Capitalism Guarantees Rising Inequality

Which rich pay a lower effective rate?
Show me.

Those who have a lot of capital gains. If you include payroll taxes the issue is even more pronounced.

The government already had one bite at that apple( Capital gains).
I've heard this music before. You flaming libs are incensed that you cannot get your sticky hands on capital gains income.
Why is it you feel entitled to take from people that which you have no right?

Actually the libtards made capital gains progressive and the republicans caved to it.

Capital Gains tax rates vary depending on whether the gains are short-term or long-term.

Short-term gains taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

Long-term gains and qualified dividends taxed at

0% if taxable income falls in the 10% or 15% marginal tax brackets
15% if taxable income falls in the 25%, 28%, 33%, or 35% marginal tax brackets
20% if taxable income falls in the 39.6% marginal tax bracket
25% on Depreciation Recapture
28% on Collectibles
28% on qualified small business stock after exclusion

So the libtards will have to shut the eff up now. Course they will just talk about years past.
Those who have a lot of capital gains. If you include payroll taxes the issue is even more pronounced.

The government already had one bite at that apple( Capital gains).
I've heard this music before. You flaming libs are incensed that you cannot get your sticky hands on capital gains income.
Why is it you feel entitled to take from people that which you have no right?

Actually the libtards made capital gains progressive and the republicans caved to it.

Capital Gains tax rates vary depending on whether the gains are short-term or long-term.

Short-term gains taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

Long-term gains and qualified dividends taxed at

0% if taxable income falls in the 10% or 15% marginal tax brackets
15% if taxable income falls in the 25%, 28%, 33%, or 35% marginal tax brackets
20% if taxable income falls in the 39.6% marginal tax bracket
25% on Depreciation Recapture
28% on Collectibles
28% on qualified small business stock after exclusion

So the libtards will have to shut the eff up now. Course they will just talk about years past.

So capital gains taxes are less.

Were you going to make an argument or do you regularly post facts that support the other side and then claim victory?
The government already had one bite at that apple( Capital gains).
I've heard this music before. You flaming libs are incensed that you cannot get your sticky hands on capital gains income.
Why is it you feel entitled to take from people that which you have no right?

Actually the libtards made capital gains progressive and the republicans caved to it.

Capital Gains tax rates vary depending on whether the gains are short-term or long-term.

Short-term gains taxed at ordinary income tax rates.

Long-term gains and qualified dividends taxed at

0% if taxable income falls in the 10% or 15% marginal tax brackets
15% if taxable income falls in the 25%, 28%, 33%, or 35% marginal tax brackets
20% if taxable income falls in the 39.6% marginal tax bracket
25% on Depreciation Recapture
28% on Collectibles
28% on qualified small business stock after exclusion

So the libtards will have to shut the eff up now. Course they will just talk about years past.

So capital gains taxes are less.

Were you going to make an argument or do you regularly post facts that support the other side and then claim victory?

You lost me. How is 0% greater than 15%? How is 15% greater than 20%?

Huh? The richer folk got a 33% increase in tax rates on capital gains, the folks with low income were given a 100% decrease in taxes for capital gains. And your response is capital gains taxes are less. HUH? Less only for the poor, more for the rich, and the same for the middle.

Libtard math is infuriating.

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“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others. ”
― Ayn Rand

I agree...disband our military...NOW!

Why disband our military? Some force is required to defend the country, dumb ass.

Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.
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Actually the libtards made capital gains progressive and the republicans caved to it.


So the libtards will have to shut the eff up now. Course they will just talk about years past.

So capital gains taxes are less.

Were you going to make an argument or do you regularly post facts that support the other side and then claim victory?

You lost me. How is 0% greater than 15%? How is 15% greater than 20%?

Huh? The richer folk got a 33% increase in tax rates on capital gains, the folks with low income were given a 100% decrease in taxes for capital gains. And your response is capital gains taxes are less. HUH? Less only for the poor, more for the rich, and the same for the middle.

Libtard math is infuriating.


So what you are saying is that we have to have lower effective tax rates on the rich and wealthy because WTF KNOWS BECAUSE YOUR POSTS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE EVEN WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS randomly.
I agree...disband our military...NOW!

Why disband our military? Some force is required to defend the country, dumb ass.

Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.

I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Where is Democracy to be found in a world where the three richest individuals have assets that exceed the combined GDP of 47 countries?

A world where the richest 2% of global citizens "own" more than 51% of global assets?

Ready for the best part?

Capitalism ensures an already bad problem will only get worse.

"The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) states that income inequality 'first started to rise in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s in America and Britain (and also in Israel)'.

"The ratio between the average incomes of the top 5 per cent to the bottom 5 per cent in the world increased from 78:1 in 1988, to 114:1 in 1993..."

"Stiglitz relays that from 1988 to 2008 people in the world’s top 1 per cent saw their incomes increase by 60 per cent, while those in the bottom 5 per cent had no change in their income.

"In America, home to the 2008 recession, from 2009 to 2012, incomes of the top 1 per cent in America, many of which no doubt had a greedy hand in the causes of the meltdown, increased more than 31 per cent, while the incomes of the 99 per cent grew 0.4 per cent less than half a percentage point."

Spotlight on Worldwide Inequality

There are alternatives that don't require infinite "growth."
I'd rather be unequal than not here.

Communism is a parasitic scheme. It eats the host, then perishes because there's no more food after the host has been fully digested and brought to total desecration. It gets one full lunch, then nothing but hunger follows because every promise they made, they died before they could keep it, and 4 generations later it was a matter of dog eat dog.
Why disband our military? Some force is required to defend the country, dumb ass.

Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.

I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a case of both sides manipulating the numbers to get the implication they want.

The $1T number is based on direct cost in the Middle East.

The higher numbers include all back end support. The problem with that is they are including the cost of anything that supported Iraq, including money that would have been spent anyway.
So capital gains taxes are less.

Were you going to make an argument or do you regularly post facts that support the other side and then claim victory?

You lost me. How is 0% greater than 15%? How is 15% greater than 20%?

Huh? The richer folk got a 33% increase in tax rates on capital gains, the folks with low income were given a 100% decrease in taxes for capital gains. And your response is capital gains taxes are less. HUH? Less only for the poor, more for the rich, and the same for the middle.

Libtard math is infuriating.


So what you are saying is that we have to have lower effective tax rates on the rich and wealthy because WTF KNOWS BECAUSE YOUR POSTS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE EVEN WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS randomly.

Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.
You lost me. How is 0% greater than 15%? How is 15% greater than 20%?

Huh? The richer folk got a 33% increase in tax rates on capital gains, the folks with low income were given a 100% decrease in taxes for capital gains. And your response is capital gains taxes are less. HUH? Less only for the poor, more for the rich, and the same for the middle.

Libtard math is infuriating.


So what you are saying is that we have to have lower effective tax rates on the rich and wealthy because WTF KNOWS BECAUSE YOUR POSTS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE EVEN WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS randomly.

Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.

I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a case of both sides manipulating the numbers to get the implication they want.

The $1T number is based on direct cost in the Middle East.

The higher numbers include all back end support. The problem with that is they are including the cost of anything that supported Iraq, including money that would have been spent anyway.

Yeah well.. while I applaud our fighting men, I despise the colonial like strategy we've been employing ever since the germans, japaneese and brits dropped the ball on their attempts to conquer the planet. You'd think we would have learned something.
So what you are saying is that we have to have lower effective tax rates on the rich and wealthy because WTF KNOWS BECAUSE YOUR POSTS DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE EVEN WHEN YOU USE ALL CAPS randomly.

Libtards are so stupid. What I'm saying, dumb ass, is that tax rates should not punish people for earning more money, Increasing the amount we tax people simply because they earn more is outlandish. Stealing from the working class to pay the poor to sit on their fat asses pisses me off.

You don't believe in progressive taxation? It is based on having people pay taxes based on what they can afford to pay and based on how much they have benefited from society.

Calling taxation stealing is pretty stupid.
No, I'm not a follower of Marx, so I don't believe in progressive taxation.

When I'm forced to pay 30% tax and my neighbor pays 0% tax, and receives checks from the government from my frigging income... Ayup that's stealing. Using a middle man to do it does not make it right.
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Why disband our military? Some force is required to defend the country, dumb ass.

Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.

I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got it from a newspaper awhile back. Here's another source:
Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion - The Washington Post

$4-$6 Trillion for Iraq/Afghanistan!
I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a case of both sides manipulating the numbers to get the implication they want.

The $1T number is based on direct cost in the Middle East.

The higher numbers include all back end support. The problem with that is they are including the cost of anything that supported Iraq, including money that would have been spent anyway.

Yeah well.. while I applaud our fighting men, I despise the colonial like strategy we've been employing ever since the germans, japaneese and brits dropped the ball on their attempts to conquer the planet. You'd think we would have learned something.

Yes, I'm sure you remember from our being in many discussions of these topics that I am opposed to our presence in the middle east entirely, much less fighting other people's wars for them.

I was just commenting on the money calculation.
Probably could scale it back a bit though. We spent over $3,000,000,000,000 conquering and then rebuilding Iraq? Was that really necessary?

I'm sure those tax dollars of ours made a whole lot of private entities very, very rich. Again, I chalk it up to Crony Capitalism.

I see no reason whatsoever for our military to be conquering and occupying half the planet. IMO we should pull back from our on going world wide military occupation strategy employed at the end of WWII.

That said, where did you get the figure for 3t spent just on iraq? Damn that's a lot. I have my doubts. Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Got it from a newspaper awhile back. Here's another source:
Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion - The Washington Post

$4-$6 Trillion for Iraq/Afghanistan!

I see so what you mean to say is college folk have argued that the human cost of the iraq war over the coming decades could raise the theoretical cost of the iraq war to as much as 3-4trillion based on estimates of lost potential income and further estimates of health care costs for veterans. Thus not "what we spent" on the Iraq War but rather what it may mean to us financially over time, this assuming war veterans will be incapable of working behind a desk. Nudge :)
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It's a case of both sides manipulating the numbers to get the implication they want.

The $1T number is based on direct cost in the Middle East.

The higher numbers include all back end support. The problem with that is they are including the cost of anything that supported Iraq, including money that would have been spent anyway.

Yeah well.. while I applaud our fighting men, I despise the colonial like strategy we've been employing ever since the germans, japaneese and brits dropped the ball on their attempts to conquer the planet. You'd think we would have learned something.

Yes, I'm sure you remember from our being in many discussions of these topics that I am opposed to our presence in the middle east entirely, much less fighting other people's wars for them.

I was just commenting on the money calculation.

:) I know.. and I was just clarifying what I meant. Did not want anyone to take my points as meaning I don't support the troops.
Such hate. I did, go back and read it. There are links that you can click on and the take you to the website. Only fools believe in spending your way into prosperity. I don't have a link for that, normal people know it.

I'll even post a picture since you have problems with words.

Look at your chart again. It is truncated to demonstrate your point, but even so it shows that revenues had dropped once the taxes were cut and remained depressed ever since -- they never returned to the pre-Reagan trend.

Yes the tax revenues eventually started to rise thanks to inflation and growing economy. But they remained lower than they would be if not for the tax cuts. And that lead to the biggest expansion in government deficit in the post-war history.

BTW, it was George H. W. Bush who called it voodoo economics, and it turned out this way.

Uhmmm the chart says "inflation adjusted." It's on the frigging chart. Thus takes into effect inflation. Thus does not show inflation. It shows increase in revenue in spite of inflation not because of inflation. The chart shows revenue going up as tax rates go down. Duh.

OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

The mistake libtards, like you, make is not understanding that humans are good at avoiding high tax rates.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.
Look at your chart again. It is truncated to demonstrate your point, but even so it shows that revenues had dropped once the taxes were cut and remained depressed ever since -- they never returned to the pre-Reagan trend.

Yes the tax revenues eventually started to rise thanks to inflation and growing economy. But they remained lower than they would be if not for the tax cuts. And that lead to the biggest expansion in government deficit in the post-war history.

BTW, it was George H. W. Bush who called it voodoo economics, and it turned out this way.

Uhmmm the chart says "inflation adjusted." It's on the frigging chart. Thus takes into effect inflation. Thus does not show inflation. It shows increase in revenue in spite of inflation not because of inflation. The chart shows revenue going up as tax rates go down. Duh.

OK, it is is inflation adjusted, but the point remains -- the increased revenue reflect economic growth. But they remained below pre-Reagan trend and never recovered from the tax cuts.

The mistake libtards, like you, make is not understanding that humans are good at avoiding high tax rates.

LOL, tell it to IRS! "Humans" are good at avoiding high taxes only when they are provided with suitable loopholes. Eliminate loopholes, and the problem is solved. Sure there were a few morons, like Leona "Only the little people pay taxes" Helmsley, but once they end up in jail, others start to see the light.

And here is what happen if you don't truncate the graph:


You can clearly see that the tax revenues never recovered to the pre-cuts trend (shown in red) and they are the source of the record Reagan era deficits.
Yeah well.. while I applaud our fighting men, I despise the colonial like strategy we've been employing ever since the germans, japaneese and brits dropped the ball on their attempts to conquer the planet. You'd think we would have learned something.

Yes, I'm sure you remember from our being in many discussions of these topics that I am opposed to our presence in the middle east entirely, much less fighting other people's wars for them.

I was just commenting on the money calculation.

:) I know.. and I was just clarifying what I meant. Did not want anyone to take my points as meaning I don't support the troops.

Fair enough. The middle east is a failure of politicians, not our troops. My brother (Navy) and cousin (Air Force) have fought in Iraq and my niece (Army) and her husband (Army) in Afghanistan. They have done a great job with what they were asked to do.

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