Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, so you prefer socialism, where everyone is at the bottom?
He/she believes that Elon Musk should be FORCED to buy bottom feeders up to middle class status. He/she believes that EVERYBODY standing on U.S. soil is entitled to live ‘middle class’. Meanwhile he/she continues to beg Mexico’s most desperate, most illiterate, most immoral to invade our nation.
Running a company is a huge risk; a risk a lot of people won't take. Why would you take on these risks, these responsibilities, work endless hours to make nearly as much as you pay your labor? That would make no sense at all. Nobody would want to open up a business in a system like that. They would sooner just look for a job.
For us running a company gave us more freedom with our time & choices, And there are many more tax breaks available. You may or may not ever get rich, Its a choice not a burden. many people want to quit thinking about work after the day is done & go home to there real life, neither choice is wrong,
For us running a company gave us more freedom with our time & choices, And there are many more tax breaks available. You may or may not ever get rich, Its a choice not a burden. many people want to quit thinking about work after the day is done & go home to there real life, neither choice is wrong,

My comment was not about being right or wrong. My point is that when somebody opens up a business, they deserve the profit they made. They shouldn't be worried about sharing their profit with their workers. Their workers agreed to the wages, benefits and conditions before they took the job, and that's all they should get.

If you want to make money based on company profit, then make sure you find a company that offers profit sharing as a benefit. Either that or buying stock at a nice discount. Then employees can enjoy in some of the profits their company makes.
Money should be legislated out of politics. Citizens United was a disaster for our country.

I don't think there's really any way to do that. McCain tried and it ended up being a disaster. Instead of money going to the politicians, it went to super pacs. At least when it went to the politicians, they had regulations they had to follow. With super pacs they can do or say anything they want.
The goal of companies is to make a profit at your expense. Low wages low costs high prices. It’s the game. There is value in their production but we have to be steadfast about using our collective labor power and collective consumer power to keep a balance. It’s not their today. The market works best when all they’re are strong and on equal footing.

Years ago we had choices to make. We can have good paying jobs and benefits, lower prices on goods, or a strong growth in stock market shares. There is no possible way to have all three, so we chose strong market shares and low prices on the goods we purchase.

As more and more people become dependent on their IRA's to get by, market growth is more than just an extra, it's almost a necessity now and in the future. We have way, way more things to spend money on than we did 30 or 40 years ago, so price is everything since we have to stretch our dollars in more ways.
Whatever you stupid Moon bats think the middle class is it has been substantially eroded by Joe Potatohead's massive inflation and high cost of energy.

Just like during the Worthless Negro's administration poverty increased and family income decreased.

Leftest policies have always been a disaster for this country.
This one sided thinking supported by name calling & insults is what disturbs me,. That anyone could actually believe that one political party has all the right answers & any wrong answers belong to the opposing political party. THAT DEFYS COMMON SENSE. There is plenty of blame to share.
This one sided thinking supported by name calling & insults is what disturbs me,. That anyone could actually believe that one political party has all the right answers & any wrong answers belong to the opposing political party. THAT DEFYS COMMON SENSE. There is plenty of blame to share.
It is not a party thing.

It is Capitalism v Socialism.

Capitalism creates wealth and everybody either directly or indirectly benefits over the long run.

Socialism doesn't create a damn thing but just redistributes what has already been created by Capitalism. That kills an economy over time. We have seen it all over the world many times.

In addition Socialism is immoral. It is state sponsored thievery and that is immoral.
Those are just labels, The problem is in the distortions that are used to make one label fit all situations
There are many things like Social Security that have the label Socialism. How many people over age 55 on this board think Social Security is bad. Like all things in life there are pluses & negatives in all forms of human endeavor.
First show us where and when socialism was successful, then come back and talk to us about capitalism.
Those are just labels, The problem is in the distortions that are used to make one label fit all situations
There are many things like Social Security that have the label Socialism. How many people over age 55 on this board think Social Security is bad. Like all things in life there are pluses & negatives in all forms of human endeavor.

There is nothing wrong with social security provided it's operated by the state and not the feds. Our founders didn't want dependency on the federal government which is why they set it up for states to operate like miniature countries and only unite under the federal government for federal matters.
This one sided thinking supported by name calling & insults is what disturbs me,. That anyone could actually believe that one political party has all the right answers & any wrong answers belong to the opposing political party. THAT DEFYS COMMON SENSE. There is plenty of blame to share.

I don't believe anybody thinks one party is all good and the other all bad, but without a doubt one will be much worse than the other as we are experiencing today.
Those are just labels, The problem is in the distortions that are used to make one label fit all situations
There are many things like Social Security that have the label Socialism. How many people over age 55 on this board think Social Security is bad. Like all things in life there are pluses & negatives in all forms of human endeavor.
I am over 55 and I think Social is a terrible and stupid government program.

We saw how in Galveston when county workers were allowed to opt out of SS they did much much better on retirement than they would have got with SS. Social Security sucks.

I can plan for my own retirement and don't need the fucking government to take it by force with the promise of a rinky dink pension later, later. If you can't plan for yours then that is your problem.

Socialism always suck. Nothing about it is ever good.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.

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I worked construction my whole life and rarely made over 100k a year. I've invested my whole life and now have 3 beach rentals bringing in over $10k a month. I've saved my whole life and invested in a capitalist society. It worked for me. I didn't go to college and painted houses. I worked hard and I saved and read every get rich book I could. Start investing, work hard and learn from people that have done it and give it time.
I worked construction my whole life and rarely made over 100k a year. I've invested my whole life and now have 3 beach rentals bringing in over $10k a month. I've saved my whole life and invested in a capitalist society. It worked for me. I didn't go to college and painted houses. I worked hard and I saved and read every get rich book I could. Start investing, work hard and learn from people that have done it and give it time.

The same thing with me. I'm as blue collar as they get, but I have an IRA, I've spent a couple of years in the commodities market, and like you made real estate investments that are keeping me comfortable now that I'm no longer working.

I'm not rich, but while other people were buying the newest cars, getting the newest iPhones for themselves and their family, going out to dinner once a week and taking lavish vacations, I stayed home and worked on my rental properties. I never married nor had children, never used harsh narcotics or got into trouble with the law.

The complaint by Citygator is about people that didn't do what you and I did. They went to work every day, bitched that they didn't make enough money, and made no efforts to invest or enter a new field of work that paid them better money. His view is that their companies should have "shared the wealth" instead of them advancing themselves.
He/she believes that Elon Musk should be FORCED to buy bottom feeders up to middle class status. He/she believes that EVERYBODY standing on U.S. soil is entitled to live ‘middle class’. Meanwhile he/she continues to beg Mexico’s most desperate, most illiterate, most immoral to invade our nation.
Link to where I said that? If you want to be disingenuous go to the other threads where every just calls names. I was specific in calling out the issues and if you ask me we can’t tax labor at a higher rate than capital. That right there compounded over time is a big disadvantage.

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