Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Markets aren't under government control; they are controlled by private for-profit corporations that have systematically ensnared the productive economy in coils of debt over the last forty years.

If a company that you don't own decides to borrow money, why should
productive people give a shit what you're whining about?

The solution is for government to tax the rich individuals and corporations instead of borrowing TRILLION$ from them.

The rich individuals and corporations already pay the vast majority of income taxes.
What amount of all income taxes collected should they pay?
Actually, capitalism divides society into a pair of vastly unequal cohorts: owners and workers. So, a small minority of the population decides what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus. Additionally, this small percentage of society acquires undue political influence when it purchases the best government money can buy. Wherever you spend your money won't matter in the least to the oligarchs who own your capitalist politicians.

An employment contract is mutually agreed to. Labor is just a commodity like any other.

Actually, capitalism divides society into a pair of vastly unequal cohorts: owners and workers
And that is how every economic system works. The difference is that workers can become owners here, under free enterprise----for now. Under your goose-stepping state-owned utopia, workers are workers forever and a hand full of elites are the only owners.

No thanks, you commie shit.
How much money did the capitalists earn from destroying Bengal?
Let's ask Chomsky:

"There’s no doubt that imperial rule was a disaster.

"Take India. When the British first moved into Bengal, it was one of the richest places in the world.

"The first British merchant warriors described it as a paradise.

"That area is now Bangladesh and Calcutta — the very symbols of despair and hopelessness.

A reminder towards Imperial Destruction – Noam Chomsky

"There were rich agricultural areas producing unusually fine cotton.

"They also had advanced manufacturing, by the standards of the day.

"For example, an Indian firm built one of the flagships for an English admiral during the Napoleonic Wars. It wasn’t built in British factories — it was the Indians’ own manufacture.

You can read about what happened in Adam Smith, who was writing over two hundred years ago. He deplored the deprivations that the British were carrying out in Bengal.

"As he puts it, they first destroyed the agricultural economy and then turned 'dearth into a famine.'

"One way they did this was by taking the agricultural lands and turning them into poppy production (since opium was the only thing Britain could sell to China). Then there was mass starvation in Bengal."

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners.

"Capitalism is not democratic, democracy not capitalist.

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise."

Reagan's tax cuts facilitated low interest rates and financial bubbles to promote US financial expansion by making real estate speculation and junk-bond corporate takeovers effectively exempt from income taxation.

This set in motion a chain-reaction of asset price inflation that is still polarizing this economy today.

The primary mode of accumulation has become financial, enabling investment bankers to replace government planners.

What a load of codswallop.

True Capitalism and Liberty go hand in hand. Capitalism is a system of voluntary exchange of value for value.

What we have in the U.S. these days is State Sponsored Corporatist Authoritarianism. This is what is destroying our Liberty, including the remnants of our Republic (the U.S. is a Republic, not a (mob-rule) Democracy).

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners.

"Capitalism is not democratic, democracy not capitalist.

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise."

Reagan's tax cuts facilitated low interest rates and financial bubbles to promote US financial expansion by making real estate speculation and junk-bond corporate takeovers effectively exempt from income taxation.

This set in motion a chain-reaction of asset price inflation that is still polarizing this economy today.

The primary mode of accumulation has become financial, enabling investment bankers to replace government planners.
Thats why the US is a republic

SWealth inequality harms no one and capitalism is the only moral exonomic system as it protects and rests on the rights of indivduals.
Capitalism is what allowed our country to develop into the greatest country in the world. Central planning would have sentenced us to a perpetual state of poverty, shortages, distrust, no freedom and a total dependence on government followed by economic collapse and chaos. You people who would rather be a part of the "collective" should pick one of those great Marxist destinations and go there. It'll be good for your head.
All true

"Capitalism and democracy follow different logics: unequally distributed property rights on the one hand, equal civic and political rights on the other; profit oriented trade within capitalism in contrast to the search for the common good within democracy; debate, compromise and majority decision-making within democratic politics versus hierarchical decision-making by managers and capital owners.

"Capitalism is not democratic, democracy not capitalist.

"During the first postwar decades, tensions between the two were moderated through the socio-political embedding of capitalism by an interventionist tax and welfare state.

"Yet, the financialization of capitalism since the 1980s has broken the precarious capitalist-democratic compromise."

Reagan's tax cuts facilitated low interest rates and financial bubbles to promote US financial expansion by making real estate speculation and junk-bond corporate takeovers effectively exempt from income taxation.

This set in motion a chain-reaction of asset price inflation that is still polarizing this economy today.

The primary mode of accumulation has become financial, enabling investment bankers to replace government planners.
Fuck all the blurry bullshit and story telling...Cut to the chase and just say it...YOU WANT YOUR FREE SHIT!
If 8 years of George W Bush followed by 8 years of Barack Obama hasn't taught us the lesson Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC are the same, then we'll never learn.

Or did it teach us that it doesn't matter who's president ?
If 8 years of George W Bush followed by 8 years of Barack Obama hasn't taught us the lesson Democrats and Republicans in Washington DC are the same, then we'll never learn.

Or did it teach us that it doesn't matter who's president ?
Bush and Obama were the same. But Trump was a president for the people. That's why Bush, Obama and the rest of the establishment hate him so much. It's also why the people who aren't addicted to the MSM think he's great in spite of the fact that he's a narcissist. The real power in this country seems to insist that we elect dogshit Presidents like Bush, Obama and Biden. And in the event Harris ever sees the Presidency, the bar will be lowered even more.

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