Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Of course it has limits. Europe, NZ and Australia all have socialist aspects in their systems. Piss all over the US system.
I see you're a very confused person. The United states economy, even with Obama dumping all over it, is still significantly better.
Do you think idiocy will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of idiocy is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im an idiot.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.
Do you think idiocy will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of idiocy is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im an idiot.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
Of course Socialism will fail, always has failed, and always will fail. The core components that make it Socialism are the main reasons that CAUSE it to fail. There's no incentive to work, the government either accumulates massive debt, or there are massive taxes, or both, and the collective is made generally poorer. It's not the equal sharing of wealth, it's the equal sharing of misery, because everyone is prevented from succeeding. I have a massive list of nations stupid enough to try Socialism, and have failed. Even the Nordics are making small advances towards capitalism.

Your title also shows you don't know what Neo-Conservatism, Neo-Liberalism, and Capitalism are. Which makes sense, given your OP.

I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.
I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
You would be wrong, because people should have to make a living as long as they need to, from their own money, off of their own work. Obviously if you're lazy, you'll flip burgers until the day you die, that's why college exists. The only people who have to make a living their entire lives are those who don't seek to move up in the world. Guess whose fault that is.
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.

I think nowadays people should work less and enjoy the benefits of a high tech society, instead of working more and harder etc. Sweden just introduced the 6 hours week while you in america have the least days off in the year do you think that doesnt affect your health, well being and quality of life? Sweden introduces a six hour work day
There's no point. Americans all turn into zombies at the sound of the word, socialism. It's Pavlovian.
I dont know, maybe something third (neither socialism nor capitalism). But even Neo-Liberals admitt capitalism has limits. Even the IMF Thinks Neoliberalism Has Failed
Anything that uses any kind of Socialist ideology will never work. If anyone claims that Capitalism has limits, they have lost all credibility.

Social security is just part of the economy now. You remind me of the old guard white nationalists. Same capitalism fetish.
Social Security, like every Socialist policy, is inherently awful. Some people are just too confused to realize that.

And why is it awful? You sound like if you got brainwashed.
You sound like YOU got brainwashed. It's not the government's job to cover for failures. Every person should be able to make a living for themselves, and the government shouldn't be redistributing money from the successful to cover for those too lazy to help themselves.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Then we need to get rid of capitalism altogether because it is ruining this country. Other first world nations like Denmark, Finland are successful due to their socialist system.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Then we need to get rid of capitalism altogether because it is ruining this country. Other first world nations like Denmark, Finland are successful due to their socialist system.
"Let's ditch the system that works, and switch to one that has failed every time it has been attempted!"

Except their economies are worse than America's, even with Obama dumping all over it. The Nordic Nations are even moving towards Capitalism, because even they know Socialism doesn't work.

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I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
I see you're a very confused person. The United states economy, even with Obama dumping all over it, is still significantly better.

Um, not where I live it ain't. And next time you see Obama, go up and kiss his feet. It's the least you owe him...

Except their economies are worse than America's, even with Obama dumping all over it. The Nordic Nations are even moving towards Capitalism, because even they know Socialism doesn't work.

This is why the internet is so dangerous. You get people like you who obviously have no clue and spout BS on the internet like it's fact. Do you even know the difference between socialism and capitalism? The Nordic countries have a mix of both. And it works. Here, a little light reading to educate your ignorant arse. Now say "thank-you".

You're welcome

The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism | Corey Icon

For example, democratic socialists are generally opponents of global capitalism and free trade, but the Scandinavian countries have fully embraced these things. The Economist magazine describes the Scandinavian countries as “stout free-traders who resist the temptation to intervene even to protect iconic companies.” Perhaps this is why Denmark, Norway, and Sweden rank among the most globalized countries in the entire world. These countries all also rank in the top 10 easiest countries to do business in.
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Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Which is why the Nordic countries are doing so well, as it Australia and NZ. Australia hardly felt the GFC.
And America is doing so well, right? How much debt are you swimming in? Yeah, capitalism on its own is such a great concept...not...
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
Americans are brainwashed by the cold war. Great people but can't talk to them on this subject.

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