Capitol Attack Panel Obtains PowerPoint That Set Out Plan For trump To Stage Coup

More proof of the attempt to topple our government. And the dude at the top of the pile is threatening to run again so he can finish the job of destroying the country.

Republicans have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

They’re willing to destroy democracy to create the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
That is what Obama is doing right now with his puppet incest Joe.
‘…the PowerPoint reportedly included proposals for Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 6 to reject electors from “states where fraud occurred” or replace them with Republican electors. It also included a third proposal seeking a delay in the certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory, with the deployment of U.S. marshals and National Guard troops to help “secure” and count paper ballots in key states.’ ibid

Given this and more, you and other conservatives continue to support and defend Trump.

Such is the reprehensible, criminal, treasonous right.
Republicans have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

They’re willing to destroy democracy to create the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
They cannot
Republicans have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, our democratic institutions, and the will of the people.

They’re willing to destroy democracy to create the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
They cannot be trusted to govern again. They have shown themselves to be willing to allow an Authoritarian wannabe to destroy our electoral system. They are ready to destroy this country as they cower to the Liar in Chief.
oh yes, it is just another example of a criminal president trying to overthrow an election. Nixon never came close to the criminal acts of trump. These attempts were a coordinated effort to overturn an election. Nixon covered up a two bit break in.

The DOJ needs to take this evidence and start prosecuting all those involved in these plots. Start with some of the people at the Willard and squeeze them until they give up the big dog....trump.

Prosecuting them for what?

Presenting a slide of things that were illegal and immoral to do? For contemplating doing them?

Or just because?
Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible......Bathhouse Barry.
The 'go to' talking point of Hannity when trying to protect his daddy.
Without context, of course.

That comment was about the US missiles aimed at Russia and Russian missiles aimed at Europe.
Do you know what Obama did? Nothing.

Do you know what Putin's puppet did?
Trump cancelled it, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty agreement signed by Reagan in 1987.

February 1 2019
The United States is suspending its participation in a key arms control agreement with Russia, and will leave the pact completely in six months, the Trump administration announced Friday.

Leaving his daddy to build and stage more missiles at the European border.

Vlad is grateful to the useless, orange idiot.

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