Capitalism exists to oppress the bottom and protect the top - change my mind

Which? You’re not being specific. It’s a sign of not having a point.
Your OP/Opening Post, presents eight items you think are facts, but you present no documentation, data or sources to support such. It appears you have made this up.

As we continue through this thread you confuse wealth with money and it's clear you neither understand the concepts, nor basic economics.

I've things to do and places to go today, so can't linger, but there are other threads here with better information and less propaganda then what you have presented and are working from.
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Our economy, while the greatest and biggest in the world does seem to have the feature that inequality is growing, so should our goal be absolute wealth or a narrower range of relative wealth? Maybe we should been looking for changes and perhaps what might be seen as a different system. This other system would almost doubtless lead to lower wealth, but perhaps that’s less important.
Perhaps not. Socialism/Communism only leads to one thing....people who join the party become well-off while everyone else suffers.

It's better that you have a system where a few people fall thru the cracks rather than a system that is designed to dump everyone into the same toilet bowl.

From the ISS you can spot North Korea from orbit. They're the place where at night there's no lights. People are making soup from grass. Starvation is rampant.....yes....a communist utopia.
One last quick here;
Wealth is goods and/or services with market value (something others are willing to exchange their goods/services for).
Money is a device for facilitating barter~exchanges of goods and services; also a device/means to measure wealth.
Perhaps not. Socialism/Communism only leads to one thing....people who join the party become well-off while everyone else suffers.

It's better that you have a system where a few people fall thru the cracks rather than a system that is designed to dump everyone into the same toilet bowl.

From the ISS you can spot North Korea from orbit. They're the place where at night there's no lights. People are making soup from grass. Starvation is rampant.....yes....a communist utopia.
North Korea actually gives communism a bad name. :omg:
"I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field."

Give away half of your income then if that's the way you feel. Or do you just talk the talk?
The republicans totally taking over will make the USA eventually look like Jacob Riss's New York in the 1890's. Actually, worse. School children today are in danger of getting killed in their schools by hi tech fire arms. . Republicans have let us know they don't give a shit about 'the children'. Part of making American great to them is sucking up to organizations like the NRA. Money is their god.
The republicans totally taking over will make the USA eventually look like Jacob Riss's New York in the 1890's. Actually, worse. School children today are in danger of getting killed in their schools by hi tech fire arms.

That's impossible!

Liberals have made schools into gun-free zones.
The republicans totally taking over will make the USA eventually look like Jacob Riss's New York in the 1890's. Actually, worse. School children today are in danger of getting killed in their schools by hi tech fire arms. . Republicans have let us know they don't give a shit about 'the children'. Part of making American great to them is sucking up to organizations like the NRA. Money is their god.
Money is everyone's 'god' at some time in their life. Money is like food. When you're hungry that's all you think about. Once full you forget it. Sadly most people never accumulate enough money to satisfy their 'need' for it. Too many shiny objects to distract them.
The republicans totally taking over will make the USA eventually look like Jacob Riss's New York in the 1890's. Actually, worse. School children today are in danger of getting killed in their schools by hi tech fire arms. .
Under liberal rule more kids are getting killed in the streets, and in their own homes, by low-tech firearms.
I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.
Capitalism bestows ownership of the means of production on about !% of society, and that minute minority then decide what to produce, where to produce, and how to distribute any surplus. It shouldn't be surprising when one percent of the population prosper at the expense of 90%.
Capitalism bestows ownership of the means of production on about !% of society, and that minute minority then decide what to produce, where to produce, and how to distribute any surplus. It shouldn't be surprising when one percent of the population prosper at the expense of 90%.
No one is forcing anyone to buy their stuff. Look at the employee parking lots of the major American car makers, lots of imported cars there.

I bought an apartment building to fund my retirement. During the 18 years that I owned it I could have bought a half dozen others on my street that came on the market, which would have made me a millionaire several times over by now. I declined the opportunity as I didn't want to leave my full time job, and wasn't interested in working myself to death. Many turn down similar opportunities for a more sane lifestyle. The point is that those opportunities exist everywhere. Taking advantage of them seldom hurts anyone, rather they increase the general wealth and usually provide opportunities for others.

At this time millions of jobs are unfilled while millions of able bodied people stand around with their fingers up their butts waiting for their ship to come in. They have nothing to complain about.
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The republicans totally taking over will make the USA eventually look like Jacob Riss's New York in the 1890's. Actually, worse. School children today are in danger of getting killed in their schools by hi tech fire arms. . Republicans have let us know they don't give a shit about 'the children'. Part of making American great to them is sucking up to organizations like the NRA. Money is their god.

Oh with the NRA bullshit again. It's amazing how well the Communists are able to use brainwashing.
Our economy, while the greatest and biggest in the world does seem to have the feature that inequality is growing, so should our goal be absolute wealth or a narrower range of relative wealth?

Inequity is growing because more people are becoming successful while the others are getting lazier. It has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with personal decisions in life.
We are in a current situation where the workers at the bottom cannot get a raise of share in the economy without those in power taking it back from them.
  • The rising wages at the bottom are seen as an evil trend destabilizing the economy
  • Company profit margins being higher than ever (basically rising wages at the top) is seen as economically healthy and good
  • Companies have raised prices to protect profit margins to historical highs during supply issues taking advantage of shortages in the marketplace is seen as good
  • The Uber wealthy continue to accumulate wealth in tough pandemic times and good times (pre and post pandemic) and no one cares
  • The answer from those in power will be to raise interest rates, slow the economy to create unemployment hurting the bottom, again
  • Tax rates on workers and capital continue to favor capital owners
  • Unrealized wealth is only accumulated by the top - hell wealth is only accumulated at the top where top 10% own 89% of the wealth
  • CEOs are making a historical multiplier over their workers salary, north of 270X’s
***Mod Comment - Need to provide links to back up statements made as facts. That's in the forum rules.***

I owe my livelihood to capitalism and make top 1% money but it is the systemic exploitation of the bottom through very powerful controls of capital at the top. There needs to be a more balanced playing field.

How can people who work with their way through life get the same breaks as those who own their way through life? No one wants to take shit away… they want a fair shake.
Anti-Capitalist North Korea and Cuba have been smashing successes

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