Can't Democrats Nominate Someone who is Not a Criminal or Serial Liar?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
While Democrats have serious disagreements with Republicans over political philosophy and policies, most Republicans are appalled at the apparent character flaws of many Democratic candidates. Setting aside the specious claim of a vast right-wing conspiracy, is anyone proud of the way the Clinton and Obama administrations have conducted themselves? Even the supportive mainstream media has felt obligated to report on their almost daily examples of ethical omissions and concealment.

On the Republican side, Nixon's transgressions of 40 years ago seem like child's play in comparison. Even Reagan's "Iran-Contra Scandal" contained no hint of personal or political gain. Except for a few vague references to his "Texas oil buddies" and Halliburton, most of GW's criticism stemmed from his policies rather than his character.

Is nominating someone who is not so ethically challenged too much to ask?
Says a lot about the party, doesn't it? And the bad thing is, the lemmings will blindly follow her.
Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley is squeaky clean and would be an excellent choice. If you like liberals.
Name one honest politician. :)

Ronald Reagan
Dwight David Eisenhower
Richard Nixon was an asshole but he wasn't a thief.
George HW Bush. He was already rich. Didn't need any more money than he had.
GW Bush

As to stone-cold thieves -- Bill the rapist Clinton, LBJ, ManBearPig, Barack Insane Obama......

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

Name one honest politician. :)

Ronald Reagan
Dwight David Eisenhower
Richard Nixon was an asshole but he wasn't a thief.
George HW Bush. He was already rich. Didn't need any more money than he had.
GW Bush

As to stone-cold thieves -- Bill the rapist Clinton, LBJ, ManBearPig, Barack Insane Obama......

Are you starting to see a pattern here?


Are you kidding? Or just the dumbest person alive?

"5. President Ronald Reagan on the Iran-Contra scandal

“In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not, repeat, did not, trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Nor will we.”

–President Ronald Reagan, November 13, 1986"

Not even gonna look up Nixon. Have to be a fucking alien to think he never lied.

Oh I see what ya did. Ya changed "lie" to "stole."
Oh I see what ya did. Ya changed "lie" to "stole."

That's what I saw.

'Honesty' is all-inclusive, I suppose. But in the strictest sense, there has been only one 'honest' person since the beginning of time -- And they crucified him.
Can't Republicans start a thread that doesn't fail a straw man or loaded question fallacy - this thread being one of many examples.
Are you kidding? Or just the dumbest person alive?

"5. President Ronald Reagan on the Iran-Contra scandal

“In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not, repeat, did not, trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Nor will we.”

Adding Ad Hominem to your repertoire? As for the Iran-Contra "scandal, did you miss my point that it "contained no hint of personal or political gain?" How does that compare with hundreds of millions of dollars the Clintons have profited from their "public service?" Or Obama's lies about Benghazi in order to get reelected?

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