Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

We don't have classes in America.

From Karl Marx to Karl Rove: “Class Warfare” in American Politics | Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective
Who determines the price of labor?

Capitalism bribes government to divide society into two grossly unequal (and unfair) groups; a miniscule minority who "own" the means of production and a majority who sell their labor. The former decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Which group gets rich from that arrangement?

Opinion | Capitalism vs. Democracy (Published 2014)

Even for you, that is is astoundingly fucking stupid, retard George.

Do yourself a favor; take an introduction to economics course at your local night school. At least TRY to learn what the fuck you're babbling about.
nd that is how every economic system works. The difference is that workers can become owners here, under free enterprise----for now. Under your goose-stepping state-owned utopia, workers are wor

At Mondragon, there are agreed-upon wage ratios between executive work and field or factory work which earns a minimum wage. These ratios range from 3:1 to 9:1 in different cooperatives and average 5:1.

Mondragon Corporation - Wikipedia

"That is, the general manager of an average Mondragon cooperative earns no more than 5 times as much as the theoretical minimum wage paid in their cooperative. For most workers, this ratio is smaller because there are few Mondragon worker-owners that earn minimum wages, because most jobs are somewhat specialized and are classified at higher wage levels. The wage ratio of a cooperative is decided periodically by its worker-owners through a democratic vote."
Capitalism depends on socialism to bail it out. Capitalists privatize the profits and socialize the losses.
Capitalism went into cardiac arrest in 2008, and is only alive today because of government:

"Since 2008, over nine trillion dollars in created money has been printed and pumped into the near lifeless body of capitalist economies in the U.S., EU, Japan, China and other countries to stave off economic despair.


"Because the capitalist system had a heart attack in 2008 and was about to writhe in agony on the floors of global stock exchanges.

"Government bailouts of the banks, i.e., socialism, was the only way to keep the streets clear from flowing blood.

"ATMs needed to remain open so that the world as we know it would continue operating."

Attention Socialists: Capitalism Is Currently on Life Support!
Life will be so much easier when government controls every-fucking-thing.

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