Can't Win at the Ballot Box …


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
UAW calls on NLRB to void defeat at Chattanooga VW plant, order new election

Knew this was coming, didn't we? They'll find any reason to overturn the voice of the workers. And, they'll “judge hunt” until they find one that'll go along with their goals. How far will this go? All the way to SCOTUS? Oh yeah – and it isn't even going to court!!! Read this:

In a filing Friday afternoon with the federal labor law enforcement agency, the UAW said the election was tainted by interference from state Republicans lawmakers, particularly U.S. Sen. Bob Corker. The Republicans had warned the employees that voting for a union was not in their best interests or the factory's.

I got the link from Big Government but here's the full story @ UAW calls on NLRB to void defeat at Chattanooga VW plant, order new election | with links!


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