Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Do you think Democratic Socialism will always fail and Capitalism is always better or you think there is a inbetween position. I think positive of democratic socialism is welfare for the broad masses. There really arent any homeless in Austria like in America, there arent people who need to beg for donations to get a life important surgery etc. But the negative thing is the mass immigration which is huge cost, but I think in a small homogenous country it can work, where also the citizens are law abiding and disciplined and hard working but if there are many who have mentality they dont want to work but to leech it can get difficult. Also I think capitalism is based on one owns gaining of profit and aggravation of capital, but you cant eat capital, and there needs to be a limit, there needs to be other values driving our societies except ones own profit. so there needs to be some regulations in my opinion. Otherwise I support right to private property etc. and right to start and run a business etc . but with some regulations. Im not communist, Im democratic socialist.
Yep....there is no in between except slavery....

As for you being a democrat socialist, you're in good failed company.....

Socialism is making others pay for your failures... that is dumb, and encourages failure. Losers of course live by it, nothing better than taking from the sucessful to themeselves, a massive boost of position.

Capitalism is better, but I am no utopian. It's only as good as people make it. However, I believe everyone agrees that taking care of problems voluntarily is more moral than coercion.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.
LOL. Good grief, you're hopeless. Go ahead and move, then.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
Then move to Canada. You know, until we Socialized our healthcare into oblivion, they used to come here for healthcare, because Democrat policies are trash.

Allow me to show you Socialism's success rate:

Afghanistan(Twice), Albania(Three times), Angola, Benin, Bulgaria, Cambodia(Twice), Congo-Brazzaville, Czechoslovakia(twice), Ethiopia(twice), Germany, Hungary, North Korea, Mongolia, Mozambique, Poland, Romania, Somalia, Russia, North Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Venezuela, Greece.

A list of Nations that have attempted Socialism and failed, though just modern ones.
I see you're a very confused person. The United states economy, even with Obama dumping all over it, is still significantly better.

Um, not where I live it ain't. And next time you see Obama, go up and kiss his feet. It's the least you owe him...
For holding back the economy 8 years? No, we really don't, he's closing the gap between our nation and the next best. Even Egypt was laughing at his policies.
Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Which is why the Nordic countries are doing so well, as it Australia and NZ. Australia hardly felt the GFC.
And America is doing so well, right? How much debt are you swimming in? Yeah, capitalism on its own is such a great concept...not...
You know, people keep harping on that, but the fact is that the American economy is better than all of the above, and until the recent recession, prolonged by Obama's policies, America had a massive lead. The gap was closed slightly, but America is still the best. The Nordic Nations have worse economies, and are actually moving back towards Capitalism.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
Americans are brainwashed by the cold war. Great people but can't talk to them on this subject.
Not everyone else's fault you're incapable of learning from the failures of other nations.
I think a mix of capitalism and socialism is good. Capitalism is failing in America. We need a bit more of socialism to balance things out.
"We need to make things worse to balance it out."

Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Then we need to get rid of capitalism altogether because it is ruining this country. Other first world nations like Denmark, Finland are successful due to their socialist system.
"Let's ditch the system that works, and switch to one that has failed every time it has been attempted!"

Except their economies are worse than America's, even with Obama dumping all over it. The Nordic Nations are even moving towards Capitalism, because even they know Socialism doesn't work.

"The Nordic Nations are even moving towards Capitalism, because even they know Socialism doesn't work."

“The welfare state we have is excellent in most ways,” says Gunnar Viby Mogensen, a Danish historian. “We only have this little problem. We can’t afford it.”

"The Economist: The Nordic countries are reinventing their model of capitalism, says Adrian Wooldridge"

a. reduced public spending as a proportion of GDP
b. cut the top marginal tax rate
c. scrapped a mare’s nest of taxes on property, gifts, wealth and inheritance.
d. cutting the corporate-tax rate
e. pledge to produce a fiscal surplus
f. public debt fell from 70% of GDP in 1993 to 37% in 2010
g. budget moved from an 11% deficit to a surplus of 0.3%
h. a universal system of school vouchers
i. invited private schools to compete with public ones.
j. Private companies also vie with each other to provide state-funded health services and care for the elderly

the new Nordic model begins with the individual rather than the state.
Sweden is pioneering “a new conservative model”…
I see you're a very confused person. The United states economy, even with Obama dumping all over it, is still significantly better.

Um, not where I live it ain't. And next time you see Obama, go up and kiss his feet. It's the least you owe him...

Gee....too bad the 'Know-Nothings' are out of could have been their guest speaker.
Trump is a democratic socialist so it aint failing.
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.
Good grief. Any Socialism added to a Capitalist economy only makes things worse. In fact, it's the sole reason things are as they are now. Thanks for admitting you know nothing about economics.

Which is why the Nordic countries are doing so well, as it Australia and NZ. Australia hardly felt the GFC.
And America is doing so well, right? How much debt are you swimming in? Yeah, capitalism on its own is such a great concept...not...

"And America is doing so well, right? How much debt are you swimming in?"

Since it is the socialist-in-chief whose fault it is, blame socialism.

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion
a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt
b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

2. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.

3. "More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.
Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011."

The only ones less competent than Barack Obama are those who still support the dunce.
Raise your paw.
Trump is a democratic socialist so it aint failing.
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.

Really a stupid post.

You should have someone explain the 13th amendment to you.....any third grader will do.

For advanced study:
1. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

2. Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

3. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Does that light over your head, flashing "Idiot" keep you awake at night?
Trump is a democratic socialist so it aint failing.
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.

Really a stupid post.

You should have someone explain the 13th amendment to you.....any third grader will do.

For advanced study:
1. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

2. Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

3. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Does that light over your head, flashing "Idiot" keep you awake at night?
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.

Really a stupid post.

You should have someone explain the 13th amendment to you.....any third grader will do.

For advanced study:
1. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

2. Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

3. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Does that light over your head, flashing "Idiot" keep you awake at night?

Exactly the measured and well thought out response one would expect from an idiot.

We'll simply stipulate that my every word is absolutely correct, spot on, and totally accurate.

Especially the part about you being an idiot.
Mao tse tung was filthy rich. So were all the top russian socialists.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.

Really a stupid post.

You should have someone explain the 13th amendment to you.....any third grader will do.

For advanced study:
1. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

2. Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

3. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Does that light over your head, flashing "Idiot" keep you awake at night?

Exactly the measured and well thought out response one would expect from an idiot.

We'll simply stipulate that my every word is absolutely correct, spot on, and totally accurate.

Especially the part about you being an idiot.
It's called MOCKING YOU. You aren't worth my time! Any clown who either doesn't know or doesn't care about the differences between Communism and National Socialism and calls everyone they don't agree with a nazi or communist isnt worth my time! You are a brainwashed propaganda spewing clown.
Oh and try spewing your CAPITALISM IS GREAT propaganda on someone who doesn't deal with the pitfalls of capitalism EVERY FUCKING DAY cupcake. That shit might work on some poor farmer in Cuba or Venezuela or Vietnam it doesn't work on me.
Because they STOLE from the people. The Russian billionaires did the same.
And CEO's in Capitalism do the EXACT same thing they just got smarter and wrap their bullshit in claims of "paying their workers what they are worth" horseshit. The future will look at capitalism the same way we now look at communism. Same shit different wrapping.

Really a stupid post.

You should have someone explain the 13th amendment to you.....any third grader will do.

For advanced study:
1. Marxism rested on the assumption that the condition of the working classes would grow ever worse under capitalism, that there would be but two classes: one small and rich, the other vast and increasingly impoverished, and revolution would be the anodyne that would result in the “common good.” But by the early 20th century, it was clear that this assumption was completely wrong!

2. Under capitalism, the standard of living of all was improving: prices falling, incomes rising, health and sanitation improving, lengthening of life spans, diets becoming more varied, the new jobs created in industry paid more than most could make in agriculture, housing improved, and middle class industrialists and business owners displaced nobility and gentry as heroes.

3. These economic advances continued throughout the period of the rise of socialist ideology. The poor didn’t get poorer because the rich were getting richer (a familiar socialist refrain even today) as the socialists had predicted. Instead, the underlying reality was that capitalism had created the first societies in history in which living standards were rising in all sectors of society.
From a speech by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.
Delivered at Hillsdale College, October 27, 2006

Does that light over your head, flashing "Idiot" keep you awake at night?

Exactly the measured and well thought out response one would expect from an idiot.

We'll simply stipulate that my every word is absolutely correct, spot on, and totally accurate.

Especially the part about you being an idiot.
It's called MOCKING YOU. You aren't worth my time! Any clown who either doesn't know or doesn't care about the differences between Communism and National Socialism and calls everyone they don't agree with a nazi or communist isnt worth my time! You are a brainwashed propaganda spewing clown.
She was calling you a Socialist. Nobody mentioned Communist, since Communists don't exist, since Communism is purely hypothetical, and has never been practiced, and never will be practiced.

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