Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

Capitalism bestows ownership of the means of production on about !% of society, and that minute minority then decide what to produce, where to produce, and how to distribute any surplus. It shouldn't be surprising when one percent of the population prosper at the expense of 90%.

You're right, we should allow the people who never built or owned anything to decide what to produce, where to produce, and how to distribute any surplus.
Fail. I’m looking for intelligent discussion not political bullshit.

Seems like he made a pretty good point to me. There are a million people a year walking on foot a thousand miles and floating on rafts across the Caribbean to get a shot at this oppressive system you're complaining about.
Seems like he made a pretty good point to me. There are a million people a year walking on foot a thousand miles and floating on rafts across the Caribbean to get a shot at this oppressive system you're complaining about.

So as long as we are better than one of Trumps “shithole countries” you are OK
There’s a million studies. A million. Debate something real … not whether CEOs make a ton of money. They do. More than ever. That’s a universal fact agreed by all. Let’s debate something that isn’t a fact, like what can be done? It’s not an easy solution.

What do you want done about it? Industry pays people that make them a profit. If you operate a drill press getting paid $20.00 an hour, it means your employer is selling your work for $30.00 an hour. If a company pays a CEO 2 million a year, in most cases it's because he brings in 3 million a year or more, something a drill press operator can't do.

Look at our entertainment industry. A star pitcher playing a child's game making 2 million a year to throw a ball. Why is he getting paid that kind of money? What about the guy selling popcorn or beer in the stands? What about the lowly parking lot attendant? What about the people that have to clean up the stadium after a game is played?

Roadies don't make shit. They just love being part of working for a big name band. They have to load the truck, haul all that musical equipment into an arena, tear it back down after a concert is over, and load it back into a truck.

If you're going to complain about inequity, then start with one of your own like Hollywood or sports.
Why does the anti-capitalist argument persist among hypocrites who enjoy the benefits of capitalism? Maybe the hypocrite socialists account for the dwindling 30% of support for Biden. Nothing else makes much sense.
Why does the anti-capitalist argument persist among hypocrites who enjoy the benefits of capitalism? Maybe the hypocrite socialists account for the dwindling 30% of support for Biden. Nothing else makes much sense.

You've been here long enough to understand many of these people are plain FOS. They claim to have made or have all this money, but preach how government should take more from them. It defies common sense.
Capitalism is the best, most dynamic, most innovative, most collaborative, most liberating economic system known to man. But it is not a simple, static thing. The problem with it currently is in the way it's being applied.

Ironically, many of the Right who claim to love capitalism have perverted it into something that is making many people look for other options. That's because they don't understand it is not an all-or-nothing, binary system.
On the right? You Leftards are shutting down kids lemonade stands for not having a business license to sell food.
It doesn't exist to oppress the bottom; that's just what happens.
Corporate structures were originally and specifically designed and built to enrich the top. In some cases they are even mandated to do so by law. The ONLY way into the wealthy top today is to buy your way in or be a master criminal. Even if you excel at climbing the corporate ladder through their booby trapped hierarchy you are still required to buy your into the top. Even if you are an excellent criminal, you must face and defeat some of the most accomplished criminals on the planet. The methods of wealth achievement are stock purchasing and the manipulation of the management system to form a singular niche for you to squeeze into using leverage(s). It is not an easy path for those who are not heavily monied in the first place and the exclusivity is jealously guarded. That's why they are the 1% in the first place. When the upper echelon is achieved then you become a part of those who are singularly and ONLY interested in gaining more, well...of everything. The whole process supports the evil triad of corporation, politics and religion with the final goals of exclusive control of the masses. The three things that they are most interested in controlling are MONEY, POWER and RULE. The most common ways to achieve those goals are LIES, BRIBERY/EXTORTION and USURY. There are NO redeeming features to the wealthy nor should there be any forgiveness or allowance for the utter and nearly absolute criminality that they foist upon society. The problem is, they own us all. We The People are slaves to their GREED and manipulation.
No it doesn’t. Do you think a goal of capitalism should be a large healthy middle class? Ours is shrinking. It’s not capitalism here that is the problem as much as it is the way it’s applied and people are favored.
That’s hilarious. Leftards have destroyed our healthcare system with your socialist crap. Then you blame capitalism for it.

2 million illegals a year vote that capitalism gives the best opportunity for the poor to succeed.

And myself as well. I grew up in poverty (the American version) and retired in my 50’s a multimillionaire.

God Bless capitalism.
Corporate structures were originally and specifically designed and built to enrich the top. In some cases they are even mandated to do so by law. The ONLY way into the wealthy top today is to buy your way in or be a master criminal. Even if you excel at climbing the corporate ladder through their booby trapped hierarchy you are still required to buy your into the top. Even if you are an excellent criminal, you must face and defeat some of the most accomplished criminals on the planet. The methods of wealth achievement are stock purchasing and the manipulation of the management system to form a singular niche for you to squeeze into using leverage(s). It is not an easy path for those who are not heavily monied in the first place and the exclusivity is jealously guarded. That's why they are the 1% in the first place. When the upper echelon is achieved then you become a part of those who are singularly and ONLY interested in gaining more, well...of everything. The whole process supports the evil triad of corporation, politics and religion with the final goals of exclusive control of the masses. The three things that they are most interested in controlling are MONEY, POWER and RULE. The most common ways to achieve those goals are LIES, BRIBERY/EXTORTION and USURY. There are NO redeeming features to the wealthy nor should there be any forgiveness or allowance for the utter and nearly absolute criminality that they foist upon society. The problem is, they own us all. We The People are slaves to their GREED and manipulation.
The upper classes are filled with people that started with nothing and worked their way up. Anyone can prosper in America, but it is those who work at it that succeed. Wannabe's or those who won't do the work are the ones who are complaining. If there is a single cause of failure it's that the work ethic has been educated out of our people. Education cannot replace effort, regardless of what we are telling ourselves.
No it doesn’t. Do you think a goal of capitalism should be a large healthy middle class? Ours is shrinking. It’s not capitalism here that is the problem as much as it is the way it’s applied and people are favored.
There are people who do it better than us now with many products.
The upper classes are filled with people that started with nothing and worked their way up. Anyone can prosper in America, but it is those who work at it that succeed. Wannabe's or those who won't do the work are the ones who are complaining. If there is a single cause of failure it's that the work ethic has been educated out of our people. Education cannot replace effort, regardless of what we are telling ourselves.
Oh yes….the American Dream

Anyone can be a millionaire if they just buckle down and work harder


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