Capitalism...thank it for your better working conditions...

More from the link....


On this day in 1926, Ford Motor Company becomes one of the first companies in America to adopt a five-day, 40-hour week for workers in its automotive factories. The policy would be extended to Ford’s office workers the following August.

Henry Ford’s Detroit-based automobile company had broken ground in its labor policies before. In early 1914, against a backdrop of widespread unemployment and increasing labor unrest, Ford announced that it would pay its male factory workers a minimum wage of $5 per eight-hour day, upped from a previous rate of $2.34 for nine hours (the policy was adopted for female workers in 1916). The news shocked many in the industry–at the time, $5 per day was nearly double what the average auto worker made–but turned out to be a stroke of brilliance, immediately boosting productivity along the assembly line and building a sense of company loyalty and pride among Ford’s workers.
Weird, I learned it was the government and unions that forced the corporations to give their workers these things. The robber boron's were greedy bastards...
Weird, I learned it was the government and unions that forced the corporations to give their workers these things. The robber boron's were greedy bastards...

The robber barons are victims of lefty proganda....
Unions did all those things. Many people died getting those rights for everyone else. To claim otherwise is to lie and spit on those people's graves.

There is some bizarre mental tick that conservatives have about people organizing into groups to have power that they otherwise wouldn't have. Conservatives have this thing in their heads that the word 'company' bestows the right to enslave human beings.

The very reason unions came into being.
The capitalist welfare, ended by depression, was forced by the unions on the business during the Depression and by the federal government.

Nah, the corps were not the good guys.

Revisitionist history by the corporatists is so easy to out.

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