Capitol Hill Taking Summer Vacation Shouldn't they actually work first


Aug 4, 2014
Hard working Americans working 40 hours + a week keeping this country going working
Weekends and holidays (my self included ) even Christmas eve not getting any vacation days
Paying taxes to live a middle class life struggling to keep food on our tables, And every time we turn on the T.V. Capitol Hill or President Obama is going on Vacation or giving them self raises and for what they barley work they don't get anything accomplished they fight and blame each other and don't take responsibilities for anything while our national debt rises and people get more and more frustrated with our government its a bunch of garbage and Obama is out of control.
Hard working Americans working 40 hours + a week keeping this country going working
Weekends and holidays (my self included ) even Christmas eve not getting any vacation days
Paying taxes to live a middle class life struggling to keep food on our tables, And every time we turn on the T.V. Capitol Hill or President Obama is going on Vacation or giving them self raises and for what they barley work they don't get anything accomplished they fight and blame each other and don't take responsibilities for anything while our national debt rises and people get more and more frustrated with our government its a bunch of garbage and Obama is out of control.

As long as Dirty Harry Reid has the Senate at a standstill, everyone might as well go home. Around 350 bills, passed by the house, are sitting in Dirty Harry's in-basket, and he hasn't allowed a single one to be acted on by the Senate. He is deathly afraid that some of them would pass the senate.
Our government is so corrupt and in a dead lock what do you think needs to be done ?
Hard working Americans working 40 hours + a week keeping this country going working
Weekends and holidays (my self included ) even Christmas eve not getting any vacation days
Paying taxes to live a middle class life struggling to keep food on our tables, And every time we turn on the T.V. Capitol Hill or President Obama is going on Vacation or giving them self raises and for what they barley work they don't get anything accomplished they fight and blame each other and don't take responsibilities for anything while our national debt rises and people get more and more frustrated with our government its a bunch of garbage and Obama is out of control.

LMAO... And while Obama golfs every other fricking day. :lol:

What are we supposed to do mad scientist the American people have no power anymore the government made it that way they got us into this mess by being corrupt liars and only caring about themselves we have a voice but they will never listen because we let the run ramped for to long the more we let them get away with the more they will take.
I can fully appreciate the "throw the bums out" mentality. It's just that sometimes we go from bad to worse that way.
No, they should actually be on Recess for much longer periods. The less they're around, the less damage they do. They should only meet a few times a year, and for very short sessions. We desperately need less Government at this point.
Where do Americans get the impression that the country is gonna' crash and burn unless Government is "doing something"?

The country is crashing and burning BECAUSE Government is doing something! Government is the problem!

Spot On. They've been conditioned to believe Big Brother should be all up in their business. Because he knows what's best for em. It's all about the conditioning. It starts very early on in childhood. This video on American 'Schooling' may help better understand the process...

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I see it like MAD SCIENTIST except I'd like to see the border shut down as my number one priority . I do get annoyed when these taxpayer paid employees get the perks , vacations that they get .
Border chaos and infiltration of the USA and these highly paid civil servant jerks go on vacation but thats my only issue .
I agree with smaller government but there the only people who have the power to change things American
Citizens have no power we have to make them see the problems we have to push them to act we have to stand together we out number them 100 to 1 and people need to understand that, they need us we make this country run were the cab drivers, the fast food workers, the garbage men etc. Its to hard to survive anymore the way our country is being run. They can start by taking pay cuts i wish i could make 500 thousand a year for sitting on my ass and not doing anything
Every time Congress goes on vacation my first thought is always, "From what?" :) Second thought's usually something about the French Revolution and how spoiled the ruling class had become until the working class put their heads on sticks. :)
Its not just summer vacation they take either, they take weeks off for every holiday, pay them selves thousands of dollars to do nothing, sleep on the job, play phone video games, go home to there 5 houses and drive there 20 cars when we all struggle to keep our one house and one car while working our asses off.
If there was one government I would replicate on the planet it would be Switzerland's structure of government.

I'm not talking their policies. Please don't misunderstand me. But how they conduct their business of "being a servant of the people" is freaking awesome.
If there was one government I would replicate on the planet it would be Switzerland's structure of government.

I'm not talking their policies. Please don't misunderstand me. But how they conduct their business of "being a servant of the people" is freaking awesome.

Being member of parliament is not a full-time job in Switzerland (at least they are not paid accordingly ...). Formally, parliament meets four times a year for several weeks. In between, each member has to read proposals for new laws individually and to attend one-day conferences of commissions.
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No, they should actually be on Recess for much longer periods. The less they're around, the less damage they do. They should only meet a few times a year, and for very short sessions. We desperately need less Government at this point.

That was the original intent of the "citizen legislature"...
A person was elected, spent most of their time at 'home'. Went to Washington to take care of the business of the people, then they went home.
Then the next person would run for the office to take their place.
Today political office is viewed as a career.
In fact, no government employee should be permitted to serve more than 20 years.
There are far too many entrenched ( like a tick on a deer) federal employees whose job it is to figure out ways to keep their jobs.

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