Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

Oh really? You mean, like Detroit? :lol:

I know, I know - you're going to attempt to cover the epic Dumbocrat failure by claiming "Detroit is not a state" (as if that somehow excuses the Dumbocrats bankrupting that city into a 3rd world country shit-hole). Well, then how about California? What are they, $70 billion in debt now? Yeah - sure are "producing" there!

What does that have to do with anything? GSP is GSP.

Are you stupid?

Damn - you take dumb to an art form! "What does that have to do with anything"? Well, when you actually produce, you don't go bankrupt.

California is not "producing". The rare conservative there is producing. The mass idiot Dumbocrats are doing what they do best - mooching like the parasites they are.

Here, let me simplify this for you junior (we'll try basic math):

The few producing - the many mooching = bankruptcy

No wonder you people bankrupt every city, state, and nation you touch. You can't figure out the basics that our average 2nd graders understand.
Oh really? You mean, like Detroit? :lol:

I know, I know - you're going to attempt to cover the epic Dumbocrat failure by claiming "Detroit is not a state" (as if that somehow excuses the Dumbocrats bankrupting that city into a 3rd world country shit-hole). Well, then how about California? What are they, $70 billion in debt now? Yeah - sure are "producing" there!

What does that have to do with anything? GSP is GSP.

Are you stupid?

Damn - you take dumb to an art form! "What does that have to do with anything"? Well, when you actually produce, you don't go bankrupt.

California is not "producing". The rare conservative there is producing. The mass idiot Dumbocrats are doing what they do best - mooching like the parasites they are.

Here, let me simplify this for you junior (we'll try basic math):

The few producing - the many mooching = bankruptcy

No wonder you people bankrupt every city, state, and nation you touch. You can't figure out the basics that our average 2nd graders understand.

Do you know what investment is? Do you have a clue what the debt ranking for states are?

Saying "The mass idiot Dumbocrats " doesn't make you any less an idiot. Yeah, moron, California, New York and Texas have the three highest GSPs and are among the top GSP per capita.

Here is the list
.................GSP.............Per cap
New York $1,013,251....$52,288.5
Texas $1,116,268....$44,392.2
California $1,672,473....$44,893.8

See, it is called "facts", "numbers" and "counting", something you failed to learn in 1st grade. There is basic counting for you. Start there.

Texas, apparently, is top in local debt per capita. What is interesting is that the highest output is correlated with the highest investment.

So, your "math" just doesn't add up. You know why? It isn't math. It is just bullshit.
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So what you are saying is that we have to have lower effective tax rates on the rich and wealthy because WTF KNOWS BECAUSE YOUR POSTS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE EVEN WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS randomly.

Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
There's more stealing going on than you know when your Democrat Congressmen find a person who's broke or in business failure, makes a law to bail him out, but puts him on the hook forever to raise funds for their quid-pro-quo careers, emptying the taxpayer's hard-earned taxes from the treasury, dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds for their favorite pet rock projects, then tarnishing Republicans for all their sneaky dealing for other things, such as "accidents" they conveniently dispose of business' getting experts to pinpoint the problem, and really pulling the wool over the eyes of the public with the press moving in to show dead birds, dead fish, and chest-thumping Sean Penns coming in to say something nasty about Republicans for free so the base will have a celebrity said so piece of bullshit.

They're turning this country into a communist nation, and when they're done, pal, you're dead if you criticize them in any way, because communists accept zero free speech from anyone except themselves. So then it's lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and when you call them on it, they just kill you.

Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
There's more stealing going on than you know when your Democrat Congressmen find a person who's broke or in business failure, makes a law to bail him out, but puts him on the hook forever to raise funds for their quid-pro-quo careers, emptying the taxpayer's hard-earned taxes from the treasury, dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds for their favorite pet rock projects, then tarnishing Republicans for all their sneaky dealing for other things, such as "accidents" they conveniently dispose of business' getting experts to pinpoint the problem, and really pulling the wool over the eyes of the public with the press moving in to show dead birds, dead fish, and chest-thumping Sean Penns coming in to say something nasty about Republicans for free so the base will have a celebrity said so piece of bullshit.

They're turning this country into a communist nation, and when they're done, pal, you're dead if you criticize them in any way, because communists accept zero free speech from anyone except themselves. So then it's lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and when you call them on it, they just kill you.


See, here is where you prove your lack of intelligence..

"dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds "

The Social Security Administration managed the trust funds for OASI and and DI. These trust funds have held a considerable surplus. Instead of leaving it doing nothing, they collect intrest on it by buying Treasury Bonds. T-bills are the most risk free investments in the world. That is why every bank, hedge fund, and foreign country buys them.

It would be really stupid for SSA to buy stock instead of T-Bills.

Clearly, you simply make shit up.
You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
There's more stealing going on than you know when your Democrat Congressmen find a person who's broke or in business failure, makes a law to bail him out, but puts him on the hook forever to raise funds for their quid-pro-quo careers, emptying the taxpayer's hard-earned taxes from the treasury, dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds for their favorite pet rock projects, then tarnishing Republicans for all their sneaky dealing for other things, such as "accidents" they conveniently dispose of business' getting experts to pinpoint the problem, and really pulling the wool over the eyes of the public with the press moving in to show dead birds, dead fish, and chest-thumping Sean Penns coming in to say something nasty about Republicans for free so the base will have a celebrity said so piece of bullshit.

They're turning this country into a communist nation, and when they're done, pal, you're dead if you criticize them in any way, because communists accept zero free speech from anyone except themselves. So then it's lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and when you call them on it, they just kill you.


See, here is where you prove your lack of intelligence..

"dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds "

The Social Security Administration managed the trust funds for OASI and and DI. These trust funds have held a considerable surplus. Instead of leaving it doing nothing, they collect intrest on it by buying Treasury Bonds. T-bills are the most risk free investments in the world. That is why every bank, hedge fund, and foreign country buys them.

It would be really stupid for SSA to buy stock instead of T-Bills.

Clearly, you simply make shit up.
Show me the money, card sharp. :lmao:
One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

There are liars, dirty liars and statisticians....

There are facts and there are idiots that don't know how to count.

LOL, you didn't even understand what I said. Actually, the quote says that data can be accurate and yet completely misleading. First of all, GDP distribution would have to be tied to things like population distribution. There are serious questions about how it's measured. And cause and effect isn't even addressed. Just saying distribution red and blue leaves a hundred questions unanswered for the one that is answered.

Most murders are committed in blue States, can we accept on the surface that liberals are more blood thirsty?
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Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
No, I'm not a follower of Marx, so I don't believe in progressive taxation.

When I'm forced to pay 30% tax and my neighbor pays 0% tax, and receives checks from the government from my frigging income... Ayup that's stealing. Using a middle man to do it does not make it right.

You must live in a weird neighborhood if you are being taxed at 30% and your neighbor is getting TANF checks.

I have no problem with either btw. I also don't consider it stealing when you are taxed to guard our larger than average prison population. Bread and circuses is the cost of income inequality. I personally would prefer them getting jobs but our nation has been taken over by supply side idiots.
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Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
There's more stealing going on than you know when your Democrat Congressmen find a person who's broke or in business failure, makes a law to bail him out, but puts him on the hook forever to raise funds for their quid-pro-quo careers, emptying the taxpayer's hard-earned taxes from the treasury, dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds for their favorite pet rock projects, then tarnishing Republicans for all their sneaky dealing for other things, such as "accidents" they conveniently dispose of business' getting experts to pinpoint the problem, and really pulling the wool over the eyes of the public with the press moving in to show dead birds, dead fish, and chest-thumping Sean Penns coming in to say something nasty about Republicans for free so the base will have a celebrity said so piece of bullshit.

They're turning this country into a communist nation, and when they're done, pal, you're dead if you criticize them in any way, because communists accept zero free speech from anyone except themselves. So then it's lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and when you call them on it, they just kill you.


Am I supposed to pretend you didn't just make all that up?
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

That just demonstrates people will try and avoid paying taxes when given the opportunity. That doesn't mean they stop working. Did you think you stumbled onto something meaningful?
Congress can't vote on an "effective tax rate." They can only vote on actual tax rates.

Again. the effective tax is actual numbers.

You never proved your 3% fable.

The problem is the capital gains tax rates being lower. That and the fact FICA pays for too much. That and the regressive nature of state and local taxes.

The poor tend to do ok but the middle class gets hosed. Anyone relying on labor gets a raw deal too including some of the rich.
Which rich pay a lower effective rate?
Show me.

All of them.

Last year I paid 3% effective.

Romney, after the additional six moths of moving numbers paid 12%.

The average middle-class American pay 15% average.

Last year I paid 3% effective.

Show me.

Romney, after the additional six moths of moving numbers paid 12%.

If most of your income is taxed at 15% and you donate millions to charity, your rate would drop below 15% as well.

In 2012 my portfolio made $16.5M and paid $495k total tax.

You seem to be confused with tax rates vs. actual tax paid.
Which rich pay a lower effective rate?
Show me.

Those who have a lot of capital gains. If you include payroll taxes the issue is even more pronounced.

The government already had one bite at that apple( Capital gains).
I've heard this music before. You flaming libs are incensed that you cannot get your sticky hands on capital gains income.
Why is it you feel entitled to take from people that which you have no right?

Capital gains IS income. Why shouldn't income be taxed?

Besides, can't you defer the income and invest the gain?
Why do you think it didn't work????
The US would be in a much deeper depression if not for deficit spending.

And it's not all speculation. First, this is what economics textbook have been saying all along. And, for a change, this time we have experimental results -- in Europe some governments had to cut spending, while others let it grow. And the more a government had to cut spending, the deeper was depression:


Your chart doesn't prove anything at all.

The reason for that is quite simple, it is unreadable. What is change in G? How does it measure private demand? What period of time is covered?

The chart is only unreadable if you don't want to read it. Change in G, as you might have guessed, is change in the govt. spending. Private demand is measured by private spending, how else?.. And the depression stared in 2008, so i guess it is from that time till now or maybe a year ago -- but it does not really matter, whether these changes happened in 2 years, or in five.

I might have guessed change in government spending if I wasn't wired to look at G and see it as the gravitational constant, as it is I wonder how it can change at all. Funny how you can't even answer the simplest fucking question, what period of time is covered by the chart. I guess you made my point for me.
All of them.

Last year I paid 3% effective.

Romney, after the additional six moths of moving numbers paid 12%.

The average middle-class American pay 15% average.

Last year I paid 3% effective.

Show me.

Romney, after the additional six moths of moving numbers paid 12%.

If most of your income is taxed at 15% and you donate millions to charity, your rate would drop below 15% as well.

In 2012 my portfolio made $16.5M and paid $495k total tax.

You seem to be confused with tax rates vs. actual tax paid.

You seem to be unable to prove your fable.

So run through it for me.

Show how your $16.5M gives you a $495k liability.
Pretend I'm a liberal, use small words.
Again. the effective tax is actual numbers.

You never proved your 3% fable.

The problem is the capital gains tax rates being lower. That and the fact FICA pays for too much. That and the regressive nature of state and local taxes.

The poor tend to do ok but the middle class gets hosed. Anyone relying on labor gets a raw deal too including some of the rich.

The problem is the capital gains tax rates being lower.

Why is that a problem?

The poor tend to do ok but the middle class gets hosed.

Define middle class. Defined hosed.
You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
There's more stealing going on than you know when your Democrat Congressmen find a person who's broke or in business failure, makes a law to bail him out, but puts him on the hook forever to raise funds for their quid-pro-quo careers, emptying the taxpayer's hard-earned taxes from the treasury, dipping into their expropriated Social Security funds for their favorite pet rock projects, then tarnishing Republicans for all their sneaky dealing for other things, such as "accidents" they conveniently dispose of business' getting experts to pinpoint the problem, and really pulling the wool over the eyes of the public with the press moving in to show dead birds, dead fish, and chest-thumping Sean Penns coming in to say something nasty about Republicans for free so the base will have a celebrity said so piece of bullshit.

They're turning this country into a communist nation, and when they're done, pal, you're dead if you criticize them in any way, because communists accept zero free speech from anyone except themselves. So then it's lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and when you call them on it, they just kill you.


Am I supposed to pretend you didn't just make all that up?

1), Solyndra, a company of Obama's biggest supporter showing every sign of going belly up, when the Treasury Department is contacted by the white house for an overnight draft of $535 MILLION taxpayer dollars to these losers under the guaranteed payback bill the Democrats pushed through to reward Democrat donors to lost Green causes. How do we know? Dozens of businesses benefitted by taking up losing propositions, "investing" in them on the American taxpayer's nickel (bazillions of them), and of course, going belly up. Why buy the cow of employing Americans when the milk is free at the expense of the American Taxpayer???​
You surely recall Solyndra, the Company, which 18 months after Obama arranged them to get that half a billion dollar checque against the American Taxpayer's funds, gave the shaft to 1100+ employees in Fremont, California?​
Obama's Taxpayer-Backed Green Graveyard:​

  1. Evergreen Solar ($25 million)*​
  2. SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
  3. Solyndra ($535 million)*
  4. Beacon Power ($43 million)*
  5. Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
  6. SunPower ($1.2 billion)
  7. First Solar ($1.46 billion)
  8. Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
  9. EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
  10. Amonix ($5.9 million)
  11. Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
  12. Abound Solar ($400 million)*
  13. A123 Systems ($279 million)*
  14. Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($700,981)*
  15. Johnson Controls ($299 million)
  16. Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
  17. ECOtality ($126.2 million)
  18. Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
  19. Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
  20. Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
  21. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
  22. Range Fuels ($80 million)*
  23. Thompson River Power ($6.5 million)*
  24. Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
  25. Azure Dynamics ($5.4 million)*
  26. GreenVolts ($500,000)
  27. Vestas ($50 million)
  28. LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($151 million)
  29. Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
  30. Navistar ($39 million)
  31. Satcon ($3 million)*
  32. Konarka Technologies Inc. ($20 million)*
  33. Mascoma Corp. ($100 million)
Updates: President Obama's Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures
The overzealous shutdown of all America's drillers in the Gulf punished American employment, and not just for one month, either. :evil:
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Share? There is no "share"....What someone else's income may be is nobody else's business.
Productivity rises with for example, technology, education and technical training. Productivity is realized when fewer people are required to increase output.
The most wealthy people are not the stereotypical blue blooded Greenwich CT mansion dwelling people you equate with wealth. The fact is most wealthy people work very hard to earn their wages. They also take the highest risk.
The one constant is this. Higher education and better training lead to higher wages. It has to be that way.
BTW, opportunity is EARNED. Not given. Not deserved.
There are far too many of us who work hard so that we may EARN opportunity to see it given away to those who refuse to make it their business to improve their skill set so that they are in the running for higher pay.
Where did you get the idea opportunity was something you had to earn, and who have you selected as the judge for deciding who among us deserves opportunity?

"op·por·tu·ni·ty noun \ˌä-pər-ˈtü-nə-tē, -ˈtyü-\
: an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done
plural op·por·tu·ni·ties

Full Definition of OPPORTUNITY

: a favorable juncture of circumstances <the halt provided an opportunity for rest and refreshment>
: a good chance for advancement or progress"

Opportunity - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

ok....I own a business. I post on line an ad for applicants in my landscaping company. I am looking for a supervisor with a ground applicators license and prefer at least an associates degree in turf management. Plus I prefer at least two years combined supervisory and practical experience.
I get two applicants looking for an opportunity to work for me in a supervisory capacity.
One has no supervisory experience but has a turf degree. The other meets all of the criteria in the ad. The latter by meeting the criteria has EARNED the opportunity to come work for me. While the former has not. Very simple concept.
By acquiring certain skills, the second applicant EARNED that opportunity.
You object to this concept, why?

You hire based on the following question:

What are you going to do to facilitate a 100% increase in revenue every 18 months?
Which rich pay a lower effective rate?
Show me.

All of them.

Last year I paid 3% effective.

Romney, after the additional six moths of moving numbers paid 12%.

The average middle-class American pay 15% average.

3%...Despite the fact that you think that is unfair, you certainly kept the money though, didn't you?
BTW, you were for specific people who paid effective rates to which you object.
One other thing...There is no nobility in giving more of your earnings to government.

I pay what I'm legally obligated to pay, and thanks to Republicans, it's not that much.

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