Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

Being as there is no country or system that actually practices capitalism it's a complicated argument.
Even the Defunct Soviet Union Practiced Heirism

Hereditary power, position, and wealth contradict and weaken Capitalism. Ford Motor Company got worse and worse as leadership was passed on from the original business genius to spoiled, ignorant, and incompetent heirs. There can be no free market as long as these obsolete heiristocrats are set up in positions they never would have reached without Daddy's Money.

Liberals never address this issue because they, like the Conservative peasants, believe in the fairy story of "richkids on our side." In fact, both sides elevate aggressive fraternity rats like JFK and Dubya to the highest status among their heroes.

In economics, the fact that Bill Gates was born in the 1% proves that, in a free market, there would be 99 more Bill Gates instead of just this one. Heiristocratic cover-up in the controlled media is why his enormous head start is never emphasized. He is called a "risk-taker" because he dropped out of college to start-up Microsoft. Yet, if it had failed, his Daddy's Money would have set him up for life anyway.

An anti-semitic meme states that whatever power is never mentioned is the real power behind the scenes. Yet the Jews get blamed a lot outside the mainstream. Hereditary power, never.
Yes, there is. They’re called Unions.
My brother was an office worker in a plant whose shop workers were unionized and well paid, while the company starved the non-union office staff. It was only when the company was bought by another that office staff pay was raised to industry standards, partly out of embarrassment over the issue.

In my own experience it was only when three local unions combined into one regional union that we had the power to achieve fair wages and benefits.

Conversely, that last such business I worked at closed within months of being unionized.
Even the Defunct Soviet Union Practiced Heirism

Hereditary power, position, and wealth contradict and weaken Capitalism. Ford Motor Company got worse and worse as leadership was passed on from the original business genius to spoiled, ignorant, and incompetent heirs. There can be no free market as long as these obsolete heiristocrats are set up in positions they never would have reached without Daddy's Money.

Liberals never address this issue because they, like the Conservative peasants, believe in the fairy story of "richkids on our side." In fact, both sides elevate aggressive fraternity rats like JFK and Dubya to the highest status among their heroes.

In economics, the fact that Bill Gates was born in the 1% proves that, in a free market, there would be 99 more Bill Gates instead of just this one. Heiristocratic cover-up in the controlled media is why his enormous head start is never emphasized. He is called a "risk-taker" because he dropped out of college to start-up Microsoft. Yet, if it had failed, his Daddy's Money would have set him up for life anyway.

An anti-semitic meme states that whatever power is never mentioned is the real power behind the scenes. Yet the Jews get blamed a lot outside the mainstream. Hereditary power, never.

Liberals? You are describing Trump to a T.
Meh. Your all or nothing view is part of the issue in politics these days. One can be critical of capitalism without asking for the country to embrace hippy commune life. I am asking if we can more effectively balance the wealth distribution fairly so the only people who win aren’t just the tippy top? Are you suggesting there is no way a capital economy can be fair?

No you can't, at least not in a free country.

Workers make their money by providing labor. They get paid X dollars for that labor. Business owners and investors earn their money by providing a place for workers to work. They make their money by providing services or goods for a profit. That profit is exclusively theirs as they created it. It's not up to them or government to share what they created with anybody else.
My brother was an office worker in a plant whose shop workers were unionized and well paid, while the company starved the non-union office staff. It was only when the company was bought by another that office staff pay was raised to industry standards, partly out of embarrassment over the issue.

In my own experience it was only when three local unions combined into one regional union that we had the power to achieve fair wages and benefits.

Conversely, that last such business I worked at closed within months of being unionized.
I experienced the opposite effect. Whenever the union workers got a raise, we so called professional staffers also got a bump up.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

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It's not capitalism that is the problem.
It is 'corporatism'.

There has not been actual 'capitalism' in America during the 21'st century.

You want equality for the poor?

1) American voters need to take direct responsibility for the people they put in office.
If you vote for a politician who gets elected and sucks?
Then you have nothing to whine about because it was YOU who put him in power.
The fault lies principally with you (and other voters).

If you put a monkey in the pilot's seat of an aircraft and tell it to land the plane?
Whose fault is it when he crashes it?
The monkey or the person who put him in charge?
The answer is obvious - the latter.

Most voters are political cowards.
They simply refuse to take responsibility when they put someone in office who sucks.

2) the Fed MUST be either ended or - at the VERY least - have it's 'full employment mandate' removed.
This mandate allows them to do ANYTHING legal they wish to prop up their wealthy buddies.
Don't believe me?
Look at their balance sheet?
Do you honestly think that the Fed is spending almost $9 TRILLION dollars to help food banks, the homeless, give healthcare to the poor, help with mortgage payments to the middle class and generally raise the standard of living for the lower classes?
Come on now.

They have admitted time and time again that they are deliberately trying to raise the equity markets. And that helps the wealthy.
Plus - by throwing this much money at the economy - they raise inflation and lower the value of the dollar.

Finally - their number ONE job is to fight inflation.
And look at the inflation rate?
They even suck at the one thing they do that could help the poorer classes.

The Fed MUST be either ended or 'neutered'.
This is mandatory.


The budget is out of control.
And do you see poor Americans prospering from it?
Cut bloated spending on the military and on non life-and-death, social programs.
And balance the fucking budget.

4) force the federal government to provide basic shelter, food and adequate medical care for every American who needs it through government shelters (and NOT handing out cash).
Not an apartment and a car and shit like that.
A shelter in every, major city that gives anyone who needs it a bed, food and medical care.
And have those who use the shelter - run it...saving even more costs.
This would cost a tiny, fraction of the federal budget.

Doing this would remove the fear many, poor Americans have of becoming homeless/hungry/not having adequate healthcare.
It would also allow them to not put up with shitty, minimum wage jobs they hate, just to 'get by'.
And finally, it would force employers to pay their employees better - especially lower-paid jobs - to get these people to do jobs they do not like and no longer need.

The problem with America is NOT 'capitalism'.
It is too much 'corporatism' PLUS the federal government is not taking care of the basic needs of it's citizens well enough.

And the fault is NOT with the politicians.

It is the fault of the voters who put them in office...
...yet refusing to take responsibility for voting for these hacks.
All things being equal the outcome for the working class is worse than ever. That isn’t because workers are lazy. We are talking about workers not non-workers. Workers can’t get into the middle class like they used to - it’s in all the statistics. That is because wages haven’t risen in worker jobs to accommodate getting to the middle class. There has to be a better way.

There is a better way. A worker making himself worth the money to be middle-class. The days of turning nuts onto bolts for a good pay are long gone and they're never coming back. You're not going to be able to bring back the horse and buggy.

There are all kinds of middle-class jobs out there Americans won't take. So you can't stand by your statement Americans are not lazy. They are. It's one of the reasons we have a labor shortage today. People are living with mom and pop for the longest time in our history. There is no motivation to get out there and make it on your own these days.
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Communism is a thousand times worse.
Deceptive Either/Or

So what? It is not the only alternative. From its very beginning, as an heiristocratic reaction to the French Revolution, it has been nothing more than an attempt to divert democracy by pretending to be on the side of those left out, using them to destroy the other hereditary faction, and then becoming State Capitalist robber barons.

Both Capitalism and Socialism practice outside ownership by "Born to Rule" parasites.
Liberals? You are describing Trump to a T.
Working-Class Kid Born in a Richkid's Body

The exception proves the rule. Can you think of any other Preppy who became a Populist? Like many HeirDads, Trump's father made him do working-class jobs. Unlike the snob kids who resented it and felt they were lowering themselves to have to associate with those who weren't born rich, Trump liked the work and respected the people he had to work with.
I canlt remember the last time, if ever, that there was a genune free markets discussion on here.
They happen on occasion...It's only a matter of time before a few economic illiterates parachute in and spray their imbecility all over the place.

I think that’s a bit of a lazy argument - no offense. Your parents generation thought yours was nuts too. Each generation is smarter and more accomplished. I went to UF and UMich for my degrees 25 years ago and I couldn’t compete with those kids today.

I'm a retired truck driver. I got into it during the Clinton years. I'm not special, I didn't have to know anybody. I did it myself.

Today our country is over 60,000 drivers short, and it's estimated that it's going to get worse before it gets better as we baby boomers retire. I made a pretty good living driving a truck and I'm without a doubt middle-class. I've talked to other drivers with a college degree. They got out of what they are trained for because driving pays better money.

So it's a false premise that people can't be middle-class today. It's an option. If all else fails and you don't want to join the military, you can make a living by learning this profession and be in demand for the rest of your life. Some jobs are even paying up to six figures. They still can't find people willing to work.

I’m not advocating socialism or Communism. It’s a common ruse to assign that motivation to anyone asking if there is a more fair way to manage a free market economy than having so many breaks that drive wealth into the top tier only. There has to be a way to drive more fairness without “stealing” or making everyone broke.

Stealing or theft is when you take property from another person that owns that property. Business owners do get tax breaks to encourage them to invest. If government is going to take a huge portion of what you made, or force you to overpay your employees, then that reduces the motivation to open or keep a business going.
Agree. If wages rose like the stock market has then people would be better off at the bottom.
There was a time when wages were closer in blue collar and white-collar employment by no more than a factor of 10 including many boards. Of the richest I would believe they were much higher even then.
I’m not advocating socialism or Communism. It’s a common ruse to assign that motivation to anyone asking if there is a more fair way to manage a free market economy than having so many breaks that drive wealth into the top tier only. There has to be a way to drive more fairness without “stealing” or making everyone broke.
Only socialists, communists, and fascists want to manage economies....It's not a mistake or ruse, it's a fact.....You're one or all of them.
Wouldnt the vast majority of the 2 million refugees from mexico that biden is bringing in be classified as poor?

Thats imported poverty that must be laid at the feet of bleeding heart anti capitalist libs

Not only that but the commies insisted that asking people if they are legally here or not on the US Census was forbidden.

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