Capitalism is NOT Democratic: Democracy is NOT Capitalist

Do you really believe someone working multiple jobs to keep a roof over their family's head and has to purchase that refrigerator or pay for car repairs by putting the charges on their credit card has the capacity to save for inevitable "unexpected" expenses?

The State of the American Debt Slaves, Q1 2020: How Are Consumers Positioned Going into the Crisis?

The richest ten percent of Americans are strangling the majority of Americans with eternal debt.

No they're not, give up the cable TV, cell phones, eating in restaurants and other unnecessary expenses. I've been broke before, but I've never been poor. Financial literacy is easily learned by reading a couple of books and the local library has them at no cost. BTW some idiot working multiple jobs probably doesn't have good enough credit to even get a damn credit card. They may be ignorant, but you're just plain stupid.

Why don't you try thinking about this question: Do vast private fortunes exist in a world without eternal war and endless debt?

Short answer, YES! Some of the richest people in the US and around the world aren't defense contractors and they have nothing to do with extending credit to their customers. Any more excuses you what to make up?

BTW, if you're a broke dick, perhaps you should look in the mirror for the reasons why, I did that years ago and it worked wonders.

has any one else noticed how the dems are pointing out the evils of capitalism and defending socialism in the same breath ? dems are basically admitting they are socialists [communists in training] ...
Markets that adjust themselves to debt claims growing exponentially beyond an economy's ability to pay.

The economy can't pay its debt? How does an economy even borrow?
What does the economy borrow from......the economy?

Making real estate speculation and junk-bond takeovers exempt from income taxation.

Real estate isn't taxed? Real estate income isn't taxed?
How should a junk-bond takeover be taxed? Any specifics?

Careful, you're going to hurt his little feelers when he can't explain his commie talking points.

Here's your "greatness", Cracker

"We should understand that July 4th, 1776, in many ways, represents a counterrevolution.

"That is to say that what helped to prompt July 4th, 1776, was the perception amongst European settlers on the North American mainland that London was moving rapidly towards abolition.

"This perception was prompted by Somerset’s case, a case decided in London in June 1772 which seemed to suggest that abolition, which not only was going to be ratified in London itself, was going to cross the Atlantic and basically sweep through the mainland, thereby jeopardizing numerous fortunes, not only based upon slavery, but the slave trade.

"That’s the short answer."

The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Origins of the United States of America | Zinn Education Project
Communist propaganda.
Is “state capitalism” democratic? Can it be? Our U.S. economy, which is profoundly capitalist, is more and more dominated by finance capitalism. Having largely de-industrialized, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve is the heart of the modern American empire. Our democratic Republic is becoming less and less stable, as is much of the rest of our empire’s subordinate dependent economies.

There are in the world of course also so-called “socialist” economies like China’s. But China, where there are huge corporations and stock markets, is really better described as “state capitalist.” It has a one-party authoritarian state, but it might as well call itself “Confucian.” It is neither “social-democratic” nor “democratic socialist.” Its “socialist” egalitarian characteristics are certainly not obvious, nor is it structured as was the “planned economy” of the USSR.

I am trying to give an intelligent outline into the reality of modern world economy, which is very complex and cannot be analyzed accurately in simple 20th century Communist/Capitalist binary Cold War terms. (However, in some ways the national economic contradictions in the world today resemble the situation of competitive capitalist powers before WWI.) I don’t expect most here to be willing to explore the issue in this or any other relatively sophisticated way. Most here are just too wrapped up in truly parochial party partisan politics.
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Property rights are a function of gov't, not capitalism. Nor does capitalism have anything to do with unequal distribution of anything, the laws of supply and demand have nothing to do with equality and you get to decide what price to pay for something or to sell something.
Who determines the price of labor?

Capitalism bribes government to divide society into two grossly unequal (and unfair) groups; a miniscule minority who "own" the means of production and a majority who sell their labor. The former decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Which group gets rich from that arrangement?

Opinion | Capitalism vs. Democracy (Published 2014)
I hate to break it to you, but there is no search for common good within a democracy or any other form of gov't. Do you believe anybody in gov't (either party) is searching for the common good?
I believe elected elites in both parties serve the richest ten percent of their voters at the expense of doing the greatest good for the greatest number. Since every one of those politicians describes themselves as capitalist, I conclude capitalism is the enemy of the common good.
Who determines the price of labor?

Capitalism bribes government to divide society into two grossly unequal (and unfair) groups; a miniscule minority who "own" the means of production and a majority who sell their labor. The former decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Which group gets rich from that arrangement?

Opinion | Capitalism vs. Democracy (Published 2014)

Who determines the price of labor?

Supply and demand.

The former decide what to produce, where to produce it, and how to distribute any surplus.

Owners get to decide. Whiners get know, whine.
Capitalism OTOH is always searching for the common good because that's how you make money. You want something that a lot of people want at a price they will pay to get it, and if successful that's how you improve the common good
Capitalism prospers by privatizing profit and socializing cost.
Company earnings are treated as the rightful property of shareholders while any "negative externalities" like poisonous air and water are treated as responsibilities that society must shoulder.

The Toll of Tobacco Around the World
If you think Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Biden Administration aren't making hierarchical decisions the same as the captains of industry are, then you are sadly mistaken. And the same is true of Trump, McConnell, and the Repub leaders in the House.
I agree completely.
Pelosi is a good example of a progressive who went to congress in 1987 and became a big part of the problem

Nancy Pelosi Net Worth 2021 – OverallMotivation
Under capitalism nobody is forced to buy or sell something at a given price unless the fucking gov't mandates it. The very essence of democracy is choices freely made and that is also the essence of capitalism
Under capitalism workers are forced to sell their labor or starve; it's hard to see any freedom in that.

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