Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

Look at your chart again. It is truncated to demonstrate your point, but even so it shows that revenues had dropped once the taxes were cut and remained depressed ever since -- they never returned to the pre-Reagan trend.

Yes the tax revenues eventually started to rise thanks to inflation and growing economy. But they remained lower than they would be if not for the tax cuts. And that lead to the biggest expansion in government deficit in the post-war history.

BTW, it was George H. W. Bush who called it voodoo economics, and it turned out this way.

Uhmmm the chart says "inflation adjusted." It's on the frigging chart. Thus takes into effect inflation. Thus does not show inflation. It shows increase in revenue in spite of inflation not because of inflation. The chart shows revenue going up as tax rates go down. Duh.

OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

The mistake libtards, like you, make is not understanding that humans are good at avoiding high tax rates.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

"The increased revenue reflect economic growth..." Uhm yeah that's the point, lower tax rates and you generate economic growth.

Then you say "they remained below pre-reagan trend." Huh? Where is anything to do with pre-reagan shown on that chart? What trend? Economic growth, Tax Revenue? Can you not see the revenue per capita "after" inflation has been adjusted going up to higher than at the start of reagan on that chart? What planet were you on back in the 70s? My memory was of America in Decline pre-reagan, sort of like it's been under Obama's reign of terror.

Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science. Why would a rich man pay himself income from his business when most of that money is gonna be taken by the government? In the good ole days of high income tax rates the rich had company cars, planes, homes, parties etc. They didn't need high income. Further, we live in an international economy, there's nothing tying a rich man down to the states, they can come and go where they please sheltering their income on an island in the atlantic is a time honored tradition of the rich.
Uhmmm the chart says "inflation adjusted." It's on the frigging chart. Thus takes into effect inflation. Thus does not show inflation. It shows increase in revenue in spite of inflation not because of inflation. The chart shows revenue going up as tax rates go down. Duh.

OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

The mistake libtards, like you, make is not understanding that humans are good at avoiding high tax rates.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

And here is what happen if you don't truncate the graph:


You can clearly see that the tax revenues never recovered to the pre-cuts trend (shown in red) and they are the source of the record Reagan era deficits.

ROFL nice hockey stick there Mr. Gore.
Uhmmm the chart says "inflation adjusted." It's on the frigging chart. Thus takes into effect inflation. Thus does not show inflation. It shows increase in revenue in spite of inflation not because of inflation. The chart shows revenue going up as tax rates go down. Duh.

OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

The mistake libtards, like you, make is not understanding that humans are good at avoiding high tax rates.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

"The increased revenue reflect economic growth..." Uhm yeah that's the point, lower tax rates and you generate economic growth.

Yeah, right, like the economy was never growing before St. Reagan.. It always does, saving short periods when it was in recession.

Then you say "they remained below pre-reagan trend." Huh? Where is anything to do with pre-reagan shown on that chart? What trend? Economic growth, Tax Revenue?

Tax revenue trend of course, and the chart shows a little bit of pre-Reagan trend. I just made another one that shows more.

Can you not see the revenue per capita "after" inflation has been adjusted going up to higher than at the start of reagan on that chart?

Because with time the economy grew sufficiently for revenues to rise. But they never returned back to the trend, they remained depressed because of the tax cuts.

Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).
OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

And here is what happen if you don't truncate the graph:


You can clearly see that the tax revenues never recovered to the pre-cuts trend (shown in red) and they are the source of the record Reagan era deficits.

ROFL nice hockey stick there Mr. Gore.

What are you talking about?..
OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

"The increased revenue reflect economic growth..." Uhm yeah that's the point, lower tax rates and you generate economic growth.

Yeah, right, like the economy was never growing before St. Reagan.. It always does, saving short periods when it was in recession.

Tax revenue trend of course, and the chart shows a little bit of pre-Reagan trend. I just made another one that shows more.

Can you not see the revenue per capita "after" inflation has been adjusted going up to higher than at the start of reagan on that chart?

Because with time the economy grew sufficiently for revenues to rise. But they never returned back to the trend, they remained depressed because of the tax cuts.

Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

Where did I say anything about working less? Are you retarded?
"The increased revenue reflect economic growth..." Uhm yeah that's the point, lower tax rates and you generate economic growth.

Yeah, right, like the economy was never growing before St. Reagan.. It always does, saving short periods when it was in recession.

Tax revenue trend of course, and the chart shows a little bit of pre-Reagan trend. I just made another one that shows more.

Because with time the economy grew sufficiently for revenues to rise. But they never returned back to the trend, they remained depressed because of the tax cuts.

Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

Where did I say anything about working less? Are you retarded?

Company home, are you kidding? Don't you think IRS can deal with that too? Unless the guy would prefer to actually live in a real office, his ass would be busted. Same for cars, etc.
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News
You might want to look at it per capita as well. The economy grows on simple population growth.

Also missing is the outlays, especially the discretionary. Non-descresionary funds are deficit neutral.

The only way to conclude that tax rate changes affected output is by ignoring deficit spending.
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

5 people..... anechdotal and meaningless.
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

5 people..... anechdotal and meaningless. Kinda like "4 out ot 5 dentists surveyed prefer.." You know how they get that, they keep surveying until they do.

"Proof" isn't a strong characteristic here.
Where is Democracy to be found in a world where the three richest individuals have assets that exceed the combined GDP of 47 countries?

God Bless America, that is truly outstanding. BTW, in a free country, opportunity is equal. In a socialist one, the poverty results are. Well, except for your political leaders who are fabulously wealthy.
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.
That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

There are liars, dirty liars and statisticians....
The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

There are liars, dirty liars and statisticians....

There are facts and there are idiots that don't know how to count.
Then you say all we have to do is "eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved." ROFL
Rich folk don't need loopholes. Take all the loopholes out of income tax and the solution is, fine I won't take any income. This is not rocket science.

That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

So of;

" 1,800 people to renounce U.S. citizenship or give up their green cards in the first half of 2013. In the second quarter alone, there were 1,130 renunciations according to government data -- more than the 932 recorded for all of last year."

Five left to avoid paying taxes.

That would be what? 5/(2845) or .2%.
That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

Oh really? You mean, like Detroit? :lol:

I know, I know - you're going to attempt to cover the epic Dumbocrat failure by claiming "Detroit is not a state" (as if that somehow excuses the Dumbocrats bankrupting that city into a 3rd world country shit-hole). Well, then how about California? What are they, $70 billion in debt now? Yeah - sure are "producing" there!
The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

One problem of "lazy Dumbocrat " is that states that are predominately Democrat produce more gross state output than the Republican states. 2/3rd of the GDP is from the Democrat states.

Oh really? You mean, like Detroit? :lol:

I know, I know - you're going to attempt to cover the epic Dumbocrat failure by claiming "Detroit is not a state" (as if that somehow excuses the Dumbocrats bankrupting that city into a 3rd world country shit-hole). Well, then how about California? What are they, $70 billion in debt now? Yeah - sure are "producing" there!

What does that have to do with anything? GSP is GSP.

Are you stupid?

"As of 2009, there was $50.7 trillion of debt owed by US households, businesses, and governments," ... So, total business and households would be what? About $40 Trillion.

So, again, what does that have to do with gross state output and GNP?

Oh, here is a though..... investment.
Last edited:
That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

5 people..... anechdotal and meaningless.


Vintage Dumbocrat.... if you can't deny it, scream "racism", "strawman", or "anecdotal".

This is the REAL world junior. This is what is actually happening. You're inability to accept reality over skewed libtard Ivy League "studies" is not my problem.

Game. Set. Match.
That's right, far from rocket science, it's total bullshit. You have no proof that much higher taxes make people work less (and they don't work less in places like Germany or Scandinavian countries).

The ignorant false narrative of the greedy, lazy Dumbocrat continues to collapse under the weight of reality. Here is undeniable proof that higher taxes cause people to work less. In fact, they stop working completely (for the U.S.) and start working for nations that embrace their efforts instead of demonizing it. What now idiot - er, uh ilia? Come on, give us some really "clever" excuse for this undeniable reality that is backed up with multiple links from multiple sources... :eek:

Americans renouncing citizenship in record numbers, seek to avoid tax | Fox News

Americans turn in passports as new tax law hits - Sep. 4, 2013

5 citizens who left the U.S. to avoid paying tax - CBS News

So of;

" 1,800 people to renounce U.S. citizenship or give up their green cards in the first half of 2013. In the second quarter alone, there were 1,130 renunciations according to government data -- more than the 932 recorded for all of last year."

Five left to avoid paying taxes.

That would be what? 5/(2845) or .2%.

So you admit the numbers are increasing drastically, and all of them left to avoid paying taxes. The article only discussed 5 of them.

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