Capital Dumbing Down: Legislator's Pedophilia


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
Post-genocide of the defenders, legislator's pedophilia makes less work for rapist corporate pimps.

2 Ap 2018 New Group Attacks Conservationists, Touts Mining
New group that's challenging existing environmental groups on mining in Wisconsin has Republican ties
' the wake of a 2017 law change that is paving the way to mineral mining....'

2017 Environmental Defenders Being Killed in Record Numbers Globally
#2 can't answer pop quiz questions about the material in post #1, and is living proof why Slovenia and Macao always beat America in educational statistics. duh, sand can cause Alzheimer's?
Gold, Copper and Zinc Prospecting
'....Thanks to Wisconsin's Prove It First Mining Moratorium, sulfide mining is still illegal in the state....'

#2 is too stupid to know why the moratorium first existed, and just wants to get to the P---y quickly so as to discharge its over-rated DNA.
What is a Capitalist C--t?

In the featured article, Conrad invokes the violence of a fire bomb, like a good lobbyist boy should:

'Last fall, as a mining critic was testifying before a legislative hearing in Ladysmith on the bill, Conrad used social media to highlight the fact that Al Gedicks, a long-time environmental activist, had a felony conviction for possession of a fire bomb in 1970. "When your argument cannot win -- is violence your answer?" Conrad wrote on Facebook.'

Obviously, Conrad is addicted to screenal space, and has confidence that everyone else is, too.

'Conrad's work has included the repeal of the mining moratorium law (for which Conrad billed $45,593 in lobbying expenses in the second half of 2017), support for easing restrictions on wetlands development and spokesman for Meteor.'

'But this deterritorialized field finds itself determined by an axiomatic, in contrast to the territorial field determined by primitive codes. Differential relations of such a nature as to be filled with surplus value; an absence of exterior limits that is "filled" by the widening of internal limits; and the effusion of antiproduction within production so as to be filled by the absorption of surplus value -- these constitute the three aspects of capitalism;s immanent axiomatic. And monetarization everywhere comes to fill the abyss of of capitalist immanence, introducing there, as Schmitt says, "a deformation, a convulsion, an explosion -- in a word, a movement of extreme violence." '
(Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, p. 250)
Familiarizing Oneself with the Players

'We want to be an active voice to push back on what we perceive as the false narrative about resource development companies," Conrad said. Conrad is a former spokesman for the Republican party of Wisconsin.....Recently joining Conrad is Robert E. Quick Jr., a former president of the Arizona Mining Association and former director of government affairs for Asarco, a Tucson-based mining and refining company.
"I think it's very important to have a voice that advocates for responsible resource development," said Sen. Tom Tiffany (R-Hazlehurst), the lead sponsor to change state mining laws. "Otherwise you will have corporate environmental groups who will dominate the message."

Amber Meyer Smith, director of programs government relations for Clean Wisconsin, said her group has been operating for nearly 50 years in Wisconsin. "We've done a real good job trying to balance environmental protection. and the economy and Natural Resources Development Association has been around for a year?" she said. "And they've done nothing but try to get around existing laws for some of these extractive industries that have the potential to do major damage to our environment."
The land in Monroe County now features a rare hardwoods swamp, and in May the Department of Natural Resources approved the company's plans to destroy 16.25 acres of wetlands in exchange for the company making a series of environmental improvements.'

An improvement would be to leave the swamp white oaks alone, because Conrad is not clued up about Wisconsin's tree-cutting/tree-preserving history enough to be anyone's spokesman.
The URL does function, and the article critiques Dr. Pierce's work, as well as mentioning influenza and silicosis. Yet it does not as far as we know, mention the aluminum part of the aluminosilicate hypothesis of Alzheimer's. Because fracking is recent, and because long-term risk, apart from size of case-sampling is deficient, it is biased towards capitalist industry rather than medicine.The article boasts of debunking "pseudoscience" while apparently remaining oblivious to the risk of Alzheimer's, whose state-of-the-art diagnostics are also recent. Because of Conrad's capitalism, Wisconsin Alzheimer cases related to the hypothesis will likely remain esoteric, though like influenza, the originating site of both is the ethmoid sinus.
The HIV/AIDS cluster at Milwaukee is not far from Racine, also an unhealthy area, where Conrad's crony capitalism, its counterpart, can be detected with the attempt to divert Lake Michigan water:

Update 2 Ap 2018 Foxconn -- Environmental Law Exemptions
It stands to reason that Conrad's lack of education would be put in the spotlight for the violence of frontier capitalism and its cronies, because capitalism itself is profoundly illiterate. The reader can peruse the following article that may or may not link to a California governor having Alzheimer's. The Alzheimer's link is feldspar, which is abundant in Wisconsin frac sand. Notice that the particle size is viral size: 4 micrometers, the pore size of reverse osmosis:

PM4 Crystalline Silica Emission Factors and Ambient Concentrations at Aggregate-Producing Sources in California
The article is retrievable though the URL seems much too funky to make the effort to transcribe, because the environment itself happens in three dimensions:

Miley, M. (2014) Assessing the Silica (Frac) Sand Mining Environmental Regulatory Frameworks in Minnesota and Wisconsin: Who Has a Better Plan for Digging, the Gophers or Badgers?
The following articles can be retrieved in screenal space:

Community Airborne Particulate Matter from Mining for Sand Used as Hydraulic Fracturing Proppant
'....The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC, 2012) has classified crystalline silica as a Group 1 carcinogen, and exposure to low-level crystalline silica can lead to the development of chronic silicosis....However, the large majority of PM4 particles displayed an elemental profile of the mineral, feldspar, which contains silicon, oxygen, aluminum, and potassium. It can be conjectured that feldspar (hardness = 6) was crushed into particles in the PM4 size fraction more easily than silicon (hardness = 7) during the formation of the sandstone rock layer and therefore contributed a much larger percentage of all PM4 particles.'

Aluminum in groundwater can cause ethylene production in trees. Ethylene is the clue to ripening and by default, aging.

Alzheimer's Disease May Begin in the Nose and May Be Caused by Aluminosilicates
'....Genetic factors may interact with aging changes in the nasal mucociliary apparatus to increase the probability that ubiquitously occurring aluminosilicates may enter sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium and spread transneuronally to several olfactory-related areas of the brain, thereby initiating changes that eventually result in neuronal damage typical of Alzheimer's disease.....could act in a pseudo-infective manner, relaxing translational and transcriptional controls in the synthesis of native protein.....Some time ago, whole body autoradiographic studies demonstrated that when isotopically-labeled glucose was placed in the ligated oropharynx, there was a rapid movement of the isotope directly to the intracranial cavity, bypassing all previously recognized routes to the brain.'
'This raised a question as to how substances might move into the brain without mixing with the blood of the whole body. This area of investigation lay fallow for a number of years, but within the last two years the mechanism of such movement was explored further. Employing a wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (WGA-HRP), which can be tracked by suitable staining techniques, it was shown that gelfoam implants containing this substance surgically implanted into the nasal cavity of rats, or intranasal irrigation with it, produced labeling patterns in various regions of the brain dealing with olfaction. The WGA-HRP passed from the nasal epithelium into the olfactory bulb. Reaction product was localized electron microscopically to tubulo-vesicular profiles and dense bodies in sensory axons. Evidence of transneuronal transport was indicated by localization of reaction product in dense bodies in denrites postsynaptic to receptor cell axons. Periglomerular, tufted, and mitral cells in the olfactory bulb were transneuronally labeled. The label also appeared to move in retrograde fashion into regions which send projections into the olfactory bulb, such as the locus ceruleus, the diagonal band, and the raphe.

To summarize: sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium, as a consequence of their odor detection function, contact both the external environment and the central nervous system. WGA-HRP and other proteins and possibly other such diverse materials as viruses, gold, and dyes may be transported through olfactory receptor axons to the glomerulus of the olfactory bulb and beyond.'
(Roberts, Alzheimer's, op cit)
"Corporate pimps" again? I could say "group challenging the U.S. Constitution has ties to democrats" just as easy as legitimate mining companies have ties to republicans. . Interesting that the anti-mining coalition refers to itself as conservationists. Hillary vowed to put the entire coal mining industry on welfare right after she paved the way for the Russians to gobble up uranium mines.
Legitimate mining companies as seen from the capitalist viewpoint means making deals with the DNR (Who's earth does it think it is?) pimping. The medical evidence of such raping should cause the intelligent to think at least twice, even if they don't care about the animals. There are no long-term Alzheimer's studies, but you can bet that the workers will sooner or later get to know about the risks.

So far, no one who has posted to this thread that can answer the question about the aluminum differences between California sand and Wisconsin sand. duh

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