Capitol insurrection hearings.

Not needing to lie or cheat
It's too early I should be posting this early in the morning. I found another error in my statement above x 2. Trump went to Wharton Business College, associated with the University of Pennsylvania. He was admitted on a " special favor ". Which means you didn't meet the requirements for entry. Trump has stated that he graduated first in his class, yet he was not on the Dean's list for 1968, how could that be ? His professor of economics said of Trump; " Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had. " long before he ever became president. Many of the other students at the college indicated Trump loathed studying, often skipped classes and spent weekends in New York. Trump also claims he has a high IQ , Tillerson challenged that by offering to take an indepently monitored IQ test. Trump refused. Trump always had money, and he likes to cheat, so I believe he bought his way through college. Now, I am going back to bed. Try to have a good day, I plan on it.
The riot on 1-6 was not normal

but neither are the riots taking place in deep blue cities across America over the year leading up to jan 2021

they are anarchy aimed at destroying this country

Democrat liberal lawlessness fueled the anger on 1-6 that disturbes you so much
Off topic, civil rights have nothing to do with this issue, white supremacy on the other hand does. In short, it caused the whole problem, both problems if you think about it.
While I am pumping up my tires for my daily bike ride, I have the “capitol insurrection hearings” playing on my TV with the sound turned off. This is the best way to take in what is happening.

But the Democrats and their treasonous 'Resistance' scam when Trump won in 2016, which Pelosi openly endorsed, followed by the usual riots and encouragement of hate crimes was 'different n stuff'. Yes, it is indeed a fake railroad job by gangsters with zero shame in their shallow hypocrisies.
Off topic, civil rights have nothing to do with this issue, white supremacy on the other hand does.
99.99999% of trump supporters are not white supremacists

but neither are they guilt-ridden white libs crawling to shine black people’s shoes
Hyperbole. How many times did xiden and kneepads say "fight", do you think they meant it literally?
Fight has lots of meanings depending on connotations.

Hanging someone doesn't.

I'm taking them at their word because the consequences of not doing so could be deadly. So when someone is shot breaking into the capitol as people are chanting for the deaths of members of government, don't be surprised when someone gets hurt.
If you mean twist his words to something he didnt say then believe me
His words don’t need to be twisted. They just need to be listened to.

Carlson represents the worst urges of the country. Why else would he put such a polite face of Hungarian fascism?

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