Can't build the wall soon enough

We could build schools and colleges and invest millions of our brothers here to become educated.
That will happen too! Building a defensible border is nothing. It's a tiny feat for such big and powerful country.
The wall as he described it won't happen. He might put up a fence that won't work. As far as the overhaul of infrastructure, Obama has been trying to do that for a long time, but the do nothing republican congress refused to allow the money.
It's better than what the Democraps had in mind...which is NOTHING.

He's backing off of every claim he made. It was all lies, starting with his crazy claims about the birth certificate.
So what did Hillary have in mind? Absolutely nothing. In fact, an increase in illegals and crime and drugs pouring across our border.

I don't understand what you guys are whining about. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. So anything anybody claims about what he is or isn't going to do is just a bunch of sore losers licking their wounds over the royal ass kicking Trump handed to them.
She wanted our boys away fighting ww3 and while heaps of arabs would be imported to impregnate the girls.

It's incredible how close we came to that absurdly destructive turn of events. These people have refined their expectations since the first two world wars. They know they did great in killing off two generations of western men but they know it would be more gleeful for them if those men were replaced by the very men we've been told we are meant to be fighting.

Obama was (lol was) anti-american, but Hilary is a monster. A vile, murderess lesbian.

Yep. Still nuts.
The wall as he described it won't happen. He might put up a fence that won't work. As far as the overhaul of infrastructure, Obama has been trying to do that for a long time, but the do nothing republican congress refused to allow the money.
It's better than what the Democraps had in mind...which is NOTHING.

He's backing off of every claim he made. It was all lies, starting with his crazy claims about the birth certificate.
So what did Hillary have in mind? Absolutely nothing. In fact, an increase in illegals and crime and drugs pouring across our border.

I don't understand what you guys are whining about. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. So anything anybody claims about what he is or isn't going to do is just a bunch of sore losers licking their wounds over the royal ass kicking Trump handed to them.

So you think all those things that he said, and people voted for were bullshit? He doesn't have any intention of doing them?
When one refers to a wall, it means barrier which can vary depending on the terrain. Duh. Again, at least he's going to build a barrier, what the fuck was Hillary's plan to curb the illegal migration which is devastating our country? Zero.
Whatever works. Who cares. It could be a virtual fence monitored by drones and infrared and other areas a 20 foot high by 4 foot thick wall with watch towers.

He promised a big beautiful wall that was higher than the ceiling at one of his rallys. It got 10 ft taller when Mexico said they wouldn't pay for it.
Yes in some areas I'm sure it will be a big beautiful wall. He hasn't been sworn in yet and you want it built already, eh? Are you sure you aren't a secret Trump supporter? LOL
This is the main reason Hillary lost. She had no plan for anything. All she had in response was "Donald Trump is bad, Obama is great." LOL
The wall as he described it won't happen. He might put up a fence that won't work. As far as the overhaul of infrastructure, Obama has been trying to do that for a long time, but the do nothing republican congress refused to allow the money.
It's better than what the Democraps had in mind...which is NOTHING.

He's backing off of every claim he made. It was all lies, starting with his crazy claims about the birth certificate.
So what did Hillary have in mind? Absolutely nothing. In fact, an increase in illegals and crime and drugs pouring across our border.

I don't understand what you guys are whining about. Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. So anything anybody claims about what he is or isn't going to do is just a bunch of sore losers licking their wounds over the royal ass kicking Trump handed to them.
She wanted our boys away fighting ww3 and while heaps of arabs would be imported to impregnate the girls.

It's incredible how close we came to that absurdly destructive turn of events. These people have refined their expectations since the first two world wars. They know they did great in killing off two generations of western men but they know it would be more gleeful for them if those men were replaced by the very men we've been told we are meant to be fighting.

Obama was (lol was) anti-american, but Hilary is a monster. A vile, murderess lesbian.

Yep. Still nuts.
It was a messy post.

I didn't mean that lesbian cultural marxists planned the killing of 2 generations of men but they certainly did take advantage of it. And THIS time they were planning it.

I'm giddy at the thought of the Leader.

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