Capitalistic greed is the main problem in the U.S.

Government greed is worse than capitalist greed.

If your product or service doesn't cut it, you go out of business in capitalism, washing away the waste and fraud. For government, the worse job you do, the more you scream for more funding, and the more money you get to make disappear doing no good for the country.

Government greed is a far worse problem.
Government greed is worse than capitalist greed.

If your product or service doesn't cut it, you go out of business in capitalism, washing away the waste and fraud. For government, the worse job you do, the more you scream for more funding, and the more money you get to make disappear doing no good for the country.

Government greed is a far worse problem.

What do you mean? Please explain.
What forces CAUSE the waste and fraud? What you dont realize, because you dont know how "it" works, is private interest causes that waste and fraud and who ARE those private interests? World corporations, thats who. And when your biz fails or you SAY its going to get bailed out with taxpayer money.
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You don't think there is a difference between entertainment and medicine?

Y'all are crazy, consumer products are one thing, the health and well being of our citizens, of all human beings, is something that is completely different. Not everybody needs a new Porsche or pair of air Jordan's, but if somebody is sick and suffering and we have the resources and ability to ease the pain or save a life then we sure as hell better do it.

In what regard?

Entertainment doesn't take decades of research and development to create, medicine does.

You Communists are killing to goose laying to golden eggs. Yes, you can nationalize Epipens and all other life saving drugs. You can crow about how GLORIOUS PEOPLES STATE gives to all what the running dog capitalist pigs would charge for.

Oh but that cancer treatment that the "greedy" drug companies were working on? It will never come about - because the only reason that the creators wracked their brains to makes these life saving marvels was to make a buck.

You Communists can steal what exists, and it's clear that you will - but it all stops here. There will be no more progress, because those with the talent and brains won't create knowing you will just steal anything they create.

This happens every time you greedy fucks get power. You steal everything that isn't tied down and then wonder why people quit producing?

Your world, the kleptocracy you are building, will never stand. It never does.
Why is everything so extreme with dumbshits like you? You don't consider the reality that there is balance and everything. Express one bit of opinion that the government should regulate or participate in the safety and well being of its citizens and we are communist? Wake up. You say that entertainment and medicine are equal? Consumer products the same as life-saving products? I guess if you walk by somebody being raped on the side of the street you can choose to stand there and watch or just keep on walking or you can do something about it. There is no rule stating that you need to intervene in that case, however it is a matter of good and evil, right and wrong. There's an element of humanity that's involved in medicine and helping those who suffer. I guess you don't possess that element.

It's not just one opinion, it's EVERY opinion that the government should take care of things.

You say there is balance but the problem is people like you are the ones that want to make the determine of when it's balanced while expecting the rest of us to simply agree with you.

Both are consumer products. Purchased by consumers. Used by consumers.

Funny how you say there is an element of humanity involved in medicine yet your answer is the other guy should be the one to take the hit. You claim you have that humanity yet your answer is for the other guy to do something rather than you purchasing those items for someone that says they can't afford them. You can't show the humanity you claim by placing the action on someone else. For you to show yours, you have to take the action personally.
Do you really not hold the company responsible at all for inflating the price, cornering the market and taking advantage of consumers and our healthcare system? If they played this one fair nobody would be complaining. They're actions clearly take a potentially life saving device out of the hands of many many people who need it. Nothing about that seems wrong to you?

It's actions like these that cause uproar by citizens and lead to the strangling regulations and/or government interference that you all complain about.
Why is everything so extreme with dumbshits like you? You don't consider the reality that there is balance and everything. Express one bit of opinion that the government should regulate or participate in the safety and well being of its citizens and we are communist? Wake up. You say that entertainment and medicine are equal? Consumer products the same as life-saving products? I guess if you walk by somebody being raped on the side of the street you can choose to stand there and watch or just keep on walking or you can do something about it. There is no rule stating that you need to intervene in that case, however it is a matter of good and evil, right and wrong. There's an element of humanity that's involved in medicine and helping those who suffer. I guess you don't possess that element.

Yeah, I mean, why do we have to tell the truth? Why do we have to name what it is that you are, and what it is that you're doing? We spoil everything.
ok, I'll appease your pea brain for a second, explain how my point of view is communist

You said there needs to be a balance in everything. However, your pat answer when it comes to balance involves the government doing everything to create what you call balanced.
I would love for government to be as little involved as possible with private business. When I see abuse and wreckless was from powerful companies that directly effects consumers the government understandably steps in. This is the balance that I'm talking about
No, nothing like that... I never said anything about seizure or confiscation, or distribution by the state... You made that up to try and label me as a communist.
Do you have comprehension problems? I say one thing and then you try to restate it in a completely distorted way. Is that really how your brain works? Are you sincere or just trying to be an ass?

The owner of a good sets the price that the good will sell for, If the state sets the price for Epipens or any other good, then the state is the owner.

Mylan is gouging, people can be assholes and these people are. The reality of a market is that the greed of Mylan creates an opportunity for competitors to market an alternative product. Someone will, the market doesn't leave money on the table.

But of course you ARE a Communist and instead of allowing market mechanisms to correct the disequilibrium caused by the departure of Mylan's sole competitor, you demand that the state nationalize the entire industry and have bureaucrats with no stake set the prices that drugs will sell for.
Why do you keep putting words in my mouth. It just makes you look like even more of an idiot. I never said that I wanted the state to control the price of Mylans product. If the government and FDA is holding up the process of creating an affordable generic then they are part of the problem. If this is the case then Mylan and the gov are feeding the problem.
Why is everything so extreme with dumbshits like you? You don't consider the reality that there is balance and everything. Express one bit of opinion that the government should regulate or participate in the safety and well being of its citizens and we are communist? Wake up. You say that entertainment and medicine are equal? Consumer products the same as life-saving products? I guess if you walk by somebody being raped on the side of the street you can choose to stand there and watch or just keep on walking or you can do something about it. There is no rule stating that you need to intervene in that case, however it is a matter of good and evil, right and wrong. There's an element of humanity that's involved in medicine and helping those who suffer. I guess you don't possess that element.

Yeah, I mean, why do we have to tell the truth? Why do we have to name what it is that you are, and what it is that you're doing? We spoil everything.
ok, I'll appease your pea brain for a second, explain how my point of view is communist

You said there needs to be a balance in everything. However, your pat answer when it comes to balance involves the government doing everything to create what you call balanced.
I would love for government to be as little involved as possible with private business. When I see abuse and wreckless was from powerful companies that directly effects consumers the government understandably steps in. This is the balance that I'm talking about

So, no gov interference, ie no regulations? But at the same time, you want to protect the consumer?
With no FDA how do we prevent dangerous drugs from flooding the market?

That's a good question.

Think if there were no federal agency regulating electrical appliances and devices? Millions would die from electrocution and fires each year, because ONLY government cares for you..

Oh wait, there in fact IS NO SUCH FEDERAL AGENCY... :eek:

So millions MUST be dying from electrical appliances, I mean, ONLY government can save us from the greedy capitalist pigs..

Except that who REALLY does it is something called "Underwriters Laboratories." Any appliance you buy has a U/L registration number on it. U/L is 100% voluntary and 100% private.

HOW CAN THIS BE? Only government can save us - as you have repeatedly claimed. To be 100% safe we need 100% government - it's the democrat credo. Yet U/L, with a record of success hundreds of times better than the FDA is voluntary, and private.

The answer is simple, consumers demand safe products, We don't want to die in electrical fires, and the greedy running dog capitalist pig insurance companies didn't want to pay life and fire insurance claims for electrical fires. So the UNDERWRITERS of the insurance policies developed a system of testing and rating that is vastly more effective than government efforts such as the FDA.

I'm not doubting the the FDA creates a long approval process and has much room for better efficiency but I haven't heard one person site specifically what "red tape" measures are erroneous, per this discussion.

What if the generic epipens were failing and dangerous?

Once again, U/L and IEEE have far better records of protecting public safety than the Phen-Fen FDA does.
The greedy right wingers have proved this thread beyond any doubt. When you face your karma remember.....I told you so.
Why is everything so extreme with dumbshits like you? You don't consider the reality that there is balance and everything. Express one bit of opinion that the government should regulate or participate in the safety and well being of its citizens and we are communist? Wake up. You say that entertainment and medicine are equal? Consumer products the same as life-saving products? I guess if you walk by somebody being raped on the side of the street you can choose to stand there and watch or just keep on walking or you can do something about it. There is no rule stating that you need to intervene in that case, however it is a matter of good and evil, right and wrong. There's an element of humanity that's involved in medicine and helping those who suffer. I guess you don't possess that element.

Yeah, I mean, why do we have to tell the truth? Why do we have to name what it is that you are, and what it is that you're doing? We spoil everything.
ok, I'll appease your pea brain for a second, explain how my point of view is communist

You said there needs to be a balance in everything. However, your pat answer when it comes to balance involves the government doing everything to create what you call balanced.
I would love for government to be as little involved as possible with private business. When I see abuse and wreckless was from powerful companies that directly effects consumers the government understandably steps in. This is the balance that I'm talking about

So, no gov interference, ie no regulations? But at the same time, you want to protect the consumer?
It's not an all or nothing... I support the purpose of government intervention through regulation to protect the consumer. I just wish our companies could be responsible enough to not need much of it. If Companies keep abusing their power all its going to do is grow gov involvement. It is very unfortunate
What forces CAUSE the waste and fraud?

Ask Hillary. She knows all too well. Greed, selfishness, entitlement mentality, feeling that because you are left wing, you are "entitled" to make the taxpayer money disappear... Democrat Party "values..."

When government people steal, they get rewarded.

When corporations steal, they go out of business.

THAT's why government greed is worse, it keeps on going and going...
Wrong.....greedy politicians are the countries main problem........they take our tax money and spend it on themselves and their allies.....and we can't send them enough tax money to satisfy their greed....
With no FDA how do we prevent dangerous drugs from flooding the market?

That's a good question.

Think if there were no federal agency regulating electrical appliances and devices? Millions would die from electrocution and fires each year, because ONLY government cares for you..

Oh wait, there in fact IS NO SUCH FEDERAL AGENCY... :eek:

So millions MUST be dying from electrical appliances, I mean, ONLY government can save us from the greedy capitalist pigs..

Except that who REALLY does it is something called "Underwriters Laboratories." Any appliance you buy has a U/L registration number on it. U/L is 100% voluntary and 100% private.

HOW CAN THIS BE? Only government can save us - as you have repeatedly claimed. To be 100% safe we need 100% government - it's the democrat credo. Yet U/L, with a record of success hundreds of times better than the FDA is voluntary, and private.

The answer is simple, consumers demand safe products, We don't want to die in electrical fires, and the greedy running dog capitalist pig insurance companies didn't want to pay life and fire insurance claims for electrical fires. So the UNDERWRITERS of the insurance policies developed a system of testing and rating that is vastly more effective than government efforts such as the FDA.

I'm not doubting the the FDA creates a long approval process and has much room for better efficiency but I haven't heard one person site specifically what "red tape" measures are erroneous, per this discussion.

What if the generic epipens were failing and dangerous?

Once again, U/L and IEEE have far better records of protecting public safety than the Phen-Fen FDA does.
Its nice that you have such faith in companies and consumers but your scenario is just not reality. Look at history and look at other countries that have no regulations. You use electronics as an example? How about you review something that is an actual risk or threat to life and health... Medicine, Food, Transportation, Energy etc.

We aren't talking about protecting people from a malfunctioning iPhone, we are talking about human lives.

Look at examples, like:

Contaminated Medicine that has resulted in many deaths around the world:
List of medicine contamination incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Polluted food and water sources causing Typhoid fever and other illnesses resulting in death and illness:
The 10 Deadliest Outbreaks in U.S. History -- Revisited | Food Safety News

The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:
Policy Impact: Seat Belts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

The nuclear weapons plant in Colorado that illegally dumped and polluted the surrounding land with radio active waste:
Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of course. Johnny Depp getting $500 million for 6 months work isn't greed, because he donates to the Clinton foundation. :thup: Besides, they aren't "rich," The rich people you hate at those doctors and dentists who make $250,000 a year for working 80 hour weeks.

As I've said for decades; there is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

How about you take your meds?
There is a big difference between somebody that makes a fortune from entertaining people versus a company that is making money from inflating the prices of medicine that could save the lives of human beings. Where people who can not afford to pay for their products suffer and/or die. Common, you know that analogy is BS.

Not one bit of difference. Both provide a product that people want. One is entertainment and one is medicine.
You don't think there is a difference between entertainment and medicine?

Y'all are crazy, consumer products are one thing, the health and well being of our citizens, of all human beings, is something that is completely different. Not everybody needs a new Porsche or pair of air Jordan's, but if somebody is sick and suffering and we have the resources and ability to ease the pain or save a life then we sure as hell better do it.

Not when it comes to the issue being discussed. None, whatsoever.

You know what this gives you bleeding hearts ANOTHER opportunity to do. Prove you have compassion for those that say they can't afford something and buy it for them with your money. You won't because your answer is always government, government, government.
You say No, then throw out a generic insult... Want to try again to make a valid point?

Are you saying that you think compassion can come from anything but a willful act by the giver? Are you saying the government should stay out of this issue?

I made a point. You refused to accept the truth of it.
Canada is a much smaller market. hell the reason they jacked up the US prices is probably to cover the cost in Canada.
First you say they won't sell it if the price is regulated. Then when I show you where they are selling it for $100 it in a regulated market, you make up some more BS. The fact that the US is a bigger market gives us even more leverage to impose price controls.

or they can tell us to just piss off.

And what is the mechanism for forcing them to sell it at a certain price?
I don't know. Ask Canada. They've got the price down to $100.00. In the US we pay $600.00 because drug prices aren't regulated. How freakng hard is that to understand?

Actually $300 because you idiots keep swapping back and forth between a single unit and the two pack, whenever it suits your narrative.
You're falling flat again. Even at $300, that's 50% less than Americans pay. It's cheaper in Canada because of of government price controls

and you have to beg some government stooge to get your epi pen. No thanks.
They got an increase in funding via the plan shown in the article a "tax" on manufacturers, and the review time WENT UP.

Now they promise it will all be fixed by 2017, and they are running out of time on that one as well.
I'm not seeing where regulations are causing the problem. It appears to be a large backlog of applications due to an ineffective department in need of an overhaul

What about the SIZE of the application required? Why do you think it takes so long to go through one of the damn things?
The size of an application isn't really a regulation, but I can see where that could make the application process run quicker... Have you seen an application? Do you know how big it is and what areas you feel are unnecessary to analyze?

The amount of regulations dictates the size and complexity of the package.

I am not intimately familiar with FDA protocols, But I deal with regulations when it comes to construction and wastewater treatment, and even those are needlessly complex and require inane amounts of reporting.
I'm just not seeing it man... Your statements seem to be based on assumptions not on fact. You can complain about the regulations in construction and wastewater management if thats what you have experience in but without knowing the FDA process you can't make an educated critique.

Personally, I don't mind a thorough application for things like drugs, construction, and utilities that directly effect the health and safety of our public. I have family that works for one of the largest water companies in the US and I understand the pain in the ass that regulations cause. I watch the city council meetings and hear the debates. In a democracy we have a responsibility to listen to the concerns of the people so if a group wants to limit development because of environmental reasons or otherwise their voices get to be heard. I don't always like it and understand the frustrations but we don't just say screw you we are a private company and we get to do whatever we want whether you like it or not.

Again, no one is saying "no regulations", the issue is government keeps adding new crap without removing the old stuff or at least incorporating it, or considering the impact of it.

Look at the boondoggle with the new "improved" portable gas containers to see the impact of "fuck you" regulations.
With no FDA how do we prevent dangerous drugs from flooding the market?

That's a good question.

Think if there were no federal agency regulating electrical appliances and devices? Millions would die from electrocution and fires each year, because ONLY government cares for you..

Oh wait, there in fact IS NO SUCH FEDERAL AGENCY... :eek:

So millions MUST be dying from electrical appliances, I mean, ONLY government can save us from the greedy capitalist pigs..

Except that who REALLY does it is something called "Underwriters Laboratories." Any appliance you buy has a U/L registration number on it. U/L is 100% voluntary and 100% private.

HOW CAN THIS BE? Only government can save us - as you have repeatedly claimed. To be 100% safe we need 100% government - it's the democrat credo. Yet U/L, with a record of success hundreds of times better than the FDA is voluntary, and private.

The answer is simple, consumers demand safe products, We don't want to die in electrical fires, and the greedy running dog capitalist pig insurance companies didn't want to pay life and fire insurance claims for electrical fires. So the UNDERWRITERS of the insurance policies developed a system of testing and rating that is vastly more effective than government efforts such as the FDA.

I'm not doubting the the FDA creates a long approval process and has much room for better efficiency but I haven't heard one person site specifically what "red tape" measures are erroneous, per this discussion.

What if the generic epipens were failing and dangerous?

Once again, U/L and IEEE have far better records of protecting public safety than the Phen-Fen FDA does.

Perfect example pal...perfect.
Its nice that you have such faith in companies and consumers but your scenario is just not reality. Look at history and look at other countries that have no regulations. You use electronics as an example? How about you review something that is an actual risk or threat to life and health... Medicine, Food, Transportation, Energy etc.

We aren't talking about protecting people from a malfunctioning iPhone, we are talking about human lives.

Look at examples, like:

Contaminated Medicine that has resulted in many deaths around the world:
List of medicine contamination incidents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That can't be! You have your beloved government to protect you.

Polluted food and water sources causing Typhoid fever and other illnesses resulting in death and illness:
The 10 Deadliest Outbreaks in U.S. History -- Revisited | Food Safety News

The effect that the seatbelt law has had on save human life in auto accidents:
Policy Impact: Seat Belts | Motor Vehicle Safety | CDC Injury Center

The nuclear weapons plant in Colorado that illegally dumped and polluted the surrounding land with radio active waste:
Rocky Flats Plant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But GOVERNMENT is that answer to all questions, how is it possible that adulterated food and drugs exist with our crack FDA on the case?

Oh and moron, U/L deals with electric stoves, pool pumps, electric heaters, etc. Stuff that will kill you dead in an instant if it malfunctions.

Unlike your beloved government - U/L has a sterling record. As does the IEEE who designed the grid that carries 480 volt power to you apartment and the government agency you're employed with.
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EpiPen can go to hell. My friend has a shellfish allergy that leads to an anaphylactic reaction... Her throat closes up. She can't afford to buy an EpiPen and her insurance doesn't cover it. Further more they expire after a year so she would have to drop $600 for a pen that expires and needs to get tossed after only a year. Instead she doesn't have one and takes a risk every time she eats out. In the mean time the EpiPen execs and laughing their way to the bank

Mylan executives gave themselves raises as they hiked EpiPen prices

The patent on the drug in an epi pen and the mechanism itself should have run out a long time ago. All the FDA has to do is promise fast track approval for anyone who wants to make an equivalent product, and the manufacturer's hold on the market would wither away.

Yes, the company is greedy, but government regulations that make it next to impossible to field an equal product shares part of the blame. It's what creates the bottleneck in the first place.
If the patent has expired, then it shouldn't be that expensive. Making generic versions of formerly patented drugs is big business. The generic version normally costs less than 1/10th of the patented drug.

However, drug makers play tricks to maintain their patents. For example, they will combine two drugs that have expired patents that are often taken in combination and patent the combination. That might cost the patient $300/mo. However, if the doctor isn't a moron, he can simply prescribe the two drugs separately, and then it costs the patient $30.

The cost savings via generics only comes into play when there are multiple players on the field. Currently the FDA has a 2-3 year wait for generic drug approval, AFTER the paperwork has gone in.

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