of illegal crossings by 70%.

Learn something besides what hannity tells you, MORON !!!

More border security and patrols under Obama than previous - PolitiFact

Barack Obama touts record high border agents, lowest immigration ...

Obama's Enforcement Of Immigration Laws: 5 Things To Know : NPR
You do realize that the border does not consist entirely of the Rio Grande, correct?
I voted for Mr Trump. He isn't a great person, nor a model president, I know, man do I know. I voted for Trump because of ONE single incident, call it the straw that broke the camel's back. Over 25 years of dealing with illegals, and they don't get it. They disrespect our culture (they willingly came here illegally) and they are so disrespectful and presumptuous (our politicians give THEM sanctuary against our will) and they love to flaunt that like a saving grace. These jerks drag kids into this like human shields, they are so cynical. My governor calls DACA "humane", it would be far more HUMANE to have always followed immigration laws to begin with, not skirt the laws and then give sanctuary. We want our state government to enforce immigration laws.
gee everyone voted for the wall did they not in the past?
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.

Remember this

The Secure Fence Act of 2006

The Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was passed by a Republican Congress and signed by President George W. Bush, authorized about 700 miles of fencing along certain stretches of land between the border of the United States and Mexico.

The act also authorized the use of more vehicle barriers, checkpoints and lighting to curb illegal immigration, and the use of advanced technology such as satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the time the act was being considered, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer were all members of the Senate. (Schumer of New York is now the Senate minority leader.)

Obama, Clinton, Schumer and 23 other Democratic senators voted in favor of the act when it passed in the Senate by a vote of 80 to 19.

Fact-check: Did top Democrats vote for a border wall in 2006
LOL. Hilarious. The eminent domain issues alone would be staggering, let alone other expenses in time, resources, and political capital.

Face it, Trump folks; you got duped. My boy Trump played you for a pack of suckers. I always said he was a brilliant conman. He was never going to build a wall. He's in real-estate; he knew that shit wasn't realistic. And Mexico sure as hell wasn't gonna pay for it.

I'm sure a lot of Trump supporters realized this as well, so I'm not calling out all of you. Just the ones who are mad that he's flinching on the wall and working with Chuck and Nancy because, gasp, the motherfucker actually has a heart and some common sense and wants to deal with the dreamers in a fair and humane way. Which is a shocking, yet pleasant surprise to me.
There would be no need for a wall if a few common sense things were enacted. 1. E-Verify 2. Children must be either citizens or in the US legally to attend public school. Those 2 things alone would curtail probably 90% of illegal immigration.

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