Capitol insurrection hearings.

Property damage isn’t something that cops are going to open fire on.

Babbitt wasn’t shot because she broke a window. She was shot because she broke a window that was the last line of defense before the violent mob reached the people the police were sworn to protect who had no further means of retreat.
Property damage is something that cops should open fire on when it's looting and rioting. At a minimum, rubber bullets and tazers followed by 20 year sentences, no parole.

But I agree about Babbitt. All those conservatives who defend castle doctrine but don't understand why Babbitt had to be shot need to rethink it or register as Democrats. When someone comes into your castle through a window, you must assume that they intend to harm you.
Property damage is something that cops should open fire on when it's looting and rioting.
I disagree. I don’t want to live in a country that shoots people on sight for breaking a window. That’s what happens in authoritarian hell holes. Not liberal democracies.
I disagree. I don’t want to live in a country that shoots people on sight for breaking a window. That’s what happens in authoritarian hell holes. Not liberal democracies.
No one said shoot someone for breaking a window, did they? Looting and rioting are not petty crimes like breaking windows.
you srote “just a lot who think black genes are inferior”

and I replied that is not true
Actually, you replied that you had just said that is not true. Of course, that's false, as anyone can scroll up and see. Also, you're wrong, and this was just another vehicle for you -- clearly NOT a racist *wink wink -- to shit on black people.
Since not one of you in that list I just made can provide any evidence of Trump calling for a riot or an overthrow of government or even for anyone to trespass or otherwise break the law - any law -
Am I on the list?
I've seen the HD daylight video of Trump doing so, including warning his sycophants that if they weren't strong, they wouldn't have a country anymore. Trump belongs in a small metal cage.
But to many on the right such as Carlson, loving this country and loving its values means loving it as a white nation.

To them, people of color are not consistent with the nation and it’s values. Their opinions are suppresser, and their history is rewritten.

Yep, I know there are a few folks like that, I haven't seen it in Carlson on the occasions I've seen him. They are such a small minority they don't really matter. Well except for you commies to spin as propaganda and trying to use it as a club on people who don't subscribe.

There were multiple people protecting the entry point. And there were many times that number beating down the doors.

Although they could have subdued her, they’d be making themselves vulnerable to being overwhelmed by the mob.

Yeah, you got a video of the doors moving, I haven't seen one. Short of that there was no justification for fire on anyone.

Property damage is something that cops should open fire on when it's looting and rioting. At a minimum, rubber bullets and tazers followed by 20 year sentences, no parole.

But I agree about Babbitt. All those conservatives who defend castle doctrine but don't understand why Babbitt had to be shot need to rethink it or register as Democrats. When someone comes into your castle through a window, you must assume that they intend to harm you.

Babbitt owned that castle just as much as anyone else. The police are sworn to serve and protect everyone, that includes law breakers. You don't kill someone for trespassing when they present no danger, and Babbitt posed no danger to anyone.

But to many on the right such as Carlson, loving this country and loving its values means loving it as a white nation.

To them, people of color are not consistent with the nation and it’s values. Their opinions are suppresser, and their history is rewritten.
colfax_m got any examples from Carlson’s mouth, or just your incoherent dumbass rambling lies?
Property damage isn’t something that cops are going to open fire on.

Babbitt wasn’t shot because she broke a window. She was shot because she broke a window that was the last line of defense before the violent mob reached the people the police were sworn to protect who had no further means of retreat.

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