Capitalism/Neo-Conservativism/Neo-Liberalism vs. Socialism or Democratic Socialism

Capitalism is great, it's the only system with a good track record, and in fact, has the best track record. The system has been shown to work until Socialists interfere.
For the rich absolutely its wonderful! For the poor not a chance in hell.

You've graduated to 'imbecile.'

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on
"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant and problem is 99.9% of jobs are like that so it does ZERO good to find a different job....

Link to statistics. Also, they can't exactly "earn it off the backs of workers", because they pay their workers according to the job, and don't make money unless there's a demand for their product or service.

Jobs are like selling yourself. You can only get paid a higher amount if there's a demand for the skills you have. Hence unskilled labor being cheaper.

RIght Right...which is why the CEO ends up super rich and the worker has problems paying even his smallest of I said I am an American I deal with capitalism and its wage theft and labor theft every day..I LIVE IT I know how it REALLY works.

You apparently don't, because a worker's PURPOSE is to make the business successful. If you want to be in the position of the CEO, then find demand, and build a business to fulfill that demand like the CEO did. America is great because anyone can do that.

If you simply want higher pay, then learn a skill set there's a higher demand for and fulfill it. If you want to be rich, then build a business. If you simply want to complain that working a no-skill job doesn't make you rich, while other people seek opportunities and make themselves rich, well, you can be a Socialist.
Neoconservatism and neoliberalism have nothing to do with capitalism. They're the opposite. They should be paired with "democratic socialism" and socialism instead.
PoliticalChic OMG I hate my husband and his stupid coupons! I always forget the damn things then he chews me out when I get home; its always the first damn thing he asks "Did you use that coupon?" like it's some kind of a damned award or something.

CEO's get paid more because our education system blows ass at putting out decent leaders, hell half of them can't even put out a worker who shows up on time...

Yet I've obliterated both you, and every post you've authored.

Perhaps you should consider the obvious: you really are an idiot.
Pat yourself on the back are a winner in your own mind....its amusing. The only thing you win is a participation trophy CONGRATS! Now on to being a conservative and CONing poor suckers into believing the 1% ideology of capitalism is the best thing in the world.

I'm a winner by any and every metric.
Immensely wealthy, highly educated .....and....

....wait for it.....


PoliticalChic OMG I hate my husband and his stupid coupons! I always forget the damn things then he chews me out when I get home; its always the first damn thing he asks "Did you use that coupon?" like it's some kind of a damned award or something.

CEO's get paid more because our education system blows ass at putting out decent leaders, hell half of them can't even put out a worker who shows up on time...

C' know how to handle him, Lysistrata
heh idk the battle for who wears the pants in this house has been raging for over a decade now - the jury is still out :p
Pumpkin Row I can share! My kidlets have two moms (myself and my ex-husbands new wife) and two dads (my ex-husband and new husband) so it'd be like that :p
Oh and try spewing your CAPITALISM IS GREAT propaganda on someone who doesn't deal with the pitfalls of capitalism EVERY FUCKING DAY cupcake. That shit might work on some poor farmer in Cuba or Venezuela or Vietnam it doesn't work on me.
Capitalism is great, it's the only system with a good track record, and in fact, has the best track record. The system has been shown to work until Socialists interfere.
For the rich absolutely its wonderful! For the poor not a chance in hell.

You've graduated to 'imbecile.'

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on
"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant and problem is 99.9% of jobs are like that so it does ZERO good to find a different job....

'"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant '

I love it when Liberals use a deeply stupid argument like that....essentially stating that they know more about the decision making than the individual about whose life the decisions are being made.

I was far too kind in labeling you an idiot or an imbecile: you are a Liberal.

Watch David Mamet put you in your place:
1. Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs).
a. Of course, different folks have different ‘needs,’ and who would not exaggerate his needs in order to gain more governmental largesse?

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.
From "The Secret Knowledge"

DERPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Again you are trying to bullshit someone who lives in a capitalist society try this garbage on some peasant in a communist country...they will probably buy it!

Yet I've obliterated both you, and every post you've authored.

Perhaps you should consider the obvious: you really are an idiot.
Pat yourself on the back are a winner in your own mind....its amusing. The only thing you win is a participation trophy CONGRATS! Now on to being a conservative and CONing poor suckers into believing the 1% ideology of capitalism is the best thing in the world.

I'm a winner by any and every metric.
Immensely wealthy, highly educated .....and....

....wait for it.....


Of course you would defend a system that's made you rich. Unfortunately for you there are MANY more of us workers who are treated like slaves than you rich assholes. :)
Capitalism is great, it's the only system with a good track record, and in fact, has the best track record. The system has been shown to work until Socialists interfere.
For the rich absolutely its wonderful! For the poor not a chance in hell.

You've graduated to 'imbecile.'

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on
"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant and problem is 99.9% of jobs are like that so it does ZERO good to find a different job....

'"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant '

I love it when Liberals use a deeply stupid argument like that....essentially stating that they know more about the decision making than the individual about whose life the decisions are being made.

I was far too kind in labeling you an idiot or an imbecile: you are a Liberal.

Watch David Mamet put you in your place:
1. Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs).
a. Of course, different folks have different ‘needs,’ and who would not exaggerate his needs in order to gain more governmental largesse?

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.
From "The Secret Knowledge"

DERPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Again you are trying to bullshit someone who lives in a capitalist society try this garbage on some peasant in a communist country...they will probably buy it!

No such thing as a Communist country. Communism has never been practiced in the history of the world, will never be practiced, and is a purely hypothetical system. The label was applied in an attempt by socialists to distance themselves from their failures.
Capitalism is great, it's the only system with a good track record, and in fact, has the best track record. The system has been shown to work until Socialists interfere.
For the rich absolutely its wonderful! For the poor not a chance in hell.

You've graduated to 'imbecile.'

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on
"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant and problem is 99.9% of jobs are like that so it does ZERO good to find a different job....

'"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant '

I love it when Liberals use a deeply stupid argument like that....essentially stating that they know more about the decision making than the individual about whose life the decisions are being made.

I was far too kind in labeling you an idiot or an imbecile: you are a Liberal.

Watch David Mamet put you in your place:
1. Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs).
a. Of course, different folks have different ‘needs,’ and who would not exaggerate his needs in order to gain more governmental largesse?

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.
From "The Secret Knowledge"

DERPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Again you are trying to bullshit someone who lives in a capitalist society try this garbage on some peasant in a communist country...they will probably buy it!

Yet you're providing no counter points, and aren't even trying to debate. If her argument was false, you would make counter-claims and provide facts... like she's doing.
America as many nations have a mixture of capitalism and socialism, with maybe a pinch of communism and fascism.
Capitalism is great, it's the only system with a good track record, and in fact, has the best track record. The system has been shown to work until Socialists interfere.
For the rich absolutely its wonderful! For the poor not a chance in hell.

You've graduated to 'imbecile.'

New figures from Smart Money show that only 3% of millionaires inherited their wealth. That means 97% earned their vast fortune themselves. Smart Money also reports that 80% of millionaires are extra thrifty shoppers. Many of them even clip coupons! "

Millionaires clip coupons and other secrets of the rich! on
"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant and problem is 99.9% of jobs are like that so it does ZERO good to find a different job....

'"earned" off the backs of WORKERS making,selling or transporting the product in return for wages of an indentured servant '

I love it when Liberals use a deeply stupid argument like that....essentially stating that they know more about the decision making than the individual about whose life the decisions are being made.

I was far too kind in labeling you an idiot or an imbecile: you are a Liberal.

Watch David Mamet put you in your place:
1. Marx: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs).
a. Of course, different folks have different ‘needs,’ and who would not exaggerate his needs in order to gain more governmental largesse?

2. The devil, as usual, is in the details. The unspoken and unrecognized assumption is that there exists some mechanism that can distribute goods and services. The only such mechanism is, and must be, the totalitarian state.

a. To believe this, one must accept that there exists some equation by which the state can fairly and honestly control human exchange. Here we go: increasing taxes to increase programs to increase happiness to allow equality…all of which ends up in dictatorship.

b. There is the adolescent standing aside the street sweeper, who presents himself to government demanding compensation based on his needs, or his goodness, in equality to the physician…urging on him the courage to demand his equal pay! The Leftist has a simple prescription for the inequality of pay…you, the taxpayer, pay him more.

c. Marxism: tax the surgeon more so the good-willed other will feel momentarily better, implementing their vision of a perfect world, a Utopia.
From "The Secret Knowledge"

DERPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Again you are trying to bullshit someone who lives in a capitalist society try this garbage on some peasant in a communist country...they will probably buy it!

Who'd the folks vote for....the capitalist or the communist?

Now...back under your rock.
America as many nations have a mixture of capitalism and socialism, with maybe a pinch of communism and fascism.

Shall we tell all who threw open the doors wide for Stalin and his apparatchiks?
It really doesn't darling. Swedens economy is better than yours.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
Americans are brainwashed by the cold war. Great people but can't talk to them on this subject.
Not everyone else's fault you're incapable of learning from the failures of other nations.


Yet I've obliterated both you, and every post you've authored.

Perhaps you should consider the obvious: you really are an idiot.
Pat yourself on the back are a winner in your own mind....its amusing. The only thing you win is a participation trophy CONGRATS! Now on to being a conservative and CONing poor suckers into believing the 1% ideology of capitalism is the best thing in the world.

I'm a winner by any and every metric.
Immensely wealthy, highly educated .....and....

....wait for it.....


Of course you would defend a system that's made you rich. Unfortunately for you there are MANY more of us workers who are treated like slaves than you rich assholes. :)

My family came here with nothing, and became rich through their own efforts.

We had a petting zoo for folks who like animals....

....and a heavy petting zoo for people who really like animals.
Straight from the mouth of someone who likely didn't check, given that even a glance proves that statement is completely false.
I don't need to check. America has the worst economy in the western world. and the shittiest living standards. Greece is better off.

Our Canadian neighbors have a better quality of life than we do. Their citizens aren't neck deep in student loans or medical bills. The government treats them as human beings. Affordable education and health is the minimum the government can provide.
Americans are brainwashed by the cold war. Great people but can't talk to them on this subject.
Not everyone else's fault you're incapable of learning from the failures of other nations.


Perhaps you'd like to classify this:

"Obama Opens the Back Door to a Single-Payer Nationalized Health Plan"
Obama Opens the Back Door to a Single-Payer Nationalized Health Plan

Are you still laughing?

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