Capitol insurrection hearings.

"you people?"

wth? What are you trying to say? :dunno:
My iPad tends to skip words when I go to fast.

the phrase “you had people who felt called to action by their president, you people who got swept into it due to mob energy,”

lost a “had”.

as in you had people who got swept into it

Do you have a point?
Are you implying that they didn't earn those awards? That's odd coming from a so-called military veteran. You should be ashamed.
Ever see a combat soldier being interviewed? Were they whimpering and crying? Oh God, I could see my life passing before my eyes and I thought I would never see my mommy again and I was so scared and I peed in my pants. Nope. Soldier says, "I was just doing my job." See the difference?
The bunker is irrelevant. It’s a hypothetical. For purposes of the hypothetical, Trump or any president for that matter, isn’t in the bunker. Congress wasn’t in a bunker.

So in your hypothetical the Secret Service is incompetent. GOT IT!!!!!!!! Hell even in the movie Olympus Has Fallen, the president made it to the bunker. And that consisted of a an attack by trained armed invaders.

It was a public building not private property. These hearings are a travesty of overacting.
There should be hearings and prosecutions. But it is the FBI and Nancy Pelosi that should be investigated and they, along with anyone who touched a cop or broke something in the Capital, or encouraged someone to touch a cop or break something in the Capital, should be charged with a crime.
Where I was? At home condemning it. Just like I was here stating that while I understand the right of people to protest, I found mass demonstrations in times of a pandemic a monumentally bad idea and further said that riots are a criminal act.

As to your last question. I don't have to explain, because I don't know what happened, neither do you. Although I find it very unlikely that some cop decided a petite woman with nothing in her hand was a threat. A more likely explanation is that she was shot by accident. Either by a cop missing a shot at someone who was being a threat, or by someone actively struggling with a cop causing an accidental discharge of a weapon.

No; the most likely narrative - the actual narrative and the actual truth, is that the Capital Police had taken their protectorates to the inner portions of the Capital and locked the doors to keep rioters out. The rioters broke the window to the area where the protectorates were and someone was climbing in the window with hundreds more behind that someone to, presumably, come next.

Just like someone said, if it was Antifa rioters and they were at your house and your protectorates - meaning your wife and children - were locked in the basement and the Antifa rioters kicked open the door to the basement and you're looking at just a handful of those rioters as the first one starts down the stairs, you'd shoot that first one and everyone you could get before they ran... And I'd defend your choice to do it. And you know you'd do it.
So in your hypothetical the Secret Service is incompetent. GOT IT!!!!!!!! Hell even in the movie Olympus Has Fallen, the president made it to the bunker. And that consisted of a an attack by trained armed invaders.

Yeah. Like I said. I’ve brought it up a bunch of times and none of y’all ever want to actually address it.

You know I’m right.
Uh huh.

Nice “out” for you.
It's not an "out."

I don't pretend to have knowledge that I do not have.

Apparently you are omniscient.

I am so glad we are graced to have you as our moderator. Thank you for controlling the truth here at USMB. :rock:

Trump, maobama, wild willie and jumma might be surprised to hear that.

I’m sure Obama and Clinton are aware they aren’t public servants.

Trump maybe not. He might actually still think he’s president.

Either way, four times the budget and one tenth the protected?

I guess little Tucker didn’t really talk about that.

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