Capitol insurrection hearings.

So you're saying going forward, unarmed rioters, looters and arsonist should be shot and no one should be surprised. No need for anything other than deadly force when the odds are three grown, trained men against one, small unarmed woman. Got it.

I see you’re still ignoring the “murder elected officials” part.

Typical brainwashed Trump supporter.
That might be your opinion, it's not mine.

Nope. That’s the message we get from conservatives.

White people must be the dominant cultural and political group.

Or else they are in danger of being “replaced”.
Nope. That’s the message we get from conservatives.

White people must be the dominant cultural and political group.

Or else they are in danger of being “replaced”.
No, that’s the message your handlers are telling you to believe, Dumbass.

i note you bring not a single example to back up your bullshit lies.
I see you’re still ignoring the “murder elected officials” part.

Typical brainwashed Trump supporter.

And you keep ignoring the FACT that no elected officials were ever actually in jeopardy. Not one had a hand laid on them. Now feel free to disregard the facts and continue to the "what ifs".

And you keep ignoring the FACT that no elected officials were ever actually in jeopardy. Not one had a hand laid on them. Now feel free to disregard the facts and continue to the "what ifs".

No one laid a hand on horn because Capitol police were protecting them.

Which is exactly why Babbitt was shot.
Nope. That’s the message we get from conservatives.

White people must be the dominant cultural and political group.

Or else they are in danger of being “replaced”.

I don't give a fuck what color a politician is as long as they love this country and its values. There are many of all stripes that don't. The freak 4 are fine examples.

No one laid a hand on horn because Capitol police were protecting them.

Which is exactly why Babbitt was shot.

Oh bullshit, she could have been subdued within seconds had she made it through that window. There were multiple people protecting a single entry point. Lethal force was not necessary.

Edit, how many horns were the capitol police protecting?

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How many times are you going to repeat this InfoWars fantasy without giving an credible evidence to back your claim?

Seasoned cops commit suicide after an insurrection (attempted, failed) by a bunch of yahoos rallied on by President Cheeto Jesus....left a lot of them injured and such. Coincidence? Perhaps, but damned suspicious timing.

You're making the claim; back it up.
In response to your first lie (the rest of your screed is about the can't stand up to scrutiny):

View attachment 522096

Wow; you found one. BFD. Did you also find where they rioted, threw bricks at police, boarded up occupied buildings before lighting them on fire? Clearly not the same thing or evidence of a WLM movement anything at all like the racist BLM movement.
Looting a foot locker has a little different level of concern than someone breaking into the Capitol to murder members of the government.
Actually, yes, looting Foot Locker should be a shoot-on-site offense. It destroys our law and order and our society.

But a far more clear comparison is this where rioters boarded up the police precinct building and then light it on fire. Clear, beyond any doubt, attempt to murder government officials.

What do you think would have happened had the cops opened fire on those rioters - I wish they had and much of the rest of this would never have happened.
I don't give a fuck what color a politician is as long as they love this country and its values. There are many of all stripes that don't. The freak 4 are fine examples.

But to many on the right such as Carlson, loving this country and loving its values means loving it as a white nation.

To them, people of color are not consistent with the nation and it’s values. Their opinions are suppresser, and their history is rewritten.
Oh bullshit, she could have been subdued within seconds had she made it through that window. There were multiple people protecting a single entry point. Lethal force was not necessary.

Edit, how many horns were the capitol police protecting?

There were multiple people protecting the entry point. And there were many times that number beating down the doors.

Although they could have subdued her, they’d be making themselves vulnerable to being overwhelmed by the mob.
Same thing, you are confusing the issue at hand. The attempted overthrow of our government by right-wing elements far outweighs anything left ever did. That is treason.
There was no attempted overthrow of the government. Don't be stupid. They were protesting. Some forgot that both the Constitution and President Trump called for peaceful protest, as did many thousands in Antifa, BLM, and the leftists in Congress calling for more violence on the streets.

There was no plan, no expectation, and no desire or attempt, to overthrow the government. Don't be a fucking idiot. There's plenty of room for argument on both sides about what happened and why but when you through out stupid shit that you know isn't true you just make it not worth even reading what you have to say.
The people gathered at the White House for Trump's Peppa rally were used as pawns by Trump. The real insurrectionists were meeting with Trump's buddy Stone on the Capitol grounds. He and the militia leaders were making their final plans on the attack. That's the truth as I see it but getting it proved is almost impossible because Trump covered almost all the bases. He is and always has been a snake in the grass. Just look at the company he keeps, they're all malcontents.
Actually, 99% of those there were peaceful protesters following Trump's call for peaceful protest. Some there, though, were taken in and participated with the actual planners: the FBI and their agents, both badged and unbadged.
Actually, yes, looting Foot Locker should be a shoot-on-site offense. It destroys our law and order and our society.

But a far more clear comparison is this where rioters boarded up the police precinct building and then light it on fire. Clear, beyond any doubt, attempt to murder government officials.

What do you think would have happened had the cops opened fire on those rioters - I wish they had and much of the rest of this would never have happened.
Property damage isn’t something that cops are going to open fire on.

Babbitt wasn’t shot because she broke a window. She was shot because she broke a window that was the last line of defense before the violent mob reached the people the police were sworn to protect who had no further means of retreat.
experience would show you’re not willing to listen.

But have fun:

How is someone claiming Tucker is a white-supremacist evidence that he actually is a white-supremacist? The only thing your post proves is that you have never actually watched Tucker's show and that all you know of him is what you hear watching other lying leftists. In fact, it proves that you get all of your information from opinion pieces and not from any understanding or research of actual facts. If you get all of your news and information from Pravda, guess what you're going to be? What you are?
The amount trump cult whataboutism in this thread is approaching landfill status.
It's not Trump Whataboutism. It's demonstrating the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the left - the left in Congress, the left in other political positions, the left in the main-stream fake news, and even the left on this site and the left in this thread.

Since not one of you in that list I just made can provide any evidence of Trump calling for a riot or an overthrow of government or even for anyone to trespass or otherwise break the law - any law - all you have is your hypocrisy to lean on and since you won't listen to the facts, and can't provide facts of your own for us to rebutt, all we have is to show that you're nothing but a bunch of lying hypocrites and the past 5 years of TDS are all the proof required.
Tucker wants to make sure that minorities don’t overtake white people in this country.

To him, that would be a terrible thing, because white people are the only people who can govern.
The only ones trying to make sure that minorities don't overtake white people are the left. It is the left who do all they can to make sure we remain near the bottom of western nations in every category of education: math, science, reading, writing, history, etc. It is the left who keep telling black and brown children that they are incapable of making it on their own and that they're too dumb to get IDs, or to accomplish anything more than living on the Democratic plantation that is the modern welfare system.

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