Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

I wonder, what kind of people feel they're OPPRESSED....?

That's right, it's the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie leftist Marxist brain dead no self awareness drone think hive minded idiots that can't think for themselves.

Capitalism offers opportunity for anyone with a brain, and work ethic, to prosper.

And if you fail and well connected you can get the government to get the taxpayers to bail you out.
So tax it at rates we do for labor.
No, cut the tax for labor.
Make the top 1% go back to paying rates that narrowed the income gaps.
Why do you seem upset by income gaps? Everyone likes to earn as much as they can. Some are just better at it or lucky. No need to punish them for having more.
Just a thought. You have a better one?
Yeah, get the government out of it and let free people interact.
@pknopp, sure that's called corruption, and we have laws against that,
My point is that we're all free here in the USA to pursuit happiness and prosperity if you have the willpower to do such.
I remember you from the Hannity board from years ago (I posted as Cygnus X-1) as a fence sitter.
If today's events don't move you, oh well. I hope you're doing well.
Capitalism exists because some people are smarter and more industrious than others. It rewards those people and leaves the dumb and lazy to fend for themselves.
Socialism exists because the dumb and lazy often outnumber the smart and industrious, and they want to steal the fruits of their labor.
Under capitalism people are free to give their wealth and labor to whomever they want. That's how power is distributed in a free society. Some want to control that process.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

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What you're talking about is not capitalism, it's ABUSE of capitalism.

Capitalism is the great equalizer. It's the mobility that allow you to move from one economic class to another without sucking someone's dick.
So tax it at rates we do for labor. Make the top 1% go back to paying rates that narrowed the income gaps. Just a thought. You have a better one?

Your statement reminds me of the late Rush Limbaugh. He said as a child when he didn't finish his dinner, his mother always told him that there are children starving in China. After he heard his mother say that one too many times, and asked her "If I finish everything on my plate, how does that help one starving Chinese child?"

Making government richer to satisfy your hatred of the wealthy won't help one worker. They'd just take the money and waste it as we see this Congress doing now by trying to buy votes. The "tax" we laborers pay is not federal income tax. None of it goes to support the federal government. Your payroll taxes are savings accounts you get back later on in life, or they go for current services like city and state. Nearly half our population pays no actual income tax at all.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

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Another explanation of Capitalism...

CEO pay?

CEO's get 'you'll never work again in this town" pay.

The Board only hires a new CEO when something's wrong and needs to be fixed. It's the new CEO's job to fix it. Therefore, he becomes the most unpopular guy in the whole company. By the the time he's done, everyone hates his guts and no one will speak highly of him or give him a recommendation.

These days, it's a rare CEO who survives all that.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

View attachment 656573
It probably does....however it is still the most productive system in world history and is pretty much responsible for nearly all of our technology advances.
I have a lot of wealth. I pay very little taxes on my equity growth.

Currently the government is not allowed to tax your "equity growth".
Correct. I can even defer a large part of my income for the future.
CEO pay?

CEO's get 'you'll never work again in this town" pay.

The Board only hires a new CEO when something's wrong and needs to be fixed. It's the new CEO's job to fix it. Therefore, he becomes the most unpopular guy in the whole company. By the the time he's done, everyone hates his guts and no one will speak highly of him or give him a recommendation.

These days, it's a rare CEO who survives all that.
Is there a charity we can give towards? Mistreated CEOs is a worthy cause in my book. I’ll Venmo you.
No, cut the tax for labor.

Why do you seem upset by income gaps? Everyone likes to earn as much as they can. Some are just better at it or lucky. No need to punish them for having more.

Yeah, get the government out of it and let free people interact.
Pure capitalism is exploitive. Everyone agrees with that which is why there is OSHA etc. A healthy free market is regulated for fairness.

In reference to income gaps people forget we live in a community. There is a social contract in a community that living in it provides a better life for all. When that contract isn’t lived up to for a large mass of the community then you get violence and revolution. If you like your stuff and life you’ll be interested in keeping large portions of the country satisfied.
Pure capitalism is exploitive. Everyone agrees with that
which is why there is OSHA etc. A healthy free market is regulated for fairness.
I highly suspect we disagree upon the size and scope of said regulations.
In reference to income gaps people forget we live in a community.
Speculative nonsense. No one forgets that.
There is a social contract in a community that living in it provides a better life for all. When that contract isn’t lived up to for a large mass of the community then you get violence and revolution.
There is no such thing as a "social contract" beyond an amorphous reason for leftist useful idiots to justify their marxist wealth redistribution scams.
I never signed any such contract. Neither did you.
If you like your stuff and life you’ll be interested in keeping large portions of the country satisfied.
In the legal world, that's called "extortion".
That’s not how to read that chart. 7% of earnings moved to the upper class. Not 7% more people moved into the upper class.


Still no comment?
Pure capitalism is exploitive. Everyone agrees with that which is why there is OSHA etc. A healthy free market is regulated for fairness.

In reference to income gaps people forget we live in a community. There is a social contract in a community that living in it provides a better life for all. When that contract isn’t lived up to for a large mass of the community then you get violence and revolution. If you like your stuff and life you’ll be interested in keeping large portions of the country satisfied.

Why would me not giving you what I earned lead to violence and revolution? I know of no social contract where regardless what you do for a living or what you earn must be shared with all. Where is this contract that states wealth gaps cannot exist?

Thomas Sowell.jpeg

Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

It's not Capitalism that oppressed, beats down, and keeps lower and middle classes struggling - its self-servibg, criminal, Insider Trading, corrupt, oppressove millionaire Democrats who make their ill-gotten fortunes through Capitalism while trying to destroy it and the country.

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