Capitol insurrection hearings.

They also murdered a security officer and shot a second at a courthouse in Oakland.
Same thing, you are confusing the issue at hand. The attempted overthrow of our government by right-wing elements far outweighs anything left ever did. That is treason.
Same thing, you are confusing the issue at hand. The attempted overthrow of our government by right-wing elements far outweighs anything left ever did. That is treason.
Not hardly. They also shot a police officer in Las Vegas. Cowards walked up and shot him in the back of the head. Nationwide coordinated rioting ,looting,robery and assaults to sway an election.
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Not hardly. They also shot a police officer in Las Vegas. Cowards walked up and shot him in the back of the head. Nationwide coordinated rioting ,looting,robery and assaults.
We're talking about the Capitol, not some other criminals somewhere else. Stay on the subject or get off this thread.
Sure…burning people to death is nothing compared to climbing through a window.
All I can assume is you're not all there, you can't seem to comprehend but this thread is about the Capitol insurrection. Yes there are left wing criminals and there are right wing criminals. Right now we're talkin about right wing ones that invaded the Capitol. If you are all together then I can only assume you were one of the criminals that dishonored our nation that infamous day in history. Pearl harbor was a attack on our nation by a foreign power. The attack on the Capitol was perpetrated by our own people, that makes it worse, that makes it treason.
Hyperbole. How many times did xiden and kneepads say "fight", do you think they meant it literally?

The people gathered at the White House for Trump's Peppa rally were used as pawns by Trump. The real insurrectionists were meeting with Trump's buddy Stone on the Capitol grounds. He and the militia leaders were making their final plans on the attack. That's the truth as I see it but getting it proved is almost impossible because Trump covered almost all the bases. He is and always has been a snake in the grass. Just look at the company he keeps, they're all malcontents.
The people gathered at the White House for Trump's Peppa rally were used as pawns by Trump. The real insurrectionists were meeting with Trump's buddy Stone on the Capitol grounds. He and the militia leaders were making their final plans on the attack. That's the truth as I see it but getting it proved is almost impossible because Trump covered almost all the bases. He is and always has been a snake in the grass. Just look at the company he keeps, they're all malcontents.
Real protesters do not set up gallows, do not come with weapons, bear spray, wrist restraints and bombs. They were prepared to kill, they thought they were doing something good for the country. That's the sickest part of all, Trump convince me d them his lies were true. Or anyone could be that gullible is beyond me. Thank God most of the people in the world and this nation can see through this sad excuse for a human being. I do not hate you, that's too easy, I feel sorry for him when all is said and done he's not at you doesn't know how to be a human being and it doesn't know how to be a decent American either.
The people gathered at the White House for Trump's Peppa rally were used as pawns by Trump. The real insurrectionists were meeting with Trump's buddy Stone on the Capitol grounds. He and the militia leaders were making their final plans on the attack. That's the truth as I see it but getting it proved is almost impossible because Trump covered almost all the bases. He is and always has been a snake in the grass. Just look at the company he keeps, they're all malcontents.

You folks need to make up your damn mind, is Trump some genius or a bumbling idiot. You can't have it both ways.

You folks need to make up your damn mind, is Trump some genius or a bumbling idiot. You can't have it both ways.

Trump is a psycho, as for intelligence his verbage is that of a 5th. grader. One of Trump's business teachers at Brown Business College said of Trump, " He was the dumbest student I ever had. ". Smart people are generally honest, decent, law-abiding people and content with their lives, and know what the truth is, not needing to lie or chest. Trump is a fool if nothing else, to go through life not learning anything good from it.
Trump is a psycho, as for intelligence his verbage is that of a 5th. grader. One of Trump's business teachers at Brown Business College said of Trump, " He was the dumbest student I ever had. ". Smart people are generally honest, decent, law-abiding people and content with their lives, and know what the truth is, not needing to lie or chest. Trump is a fool if nothing else, to go through life not learning anything good from it.
Not needing to lie or cheat
Same thing, you are confusing the issue at hand. The attempted overthrow of our government by right-wing elements far outweighs anything left ever did. That is treason.
They have to (try to) equate in the attack on our Capitol with the street riots. They have to pretend it was no big deal. Just a "normal tour".

And they think they're "patriots". All terrorists think they're "patriots".
They have to (try to) equate in the attack on our Capitol with the street riots. They have to pretend it was no big deal. Just a "normal tour".

And they think they're "patriots". All terrorists think they're "patriots".
I understand, this is really pathetic on their part.
They have to (try to) equate in the attack on our Capitol with the street riots. They have to pretend it was no big deal. Just a "normal tour".
The riot on 1-6 was not normal

but neither are the riots taking place in deep blue cities across America over the year leading up to jan 2021

they are anarchy aimed at destroying this country

Democrat liberal lawlessness fueled the anger on 1-6 that disturbes you so much
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