Capitalism is Violence


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
Democrat scum like you.
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "

As usual an ignorant post shows up attacking Capitalism, while ignoring history's biggest killer of all:


You got your ass handed to you, give it up.
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "

I think you have crony government ran capitalism with true free market capitalism mixed up,,
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What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "

Your idiocy is violence.
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
Which country is everyone trying to immigrate into?


Do you see people if Florida trying to jump on an inner tube in the hopes that the current takes them to Cuba?


So zip it.

More Leftist lies.
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "
Is Morgan Freeman a Racist?

Democrat scum like you.
Capitalist Democrats support the violence no less enthusiastically than Republican capitalists; only a fool would think there's any difference between the two major parties on this issue.

Establishment pukes will always be establishment pukes, but unlike idiots like you, we didnt vote for another Bush, while you prog slaves all voted for the sick bitch Clinton. Shame on you for being such a stupid person...
What connects slave labor, the ruthless extraction of foreign natural resources, wars of aggression, and regular mass shooting episodes in the US?

Systemic Disorder

"Violence, force and coercion — exemplified in widespread use of slave labor, imperialist conquests of peoples around the world and ruthless extraction of natural resources — pervades the entire history of capitalism.

"The rise of capitalism can’t be understood outside slavery, colonialism and plunder."

Capitalism took root by placing markets over people.
English lords wanted to transform arable land into sheep pastures to capitalize on the demand for wool, and state force was the crucial midwife.
Slavery played its role in bootstrapping the rise of European and US capitalism.
Over the past hundred years the US has perfected the use of state-sanctioned force to implement William Howard Taft's essential foreign policy:

"... President Taft had already declared that his foreign policy was 'to include active intervention to secure our merchandise and our capitalists opportunity for profitable investment' abroad. "

Your idiocy is violence.

That's true. Stupidity breeds more violence than any economic system. Although, communism and socialism has a far more prolific body count than capitalism could ever hope to run up.

I will also say that capitalism is the only one of the two systems that has ever really worked. Communism and socialism has failed every single time it's been tried. Even so, the leftist idiots keep trying and trying, like the biblical dog that returns to his vomit.
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Communism does all this stuff too, so what's your alternative?
Communism doesn't invade countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homeland like capitalist states have done for centuries:

Systemic Disorder

"The entire territory that today constitutes the Democratic Republic of Congo was, in the late 19th and early 20th century, the personal possession of Belgium’s king, Leopold II.

"At least 10 million Congolese lost their lives at the hands of Belgian authorities eager to extract rubber and other resources at any cost.

"This genocidal plunder — the loss of life halved the local population — rested on a system of terror and slave labor.

"This system included forced labor requiring work in mines day and night, the chopping off of hands as punishment and 'the burning of countless villages and cities where every individual who was found was killed.'..."

"The U.S., incidentally, was the first country to recognize King Leopold’s claim to Congo."
Rule by Fiat: When the Government Does Whatever It Wants

Rule by brute force.

That’s about as good a description as you’ll find for the sorry state of our nation.

SWAT teams crashing through doors. Militarized police shooting unarmed citizens. Traffic cops tasering old men and pregnant women for not complying fast enough with an order. Resource officers shackling children for acting like children. Homeowners finding their homes under siege by police out to confiscate lawfully-owned guns. Drivers having their cash seized under the pretext that they might have done something wrong.

The list of abuses being perpetrated against the American people by their government is growing rapidly.

We are approaching critical mass.

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