Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

Only socialists, communists, and fascists want to manage economies....It's not a mistake or ruse, it's a fact.....You're one or all of them.
If all you see are extremes you’ll see nothing but enemies everywhere. You can’t put me in your small world box of extremes. You’re better off not responding vs continuing to look foolish.
One last quick here;
Wealth is goods and/or services with market value (something others are willing to exchange their goods/services for).
Money is a device for facilitating barter~exchanges of goods and services; also a device/means to measure wealth.
Everything Nature Does Man Can Do Better

You omit potential wealth from talented human resources working on untapped and neglected natural resources. That is the seed and the source of all the wealth you're told is already there for the taking, as if it had been found in the plutocrats' back yards.

The rulers' economic theory is an insult to intelligence, so until the true Atlases are recognized and rewarded up-front, the reaction of High IQs should be, "If you're so smart, why haven't you made the rich poorer?"
As a middle class American I have gained wealth through Capitalism. I have my earned wealth taken away from me to fund the greed of Socialism.

That is despicable!
Define the middle class by income and savings.
If all you see are extremes you’ll see nothing but enemies everywhere. You can’t put me in your small world box of extremes. You’re better off not responding vs continuing to look foolish.
No, I see things for what they are....You want to "manage" that which has historically defied such management....You might as well be trying to claim that you can manage the weather....Oh that's right, you socialsts/communsits/fascists already do make that claim.
If all you see are extremes you’ll see nothing but enemies everywhere. You can’t put me in your small world box of extremes. You’re better off not responding vs continuing to look foolish.
This from the op who opened a broad brush attack on capitalism and the wealthy
If all you see are extremes you’ll see nothing but enemies everywhere. You can’t put me in your small world box of extremes. You’re better off not responding vs continuing to look foolish.
Well, that's all they see.

A long time ago, they were told by people like Limbaugh (zero experience, education training in real world macroeconomics or markets) and Reagan (ditto, no pun intended) that regulation was the bane of capitalism. Any regulation. Whatsoever. Ever. Period.

In reality, proper and efficient regulation is an absolutely critical component of capitalism. It is a part of it. And now, to no surprise, we have the Right hating any regulation it sees, and the Left embracing any regulation it sees. As usual, the wingers miss the point.

Then we wonder how we have so badly mangled capitalism.
You’re free to leave anytime.
Meanwhile 2 million illegals with nothing but the shirts on their backs cross our border.
Maybe you should build a wall to help those fools from entering oppression filled Amerkkka.
2 million my ass,, its been well over 50 million over the last 50 yrs,,

OH and the OP is a lazy dumbass
No it doesn’t. Do you think a goal of capitalism should be a large healthy middle class? Ours is shrinking. It’s not capitalism here that is the problem as much as it is the way it’s applied and people are favored.
so what system do you suggest??

all the other known system create and even bigger oppression
Define the middle class by income and savings.
Whatever you stupid Moon bats think the middle class is it has been substantially eroded by Joe Potatohead's massive inflation and high cost of energy.

Just like during the Worthless Negro's administration poverty increased and family income decreased.

Leftest policies have always been a disaster for this country.
Attack? I pointed out what are flaws in the system. Only brain washed tribalist take that’s to mean someone is a commie bastard. Try again.
the flaws are the result of communist inspired actions which are against a free market capitalist system,,

and so you know we havent had a free market capitalist system in this country for decades,, what we have is a crony capitalist system where people in the government control the system through regulations and permits while they profit from them,,

what system do you propose??
That’s not how to read that chart. 7% of earnings moved to the upper class. Not 7% more people moved into the upper class.


You never responded when I corrected your error.
Whatever you stupid Moon bats think the middle class is it has been substantially eroded by Joe Potatohead's massive inflation and high cost of energy.

Just like during the Worthless Negro's administration poverty increased and family income decreased.

Leftest policies have always been a disaster for this country.
There are other threads you can go to go for partisan name calling. You said you made it to the middle class. That’s not a great spot to be in compared to history.

The research also finds low numbers when examining the mean and median financial assets owned.

  • For middle class Millennial households in 2019, the mean financial assets owned were $17,802, and the median was $7,800.
  • Middle class Generation X households had mean financial assets of $62,944, and median financial assets of $39,000 in 2019.
  • For middle class Baby Boomers, the mean amount of financials assets held was $93,298 in 2019, while the median was only $51,700.
Working-Class Kid Born in a Richkid's Body

The exception proves the rule. Can you think of any other Preppy who became a Populist? Like many HeirDads, Trump's father made him do working-class jobs. Unlike the snob kids who resented it and felt they were lowering themselves to have to associate with those who weren't born rich, Trump liked the work and respected the people he had to work with.

Trump becomes anything that benefits Trump.

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